Use eval-when-compile to define vars for compiled

By using eval-when-compile, the macros defining the variables are
executed, preventing the "undefined variable" warnings.
I've also snuck in a few extra tweaks (three undefined global variables,
and one that needed moving) that should make the byte-compiler happier.
This commit is contained in:
TEC 2021-06-04 18:20:37 +08:00
parent 03335d3821
commit 41b92a2a88
Signed by: tec
GPG Key ID: 779591AFDB81F06C
1 changed files with 179 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -55,6 +55,128 @@ Run after hardcoded setup, but before the screenshot is captured."
(defvar screenshot--region-end nil
"End of the region forming the screenshot.")
(defvar screenshot--tmp-file nil
"An intermediate target file for the screenshot.")
(defvar screenshot--first-line-number nil
"The first line contained in the screenshot.")
(defvar screenshot--total-lines nil
"The total number of lines contained in the screenshot.")
;;; Generated variables
;;; Screenshot parameters
(defmacro screenshot--define-infix (key name description type default
&rest reader)
"Define infix with KEY, NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, DEFAULT and READER as arguments."
(defcustom ,(intern (concat "screenshot-" name)) ,default
:type ,type
:group 'screenshot)
(transient-define-infix ,(intern (concat "screenshot--set-" name)) ()
"Set `screenshot--theme' from a popup buffer."
:class 'transient-lisp-variable
:variable ',(intern (concat "screenshot-" name))
:key ,key
:description ,description
:argument ,(concat "--" name)
:reader (lambda (&rest _) ,@reader))))
"-l" "line-numbers-p" "Show line numbers"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-line-numbers-p))
"-L" "relative-line-numbers-p" "Relative line numbers within the screenshot"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-relative-line-numbers-p))
"-t" "text-only-p" "Use a text-only version of the buffer"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-text-only-p))
"-T" "truncate-lines-p" "Truncate lines beyond the screenshot width"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-truncate-lines-p))
(declare-function counsel-fonts "ext:counsel-fonts")
(declare-function ivy-read "ext:ivy-read")
"-ff" "font-family" "Font family to use"
'string (symbol-name (font-get (face-attribute 'default :font) :family))
(if (fboundp #'counsel-fonts)
(ivy-read "Font: " (delete-dups (font-family-list))
:preselect screenshot-font-family
:require-match t
:history 'counsel-fonts-history
:caller 'counsel-fonts)
(completing-read "Font: " (delete-dups (font-family-list)))))
"-fs" "font-size" "Font size (pt)"
'number 14
(read-number "Font size in pt: " screenshot-font-size))
;;;; Frame
"-b" "border-width" "Border width in pixels"
'integer 20
(read-number "Border width in px: " screenshot-border-width))
"-r" "radius" "Rounded corner radius"
'integer 10
(read-number "Border radius in px: " screenshot-radius))
"-w" "min-width" "Minimum width, in columns"
'integer 40
(read-number "Minimum width (columns): " screenshot-min-width))
"-W" "max-width" "Maximum width, in columns"
'integer 120
(read-number "Maximum width (columns): " screenshot-max-width))
;;;; Shadow
"-s" "shadow-radius" "Radius of the shadow in pixels"
'integer 12
(read-number "Shadow width in px: " screenshot-shadow-radius))
"-i" "shadow-intensity" "Intensity of the shadow"
'integer 80
(read-number "Shadow intensity: " screenshot-shadow-intensity))
"-c" "shadow-color" "Color of the shadow"
'color "#333"
(read-string "Shadow color: " screenshot-shadow-color))
"-x" "shadow-offset-horizontal" "Shadow horizontal offset"
'integer -8
(read-number "Shadow horizontal offset in px: " screenshot-shadow-offset-horizontal))
"-y" "shadow-offset-vertical" "Shadow vertical offset"
'integer 5
(read-number "Shadow vertical offset in px: " screenshot-shadow-offset-vertical)))
;;; Main function
(defun screenshot (beg end &optional upload-text)
"Take a screenshot of the current region or buffer.
@ -76,6 +198,12 @@ Then the text of the region/buffer is uploaded, and the URL is copied to clipboa
(make-temp-file "screenshot-" nil ".png"))
(call-interactively #'screenshot-transient)))
(defvar screenshot-text-upload-function #'screenshot-ixio-upload
"Function to use to upload text.
Must take a start and end position for the current buffer, and
return a URL.")
(defun screenshot-text-upload (beg end)
"Upload the region from BEG to END, and copy the upload URL to the clipboard."
(message "Uploading text...")
@ -95,12 +223,6 @@ Then the text of the region/buffer is uploaded, and the URL is copied to clipboa
(kill-buffer output)
(defvar screenshot-text-upload-function #'screenshot-ixio-upload
"Function to use to upload text.
Must take a start and end position for the current buffer, and
return a URL.")
;;; Screenshot capturing
(defun screenshot--set-screenshot-region (beg end)
@ -243,66 +365,67 @@ Must take a single argument, the file name, and operate in-place."
;;; Screenshot actions
(defmacro screenshot--def-action (name &rest body)
"Define action NAME to be performed from the transient interface.
(defmacro screenshot--def-action (name &rest body)
"Define action NAME to be performed from the transient interface.
BODY is executed after `screenshot-process' is called."
`(defun ,(intern (concat "screenshot-" name)) (&optional _args)
"Screenshot action to be performed from the transient interface."
(list (transient-args 'screenshot-transient)))
`(defun ,(intern (concat "screenshot-" name)) (&optional _args)
"Screenshot action to be performed from the transient interface."
(list (transient-args 'screenshot-transient)))
(concat (file-name-sans-extension
(or (buffer-file-name)
(expand-file-name "screenshot")))
(message "Screenshot saved"))
(concat (file-name-sans-extension
(or (buffer-file-name)
(expand-file-name "screenshot")))
(message "Screenshot saved"))
(read-file-name "Save as: " (file-name-directory (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory)))
(message "Screenshot saved"))
(read-file-name "Save as: " (file-name-directory (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory)))
(message "Screenshot saved"))
(call-process "xclip" nil nil nil
"-selection" "clipboard"
"-target" "image/png"
"-in" screenshot--tmp-file)
(delete-file screenshot--tmp-file)
(message "Screenshot copied"))
(call-process "xclip" nil nil nil
"-selection" "clipboard"
"-target" "image/png"
"-in" screenshot--tmp-file)
(delete-file screenshot--tmp-file)
(message "Screenshot copied"))
(defcustom screenshot-upload-fn nil
"Function or string which provides a method to upload a file.
(defcustom screenshot-upload-fn nil
"Function or string which provides a method to upload a file.
If a function, it must take a filename and returns a URL to it.
If a string, it is formatted with the file name, and run as a shell command.
Note: you have to define this yourself, there is no default."
:type '(choice function string)
:group 'screenshot)
:type '(choice function string)
:group 'screenshot)
(if (not screenshot-upload-fn)
(error "No upload function defined")
(message "Uploading...")
(let ((url
(pcase screenshot-upload-fn
((pred functionp) (funcall screenshot-upload-fn screenshot--tmp-file))
((pred stringp) (string-trim-right (shell-command-to-string (format screenshot-upload-fn screenshot--tmp-file))))
(_ (error "Upload function is not a function or string!")))))
(gui-select-text url)
(message "Screenshot uploaded, link copied to clipboard (%s)" url)))
(delete-file screenshot--tmp-file))
(if (not screenshot-upload-fn)
(error "No upload function defined")
(message "Uploading...")
(let ((url
(pcase screenshot-upload-fn
((pred functionp) (funcall screenshot-upload-fn screenshot--tmp-file))
((pred stringp) (string-trim-right (shell-command-to-string (format screenshot-upload-fn screenshot--tmp-file))))
(_ (error "Upload function is not a function or string!")))))
(gui-select-text url)
(message "Screenshot uploaded, link copied to clipboard (%s)" url)))
(delete-file screenshot--tmp-file)))
;;; Screenshot transient
@ -331,113 +454,5 @@ Note: you have to define this yourself, there is no default."
("c" "Copy" screenshot-copy)
("u" "Upload" screenshot-upload)])
(defmacro screenshot--define-infix (key name description type default
&rest reader)
"Define infix with KEY, NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, DEFAULT and READER as arguments."
(defcustom ,(intern (concat "screenshot-" name)) ,default
:type ,type
:group 'screenshot)
(transient-define-infix ,(intern (concat "screenshot--set-" name)) ()
"Set `screenshot--theme' from a popup buffer."
:class 'transient-lisp-variable
:variable ',(intern (concat "screenshot-" name))
:key ,key
:description ,description
:argument ,(concat "--" name)
:reader (lambda (&rest _) ,@reader))))
;;; Screenshot parameters
"-l" "line-numbers-p" "Show line numbers"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-line-numbers-p))
"-L" "relative-line-numbers-p" "Relative line numbers within the screenshot"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-relative-line-numbers-p))
"-t" "text-only-p" "Use a text-only version of the buffer"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-text-only-p))
"-T" "truncate-lines-p" "Truncate lines beyond the screenshot width"
'boolean nil
(not screenshot-truncate-lines-p))
(declare-function counsel-fonts "ext:counsel-fonts")
(declare-function ivy-read "ext:ivy-read")
"-ff" "font-family" "Font family to use"
'string (symbol-name (font-get (face-attribute 'default :font) :family))
(if (fboundp #'counsel-fonts)
(ivy-read "Font: " (delete-dups (font-family-list))
:preselect screenshot-font-family
:require-match t
:history 'counsel-fonts-history
:caller 'counsel-fonts)
(completing-read "Font: " (delete-dups (font-family-list)))))
"-fs" "font-size" "Font size (pt)"
'number 14
(read-number "Font size in pt: " screenshot-font-size))
;;;; Frame
"-b" "border-width" "Border width in pixels"
'integer 20
(read-number "Border width in px: " screenshot-border-width))
"-r" "radius" "Rounded corner radius"
'integer 10
(read-number "Border radius in px: " screenshot-radius))
"-w" "min-width" "Minimum width, in columns"
'integer 40
(read-number "Minimum width (columns): " screenshot-min-width))
"-W" "max-width" "Maximum width, in columns"
'integer 120
(read-number "Maximum width (columns): " screenshot-max-width))
;;;; Shadow
"-s" "shadow-radius" "Radius of the shadow in pixels"
'integer 12
(read-number "Shadow width in px: " screenshot-shadow-radius))
"-i" "shadow-intensity" "Intensity of the shadow"
'integer 80
(read-number "Shadow intensity: " screenshot-shadow-intensity))
"-c" "shadow-color" "Color of the shadow"
'color "#333"
(read-string "Shadow color: " screenshot-shadow-color))
"-x" "shadow-offset-horizontal" "Shadow horizontal offset"
'integer -8
(read-number "Shadow horizontal offset in px: " screenshot-shadow-offset-horizontal))
"-y" "shadow-offset-vertical" "Shadow vertical offset"
'integer 5
(read-number "Shadow vertical offset in px: " screenshot-shadow-offset-vertical))
(provide 'screenshot)
;;; screenshot.el ends here