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;;; oc-natbib.el --- Citation processor using natbib LaTeX package -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <>
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library registers the `natbib' citation processor, which provides the
;; "export" capability for citations.
;; The processor relies on "natbib" LaTeX package. As such it ensures that the
;; package is properly required in the document's preamble. More accurately, it
;; will use any "\\usepackage{natbib}" command already present in the document
;; (e.g., through `org-latex-packages-alist'), or insert one using options
;; defined in `org-cite-natbib-options'.
;; It supports the following citation styles:
;; - author (a), including caps (c), and full (f) variants,
;; - noauthor (na), including bare (b) variant,
;; - text (t), including bare (b), caps (c), full (f), bare-caps (bc),
;; bare-full (bf), caps-full (cf), and bare-caps-full (bcf) variants,
;; - default, including bare (b), caps (c), full (f), bare-caps (bc),
;; bare-full (bf), caps-full (cf), and bare-caps-full (bcf) variants.
;; Bibliography accepts any style supported by "natbib" package.
;;; Code:
(require 'org-macs)
(require 'oc)
(declare-function org-element-property "org-element-ast" (property node))
(declare-function org-export-data "org-export" (data info))
;;; Customization
(defcustom org-cite-natbib-options nil
"List of options added to \"natbib\" package.
If \"natbib\" package is already required in the document, e.g., through
`org-latex-packages-alist' variable, these options are ignored."
:group 'org-cite
:package-version '(Org . "9.5")
(const :tag "use round parentheses (default)" round)
(const :tag "use square brackets" square)
(const :tag "use curly braces" curly)
(const :tag "use angle brackets" angle)
(const :tag "separate multiple citations with colons (default)" colon)
(const :tag "separate multiple citations with comas" comma)
(const :tag "generate author-year citations" authoryear)
(const :tag "generate numerical citations" numbers)
(const :tag "generate superscripted numerical citations" super)
(const :tag "order multiple citations according to the list of references" sort)
(const :tag "order as above, but numerical citations are compressed if possible" sort&compress)
(const :tag "display full author list on first citation, abbreviate the others" longnamesfirst)
(const :tag "redefine \\thebibliography to issue \\section* instead of \\chapter*" sectionbib)
(const :tag "keep all the authors' names in a citation on one line" nonamebreak)))
(defcustom org-cite-natbib-bibliography-style 'unsrtnat
"Default bibliography style."
:group 'org-cite
:package-version '(Org . "9.7")
(const unsrtnat)
(symbol :tag "Other")))
;;; Internal functions
(defun org-cite-natbib--style-to-command (style)
"Return command name to use according to STYLE pair."
(pcase style
;; "author" style.
(`(,(or "author" "a") . ,variant)
(pcase variant
((or "caps" "c") "\\Citeauthor")
((or "full" "f") "\\citeauthor*")
(_ "\\citeauthor")))
;; "noauthor" style.
(`(,(or "noauthor" "na") . ,variant)
(pcase variant
((or "bare" "b") "\\citeyear")
(_ "\\citeyearpar")))
;; "nocite" style.
(`(,(or "nocite" "n") . ,_) "\\nocite")
;; "text" style.
(`(,(or "text" "t") . ,variant)
(pcase variant
((or "bare" "b") "\\citealt")
((or "caps" "c") "\\Citet")
((or "full" "f") "\\citet*")
((or "bare-caps" "bc") "\\Citealt")
((or "bare-full" "bf") "\\citealt*")
((or "caps-full" "cf") "\\Citet*")
((or "bare-caps-full" "bcf") "\\Citealt*")
(_ "\\citet")))
;; Default ("nil") style.
(`(,_ . ,variant)
(pcase variant
((or "bare" "b") "\\citealp")
((or "caps" "c") "\\Citep")
((or "full" "f") "\\citep*")
((or "bare-caps" "bc") "\\Citealp")
((or "bare-full" "bf") "\\citealp*")
((or "caps-full" "cf") "\\Citep*")
((or "bare-caps-full" "bcf") "\\Citealp*")
(_ "\\citep")))
;; This should not happen.
(_ (error "Invalid style: %S" style))))
(defun org-cite-natbib--build-optional-arguments (citation info)
"Build optional arguments for citation command.
CITATION is the citation object. INFO is the export state, as a property list."
(pcase-let ((`(,prefix . ,suffix) (org-cite-main-affixes citation)))
(concat (and prefix (format "[%s]" (org-trim (org-export-data prefix info))))
(suffix (format "[%s]" (org-trim (org-export-data suffix info))))
(prefix "[]")
(t nil)))))
(defun org-cite-natbib--build-arguments (citation)
"Build arguments for citation command for CITATION object."
(format "{%s}"
(mapconcat #'identity
(org-cite-get-references citation t)
;;; Export capability
(defun org-cite-natbib-export-bibliography (_keys files style &rest _)
"Print references from bibliography FILES.
FILES is a list of absolute file names. STYLE is the bibliography style, as
a string or nil."
(format "\\bibliographystyle{%s}\n"
(or style org-cite-natbib-bibliography-style))
(format "\\bibliography{%s}"
(mapconcat #'file-name-sans-extension
(defun org-cite-natbib-export-citation (citation style _ info)
"Export CITATION object.
STYLE is the citation style, as a pair of strings or nil. INFO is the export
state, as a property list."
(concat (org-cite-natbib--style-to-command style)
(org-cite-natbib--build-optional-arguments citation info)
(org-cite-natbib--build-arguments citation)))
(defun org-cite-natbib--generate-latex-preamble (info)
"Ensure that the \"natbib\" package is loaded.
INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
(and (not (string-match
(rx "\\usepackage" (opt "[" (*? nonl) "]") "{natbib}")
(plist-get info :latex-full-header)))
(format "\\usepackage%s{natbib}\n"
(if (null org-cite-natbib-options)
(format "[%s]"
(mapconcat #'symbol-name
;;; Register `natbib' processor
(org-cite-register-processor 'natbib
:export-bibliography #'org-cite-natbib-export-bibliography
:export-citation #'org-cite-natbib-export-citation
'((("author" "a") ("caps" "a") ("full" "f"))
(("noauthor" "na") ("bare" "b"))
(("text" "t")
("bare" "b") ("caps" "c") ("full" "f") ("bare-caps" "bc")
("bare-full" "bf") ("caps-full" "cf") ("bare-caps-full" "bcf"))
("bare" "b") ("caps" "c") ("full" "f") ("bare-caps" "bc")
("bare-full" "bf") ("caps-full" "cf") ("bare-caps-full" "bcf"))))
(provide 'oc-natbib)
;;; oc-natbib.el ends here