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LaTeX Auto Activating Snippets

A chunky set of LaTeX snippets for the auto-activating-snippets engine.

Sample Configuration

(use-package laas
  :hook (LaTeX-mode . laas-mode)
  :config ; do whatever here
  (aas-set-snippets 'laas-mode
                    ;; set condition!
                    :cond #'texmathp ; expand only while in math
                    "supp" "\\supp"
                    "On" "O(n)"
                    "O1" "O(1)"
                    "Olog" "O(\\log n)"
                    "Olon" "O(n \\log n)"
                    ;; bind to functions!
                    "Sum" (lambda () (interactive)
                            (yas-expand-snippet "\\sum_{$1}^{$2} $0"))
                    "Span" (lambda () (interactive)
                             (yas-expand-snippet "\\Span($1)$0"))
                    ;; add accent snippets
                    :cond #'laas-object-on-left-condition
                    "qq" (lambda () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object "sqrt"))))



Note: The rendering on GitHub is a little wonkey. It should be understandable enough, but in any case you can also view this file from emacs:

(browse-url-emacs "")

Basic set

Basic snippets. Expand only inside maths.
!> \mapsto
+- ±
-+ \mp
=< \impliedby
== &=
=> \implies
cb ^3
iff \iff
notin ¬∈
sr ^2
xx ×
❘-> \mapsto
❘= \models
❘❘ \mid
arccos arccos
arccot \arccot
arccot \arccot
arccsc \arccsc
arcsec \arcsec
arcsin arcsin
arctan arctan
cos cos
cot cot
csc csc
exp exp
ln ln
log log
sin sin
gcd gcd
min min
max max
;a α
;b β
;;;c cos
;;;C arccos
;d δ
;D Δ
;e ε
;;e ε
;;;e exp
;;;E ln
;f ɸ
;;f φ
;F Φ
;g γ
;;;g lg
;G Γ
;;;G 10?
;h η
;;i ı
;I ι
;;I \Im
;;j ȷ
;k κ
;l λ
;;;l log
;L Λ
;m μ
;n ν
;;;n ln
;;;N exp
;o ω
;O Ω
;p π
;;p ϖ
;P Π
;q θ
;;q ϑ
;Q Θ
;r ρ
;;r \varrho
;;R \Re
;s σ
;;s ς
;;;s sin
;S Σ
;;;S arcsin
;t τ
;;;t tan
;;;T arctan
;u υ
;U Υ
;V Φ
;w ξ
;W Ξ
;x χ
;y ψ
;Y Ψ
;z ζ
;! ¬
;;- \longleftrightarrow
;* ×
;/ ¬
;❘ \mapsto
;;❘ \longmapsto
;;= \Longleftrightarrow
;;[ \Longleftarrow
;;] \Longrightarrow
;;< \longleftarrow
;;;< min
;;> \longrightarrow
;;;> max

Annoying Subscripts

Automatic subscripts! Expand In math and after a single letter.
ii X_i, or XYi if a subscript was typed already
ip1 i+1
jj X_j, or XYj if a subscript was typed already
jp1 j+1
nn X_n, or XYn if a subscript was typed already
np1 n+1
kk X_k, or XYk if a subscript was typed already
kp1 k+1
0 X_0, or XY0 if a subscript was typed already
1 X_1, or XY1 if a subscript was typed already
2 X_2, or XY2 if a subscript was typed already
3 X_3, or XY3 if a subscript was typed already
4 X_4, or XY4 if a subscript was typed already
5 X_5, or XY5 if a subscript was typed already
6 X_6, or XY6 if a subscript was typed already
7 X_7, or XY7 if a subscript was typed already
8 X_8, or XY8 if a subscript was typed already
9 X_9, or XY9 if a subscript was typed already

The infamous fraction

Frac snippet.
Expand to a template frac after //, or wrap the object before point if it isn~t /.

ab/ => \frac{ab}{}
// => \frac{}{}
/ See the docs of `laas-frac-snippet'

Simpler Accents

A simpler way to apply accents. Expand If LaTeX symbol immidiately before point.
'r Wrap in \mathrm{} or \textrm{}
'i Wrap in \mathit{} or \textit{}
'b Wrap in \mathbf{} or \textbf{}
'e Wrap in \mathemph{} or \textemph{}
'y Wrap in \mathtt{} or \texttt{}
'f Wrap in \mathsf{} or \textsf{}
'l Wrap in \textsl
'. Wrap in \dot{}
': Wrap in \ddot{}
'∽ Wrap in ~
'N Wrap in \widetilde{}
'^ Wrap in \hat{}
'H Wrap in \widehat{}
'- Wrap in \bar{}
'T Wrap in \overline{}
'_ Wrap in _line{}
'{ Wrap in \overbrace{}
'} Wrap in _brace{}
'> Wrap in \vec{}
'/ Wrap in \grave{}
'" Wrap in ´
'v Wrap in ✓
'u Wrap in \breve{}
'm Wrap in \mbox{}
'c Wrap in \mathcal{}
'0 Wrap in {\textstyle }
'1 Wrap in {\displaystyle }
'2 Wrap in {\scriptstyle }
'3 Wrap in {\scriptscriptstyle }
'q Wrap in \sqrt{}
..␣ Wrap in \dot{}
,. Wrap in \vec{}
., Wrap in \vec{}
∽␣ Wrap in ~
hat Wrap in \hat{}
bar Wrap in \overline{}