#+title: Org Pandoc Import #+author: tecosaur #+html:

#+html: #+html: #+html: #+html:

The worst part about =org-mode=? Having to leave it. This package aims to reduce this pain by leveraging [[https://pandoc.org/][Pandoc]] to convert selected file types /to/ org. *There are two tiers of non-org file avoidance:* 1. The basic "get me out of here" --- ~org-pandoc-import-{to,as}-org~ allows you to easily convert supported non-org files to an org file/buffer with Pandoc 2. "I don't even want to /see/ non-org files" --- ~org-pandoc-import-transient-mode~ is for you - (via file handlers) intercepts requests for non-org files it knows it can convert - uses ~org-pandoc-import-to-org~ to convert the file to a temporary org file - opens this org file instead - exports back to the original non-org file on save [[file:org-pandoc-import.svg]] * Installation ** Straight #+begin_src elisp (use-package org-pandoc-import :straight (:host github :repo "tecosaur/org-pandoc-import" :files ("*.el" "filters" "preprocessors"))) #+end_src ** Doom #+begin_src elisp ;; $DOOMDIR/packages.el (package! org-pandoc-import :recipe (:host github :repo "tecosaur/org-pandoc-import" :files ("*.el" "filters" "preprocessors"))) ;; $DOOMDIR/config.el (use-package! org-pandoc-import :after org) #+end_src ** Dependences + Pandoc That's the only hard dependency. However ~ox-pandoc~ and ~ox-gfm~ can be useful for exporting with ~org-pandoc-import-transient-mode~. That said, as they are currently implemented, the pre-processors for /Rmarkdown/ and /TSV/ files use ~sed~ (only really affects Windows users). * Screenshots [[file:screenshots/odt.png]] [[file:screenshots/markdown.png]] [[file:screenshots/csv.png]] * Default backends + markdown :: associated with: =.md=, =.markdown= + LaTeX :: associated with: =.tex=, =.latex= + reStructuredText :: (~rst~) associated with: =.rst= + ODT :: associated with: =.odt= + DOCX :: associated with: =.docx= + Jupyter Notebooks :: (~ipynb~) associated with: =.ipynb= + Rmarkdown :: (~markdown~) associated with: =.Rmd=, =.rmd= + CSV :: associated with: =.csv= + TSV :: (~csv~) associated with: =.tsv= Currently /Rmarkdown/ and /TSV/ files require ~sed~ in order to pre-process the file for Pandoc. ** Default transient-mode backends Please note that this mode is off by default. It is however a global mode, so enable it once in your config and it will be active everywhere. The active transient backends are determined by ~org-pandoc-import-transient-associations~. + markdown :: using Org's ~gfm~ export if available, otherwise ~md~ + ODT :: using Org's ~odt~ export + csv, tsv :: using ~org-table-export~ When ~ox-pandoc~ is available, the following formats are also enabled by default, and use ~ox-pandoc~ to export. + =rst= + =docx= * Adding new backends For something supported out of the box by Pandoc, it couldn't be easier --- just #+begin_src elisp (org-pandoc-import-backend foo) #+end_src This will add ~foo~ to ~org-pandoc-import-backends~, and create the following functions + ~org-pandoc-import-foo-as-org~ + ~org-pandoc-import-foo-to-org~ Which will reference these variables, + ~org-pandoc-import-foo-args~ + ~org-pandoc-import-foo-filters~ + ~org-pandoc-import-foo-preprocessors~ + ~org-pandoc-import-foo-extensions~ That last variable will be set to ~("foo")~, and will cause ~org-pandoc-import-{to,as}-org~ to automatically select this backend when called on =.foo= files. These all have docstrings --- check them out!