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Org Mode

#+TITLE: Org Pandoc Import
#+AUTHOR: tecosaur
The worst part about =org-mode=? Having to leave it.
This package aims to reduce this pain, in using two components:
1. ~org-pandoc-import-{to,as}-org~ allows you to easily import supported non-org files with Pandoc
2. ~org-pandoc-import-transient-mode~ which
- (via file handlers) intercepts requests for non-org files it knows it can convert
- uses ~org-pandoc-import-to-org~ to convert the file to a temporary org file
- opens this org file instead
- exports back to the original non-org file on save
* Screenshots
* Default backends
+ markdown :: associated with:, =.markdown=
+ LaTeX :: associated with: =.tex=, =.latex=
+ reST :: (~rst~) associated with: =.rst=
+ ODT :: associated with: =.odt=
+ DOCX :: associated with: =.docx=
+ Jupyter Notebooks :: (~ipynb~) associated with: =.ipynb=
+ Rmarkdown :: (~markdown~) associated with: =.Rmd=, =.rmd=
+ CSV :: associated with: =.csv=
+ TSV :: (~csv~) associated with: =.tsv=
** Default transient-mode backends
Please note that this mode is off by default.
It is however a global mode, so enable it once in your config and it will be
active everywhere.
The active transient backends are determined by
+ markdown :: using Org's ~gfm~ export if available, otherwise ~md~
+ ODT :: using Org's ~odt~ export
+ csv, tsv :: using ~org-table-export~
When ~ox-pandoc~ is avalible, the following formats are also enabled by default,
and use ~ox-pandoc~ to export.
+ rst
+ docx
* Adding new backends
For something supported out of the box by Pandoc, it couldn't be easier ---
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(org-pandoc-import-backend foo)
This will add ~foo~ to ~org-pandoc-import-backends~, and create the following
+ ~org-pandoc-import-foo-as-org~
+ ~org-pandoc-import-foo-to-org~
Which will reference these variables,
+ ~org-pandoc-import-foo-args~
+ ~org-pandoc-import-foo-filters~
+ ~org-pandoc-import-foo-preprocessors~
+ ~org-pandoc-import-foo-extensions~
That last variable will be set to ~("foo")~, and will cause
~org-pandoc-import-{to,as}-org~ to automatically select this backend when called
on files.
These all have docstrings --- check them out!