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@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ proliferated and become quite useful, and there are some nice packages available
like [[https://github.com/abo-abo/define-word][define-word]] which make use of such online resources.
However, the quicker I can know more about the words I'm using, the better!
Offline dictionaries are obviously the way to go then, and the Console
implementation of StarDict already has a package or two for Emacs which I can
build off.
Offline dictionaries are obviously the way to go then. StarDict and its
predecessor Dict, are the open-source standards for dictionary network
protocols. The Console implementation of StarDict already has a package or two
for Emacs which I can build off.
However, I'd like to really focus on the words, and making it easy and intuitive
as possible to gain a greater understanding of the words and phrases we use.
@ -22,35 +23,169 @@ tools among other backends (such as any future GoldenDict CLI).
From there it could be nice to allow for combination of multiple tools (e.g.
=sdcv= + online service).
This has rich support for the following dictionaries:
+ [[http://download.huzheng.org/dict.org/stardict-dictd-web1913-2.4.2.tar.bz2][Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)]]
+ [[https://packages.debian.org/sid/dict-gcide][GCIDE]] (with conversion from dict to StarDict)
+ [[http://download.huzheng.org/bigdict/stardict-Soule_s_Dictionary_of_English_Synonyms-2.4.2.tar.bz2][Soule's Dictionary of English Synonyms]]
+ [[http://download.huzheng.org/dict.org/stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_elements-2.4.2.tar.bz2][Elements Database]]
+ [[https://github.com/tuxor1337/dictmaster][Douglas Harper's Online Etymology Dictionary]]
* Background
It's only natural if one does all their text-editing in Emacs to want a
dictionary at hand, and quickly.
- For those that believe a dictionary can *only* be used to look up words you
don't already know...
- For those who have yet to see the downsides with online, free, dictionaries
(a fair number being derivations of Wordnet[fn:1])...
If there's something you feel is missing, feel free to make an issue --- or even
better, a PR!
This excellent essay should disabuse you:
[[http://jsomers.net/blog/dictionary][Youre probably using the wrong dictionary « the jsomers.net blog]][fn:2]
What follows is brief survey of the state of dictionary packages on MELPA
+ define-word.el
- Simple package, already part of some emacs starter frameworks, i.e.
- Offers the smallest dictionary selection (should you want a different
aggregation of dictionaries than wordNik)
- [[https://oremacs.com/2015/05/22/define-word/][Designed to work with online dictionaries for the most part,]] results are
displayed in the minibuffer
+ dictionary.el
- Proven package, mature and stable, works "out of the box"
- If you are okay with being online to look up words and do not want an
offline dictionary
- If you are okay with the selection of dictionaries used by the server
- These two qualifications do not apply if you take the time to setup your
own dictd server and modify dictionary.el to use your local server
+ helm-dictionary.el
- Integration with Helm
- Uses the offline =.ding= dictionary format. Includes fallback to online
- [[https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-dictionary/issues/21][Does not support the more standard .dict format.]] Could not locate a .dict
to .ding converter
+ lexic.el (successor to [[https://github.com/pluskid/sdcv-mode/blob/master/sdcv-mode.el][sdcv-mode.el]] and [[https://github.com/gucong/emacs-sdcv][sdcv.el]]) N.b. sdcv.el is the package
that is refereed to in [[https://irreal.org/blog/?p=9189][The Webster 1913 Dictionary | Irreal]]
- Supports easy conversion of .dict files to .dic format. Big selection of
.dic dictionaries already available
- Designed for those who desire to query multiple dictionaries/thesauri
offline with minimal config and no server
- Good formatting support for certain dictionaries
Packages that are OS-specific (osx-dictionary for Mac users), meant for
spell-checking, auto-completion, or are language-specific were not included.
After some usage, it can be said that for *querying a customized list of
multiple dictionaries offline*, lexic.el offers the best experience with the
least setup.
* Requirements
+ The command line stardict tool =sdcv= (support for other backends is planned)
+ The command line stardict tool [[https://github.com/Dushistov/sdcv][sdcv]] (support for other backends is planned).
+ (/optional/) ~visual-fill-column-mode~
* Configuration
* Installation
1. Lexic.el is on MELPA, and can alternatively be installed by placing the
package on your load-path.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'lexic-mode)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'lexic-search)
2. Dictionary (Thesaurus) download
Index list of =.dic= dictionaries from the StarDict developer is located here:
[[http://download.huzheng.org/][StarDict Dictionaries]].
Of particular interest,
- [[http://download.huzheng.org/dict.org/][dictd-www.dict.org Dictionaries]]
Websters 1913 unabridged is located here.
- [[http://download.huzheng.org/freedict.de/][dictd-www.freedict.de Dictionaries]]
- [[http://download.huzheng.org/bigdict/][Big dictionaries]]
The venerable [[https://public.oed.com/about/][Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Ed.]] is located here.
Once you have downloaded your dictionary, the default location sdcv expects
to find your local dictionaries is =/$HOME/.stardict/dic/=. In older versions
of the software it was =/usr/share/stardict/dic/= [fn:3].
If the downloaded dictionary is a .bz2 file:
#+begin_src bash
sudo tar -xvjf downloaded.tar.bz2 -C ~/.stardict/dic/
If the downloaded dictionary is a .gz file:
#+begin_src bash
sudo tar -xvzf downloaded.tar.gz -C ~/.stardict/dic/
You can test your sdcv installation at this point in the terminal with
#+begin_src bash
sdcv word
3. Construct lexic-dictionary-specs
Make the dictionary known to lexic.el. Now inside the newly extracted
directory (you may need to give yourself read/write permissions) will be the
=.ifo= file.
In order to recognise format one of the supported dictionaries, Lexic matches
the =bookname== parameter from the StarDict =.ifo= file against the entries in
~lexic-dictionary-specs~. Lexic needs to do this, because formatting is
inconsistent, and so must be implemented on a per-dictionary basis.
For example, if I downloaded a copy of /Soule's English Synonyms/, I'd need to
make sure that the =SoulesSynonymns.ifo= file contains the line
~bookname=Soule's Dictionary of English Synonyms~. Check the value of
~lexic-dictionary-specs~ to see what it expects for other dictionaries
supported by default.
Then, if I open a new Emacs session, and look for a synonym I should see it
formatted nicely 🙂.
*Important:* dictionaries *DO NOT* need to have a format function. You can most
definitely use the dictionary without. i.e.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq lexic-dictionary-specs '("Hitchcock's Bible Names
Dictionary" :short "Hitcchcock's Bible Names" :priority 3))
The currently pre-defined format functions are for:
+ [[http://download.huzheng.org/dict.org/stardict-dictd-web1913-2.4.2.tar.bz2][Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)]] =(lexic-format-webster)=
+ [[https://packages.debian.org/sid/dict-gcide][GCIDE]] (with conversion from dict to StarDict) =(lexic-format-webster)=
+ [[http://download.huzheng.org/bigdict/stardict-Soule_s_Dictionary_of_English_Synonyms-2.4.2.tar.bz2][Soule's Dictionary of English Synonyms]] =(lexic-format-soule)=
+ [[http://download.huzheng.org/dict.org/stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_elements-2.4.2.tar.bz2][Elements Database]] =(lexic-format-element)=
+ [[https://github.com/tuxor1337/dictmaster][Douglas Harper's Online Etymology Dictionary]] =(lexic-format-online-eytm)=
If there's something you feel is missing, feel free to make an issue --- or
even better, a PR!
* Configuration & Usage
If you happen to use Doom, you may find [[https://tecosaur.github.io/emacs-config/config.html#dictionary][this section]] of my config interesting.
In order to recognise format one of the supported dictionaries, Lexic
matches the =bookname== parameter from the StarDict =.ifo= file against the entries
in ~lexic-dictionary-specs~. Lexic needs to do this, because formatting is
inconsistent, and so must be implemented on a per-dictionary basis.
Beyond =lexic-search= there exists,
For example, if I downloaded a copy of /Soule's English Synonyms/, I'd need to
make sure that the =SoulesSynonymns.ifo= file contains the line ~bookname=Soule's
Dictionary of English Synonyms~. Check the value of ~lexic-dictionary-specs~ to see
what it expects for other dictionaries supported by default.
Then, if I open a new Emacs session, and look for a synonym I should see it
formatted nicely 🙂.
1. The command =lexic-search-word-at-point=
2. Toggling and folding of entries. Lexic.el uses outline.el (think org-mode).
See =outline-show-all= etc. under =lexic-mode-map=
3. Search history with =lexic-search-history-backwards= and
* Demo
* Footnotes
[fn:1] [[https://wordnet.princeton.edu/related-projects][List of Wordnet projects.]] As a medieval Thomist would say: Abusus non
tollit usum. It is obvious from the outset, [[https://medium.com/broken-window/the-power-of-wordnet-with-nltk-7c45b20f52cf][wordnet was made to be usable
primarily by machines.]] If we follow the money, it leads us to the same
conclusion. Funding for the project [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordNet#History_and_team_members][includes a litany of government agencies:]]
U.S. Office of Naval Research, DARPA, the National Science Foundation, the
Disruptive Technology Office etc. Against those who argue for the pedagogical
value, it should be noted that advanced learner's and collocation dictionaries
are more enriching and better suited.
[fn:2] [[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7772557][Hacker News Discussion (2014)]]
[fn:3] [[https://askubuntu.com/questions/191125/is-there-an-offline-command-line-dictionary/191268#191268][software recommendation - Is there an offline command-line dictionary? -
Ask ...]]