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Do it now

DONE cdlatex accents

And use the accent engine to make the abar -> \bar{a} style snippets.

TODO Decide what cdlatex snippets to keep

TODO Decide syntax for power

Needed expansions: ^i, ^j, ^ij, ^k, ^n, and maybe +1 versions too


We only need to consider collisions with words that start with 1 alphabet letter and then one of these expantions, see regexes.

p prefix

pi, pj, pn. Matching regex: ^[A-Za-z]p[ijkn]

p postfix

ip, jp, np. Matching regex: ^[A-Za-z][ijkn]p

TODO check regexes against English words

TODO Try to find how to generate undo entries

So users can easily undo expansions. Maybe even bind DEL in a transient map after expansions to undo expansions.

Look at buffer-undo-list and how smartparens does it.

DONE Org table <-> elisp code pipeline

The table -> code is preferable I think. Currently we have code -> table but we'd need to separate into separate vars holding snippet list source in order to format it to separate tables.

DONE Yasnippet expansions

Store the snippets source in a list/hashmap instead of separate files.

DONE Smart frac

DONE Finer grained subscripts

So a_11 becomes a11 - essentially you'd write a11 to get the subscripts.

In consideration

Stricter condition for some cases?

Sometimes texmathp isn't enough. Too many words contain the letters "to" to have it expand to \to unconditionally in maths.

Snippets for envs?

I'm not sure how much better we can do in this case compared to just yasnippet.

DONE Separating the engine from snippets

The Yasnippet route