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TEC 2022-08-12 01:35:42 +08:00
commit f8ff868684
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2 changed files with 161 additions and 0 deletions

13 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#+title: Simple Comment Markup
#+author: tecosaur
#+html: <p><img src="">
#+html: <img src=",%20experimental-red?style=flat-square">
#+html: <a href=""><img src=""></a></p>
I feel like it's pretty natural to sprinkle a little bit of text markup into
code comments. It's unfortunate that they don't benefit from any extra
For those that would appreciate a light bit of markup fontification, one can now
~(require 'simple-comment-markup)~.

simple-comment-markup.el Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
;;; simple-comment-markup.el --- Simple markup fontification in comments -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 TEC
;; Author: TEC <>
;; Maintainer: TEC <>
;; Created: August 11, 2022
;; Modified: August 11, 2022
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Keywords: faces
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.3"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; Simple markup fontification in comments
;;; Code:
(defgroup simple-comment-markup nil
"Simple markup fontification in comments."
:group 'text
:prefix "simple-comment-markup-")
(defcustom simple-comment-markup-patterns
(:start "*" :end "*" :face bold)
(:start "/" :end "/" :face italic)
(:start "_" :end "_" :face underline)
(:start "~" :end "~" :face font-lock-doc-markup-face)
(:start "=" :end "=" :face font-lock-doc-markup-face))
(:start "*" :end "*" :face italic)
(:start "_" :end "_" :face italic)
(:start "**" :end "**" :face bold)
(:start "__" :end "__" :face bold)
(:start "***" :end "***" :face (bold italic))
(:start "`" :end "`" :face font-lock-doc-markup-face))
(:start "`" :end "`" :face font-lock-doc-markup-face))
(:start "\\(" :end "\\)" :face font-lock-string-face))
(:start "$" :end "$" :face font-lock-string-face)))
"Named sets of simple markup constructs."
:type '(alist :key-type (symbol :tag "Name")
(choice (const :start)
(const :end)
(const :face)
(const :function))
:value-type sexp)))
(defcustom simple-comment-markup-set 'org
:type '(choice symbol (repeat symbol)))
(defcustom simple-comment-markup-pre-rx
(rx (any space ?- ?\( ?' ?\" ?\{))
"Regexp that must occur immediately before a markup pattern.
This must not include any capturing groups."
:type 'regexp)
(defcustom simple-comment-markup-post-rx
(rx (or (any space ?- ?. ?, ?\; ?: ?! ?? ?' ?\" ?\) ?\} ?\\ ?\[) line-end))
"Regexp that must occur immediately after a markup pattern.
This must not include any capturing groups."
:type 'regexp)
(defface simple-comment-markup-face
'((t :inherit shadow))
"Face used for markup characters.")
(defun simple-comment-markup--get-patterns (&optional set)
"Return a flattened and sorted list of markup patterns from SET."
(let ((set (or set simple-comment-markup-set)))
(apply #'append
(lambda (pset)
(alist-get pset simple-comment-markup-patterns))
(if (consp set) set (list set)))))
(lambda (a b)
(string-lessp (plist-get b :start) (plist-get a :start))))))
(defun simple-comment-markup--construct-font-lock (&optional set)
"Return a font-lock construct for markup patterns from SET."
(let ((patterns (simple-comment-markup--get-patterns set)))
(apply #'append
(list (rx line-start (* blank) (literal comment-start)))
(lambda (pattern)
(let* ((confounding-start-characters
(delq nil
(lambda (pat)
(and (> (length (plist-get pat :start))
(length (plist-get pattern :start)))
(string= (plist-get pattern :start)
(plist-get pat :start)
0 (length (plist-get pattern :start))))
(aref (plist-get pat :start)
(length (plist-get pattern :start)))))
`(seq (not (any space ,@confounding-start-characters))
(*? not-newline)
(not space))))))
`((,(rx (regexp simple-comment-markup-pre-rx)
(group (literal (plist-get pattern :start)))
(group (regexp body-rx))
(group (literal (plist-get pattern :end)))
(regexp simple-comment-markup-post-rx))
(1 'simple-comment-markup-face t)
(2 '(face ,(plist-get pattern :face)) prepend)
(3 'simple-comment-markup-face t)))))
(defvar-local simple-comment-markup--font-lock-keywords nil)
(define-minor-mode simple-comment-markup-mode
"Simple markup fontification in comments."
:global nil
:group 'simple-comment-markup
(setq simple-comment-markup--font-lock-keywords
(font-lock-add-keywords nil simple-comment-markup--font-lock-keywords 'append))
(t (font-lock-remove-keywords nil simple-comment-markup--font-lock-keywords)))
(provide 'simple-comment-markup)
;;; simple-comment-markup.el ends here