
117 lines
3.2 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
domain = "tecosaur.net";
in {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 443 ];
services.caddy = mkMerge [
enable = true;
package = pkgs.callPackage ../packages/caddy.nix {
externalPlugins = [
{name = "caddy-fs-git"; repo = "github.com/tecosaur/caddy-fs-git";
version = "ef9d0ab232f4fe5d7e86312cbba45ff8afea98a1";}
virtualHosts."${domain}".extraConfig = ''
respond "__ __ _
\ \ / /__| | ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___
\ \ /\ / / _ \ |/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \
\ V V / __/ | (_| (_) | | | | | | __/
\_/\_/ \___|_|\___\___/|_| |_| |_|\___|
This is an in-progress replacement for tecosaur.com, done better.
For now, you can find an increasing number of my projects on code.${domain},
this includes the setup for this server, which is being constructed using:
+ NixOS (with flakes and deploy-rs)
+ Caddy (web server)
+ Forgejo (personal software forge)
+ Syncthing (cross-device folder sync tool)
In future, the following may be set up too:
+ Dendrite/Conduit (Matrix servers)
+ My TMiO blog
+ Kopia (backups)
+ Koel (music streaming)
virtualHosts."blog.${domain}".extraConfig = ''
redir /tmio /tmio/
handle_path /tmio/* {
file_server {
fs git ${config.services.forgejo.stateDir}/repositories/tec/this-month-in-org.git html
handle {
respond 404
(mkIf config.services.syncthing.enable {
virtualHosts."syncthing.${domain}".extraConfig =
reverse_proxy ${config.services.syncthing.guiAddress} {
header_up Host {upstream_hostport}
(mkIf config.services.syncthing.enable {
virtualHosts."public.${domain}".extraConfig =
root * ${config.services.syncthing.dataDir}/public/.build
(mkIf config.services.forgejo.enable {
virtualHosts."git.tecosaur.net".extraConfig = "redir https://code.${domain}{uri} 301";
(mkIf config.services.forgejo.enable {
virtualHosts."code.${domain}".extraConfig =
@not_tec {
not path /tec/*
not header Cookie *caddy_tec_redirect=true*
handle @not_tec {
reverse_proxy localhost:${toString config.services.forgejo.settings.server.HTTP_PORT} {
@404 status 404
handle_response @404 {
header +Set-Cookie "caddy_tec_redirect=true; Max-Age=5"
redir * /tec{uri}
@tec_redirect {
path /tec/*
header Cookie *caddy_tec_redirect=true*
handle @tec_redirect {
reverse_proxy localhost:${toString config.services.forgejo.settings.server.HTTP_PORT} {
@404 status 404
handle_response @404 {
header +Set-Cookie "caddy_tec_redirect=true; Max-Age=0"
handle_path /tec/* {
redir * {uri}
handle {
reverse_proxy localhost:${toString config.services.forgejo.settings.server.HTTP_PORT}
users.users.caddy = {
extraGroups =
lib.optional config.services.syncthing.enable config.services.syncthing.user ++
lib.optional config.services.forgejo.enable config.services.forgejo.user;