module SurveysController using Genie.Router, Genie.Requests, Genie.Renderers.Html, HTTP using Random # For shuffling donation links using ..Main.UserApp.Results, ..Main.UserApp.Surveys, Dates const SURVEY = include("../../../config/survey.jl") const INPROGRESS = Dict{Surveys.ResponseID, Surveys.Response}() const UID_ENCBASE = 36 const RESUME_COOKIE_MAX_AGE = 60*60*24*2 # two days, in seconds donesetup = false function setup() global donesetup if !donesetup Surveys.set_current_survey!(SURVEY) register!(SURVEY) for rid in responseids(, :incomplete) INPROGRESS[rid] = Results.response(, rid) end donesetup = true end end function index() setup() request = Genie.Router.params()[:REQUEST] responseid = Genie.Cookies.get(request, "response-id") html(:surveys, :index, layout=:base; survey=SURVEY, responseid) end function new() function encrypted_xord_ip() ip_str = get(Dict(payload()[:REQUEST].headers), "X-Forwarded-For", "") ip = parse.(UInt8, split(ip_str, '.')) @info "client ip: $ip" xor(reinterpret(UInt32, Genie.Encryption.encrypt(rand(UInt8, 4)) |> hex2bytes)...) end exip = encrypted_xord_ip() r = Surveys.Response(SURVEY, vcat(responseids(SURVEY), Vector{Surveys.ResponseID}(keys(INPROGRESS) |> collect)); exip) INPROGRESS[] = r register!(r, exip) uid_str = string(, base=UID_ENCBASE) Genie.Renderer.redirect(HTTP.URIs.URI(currenturl()).path * "?uid=$uid_str&page=1") end function completed(uid) uidstr = string(uid, base=UID_ENCBASE) links = map(["txt", "org", "json"]) do fmt (fmt, linkto(:result, survey = string(, base=10), responsefile = string(uidstr, '.', fmt), preserve_query = false)) end res = html(:surveys, :thanks, layout=:base; uid=uidstr, survey=SURVEY, resultlinks=links, donateitems=donationlinks()) Genie.Cookies.set!(res, "response-page", 0, Dict{String, Any}("maxage" => -1)) Genie.Cookies.set!(res, "response-id", "", Dict{String, Any}("maxage" => -1)) end function serve(forminfo::Dict) setup() uid = if haskey(forminfo, :uid) tryparse(Surveys.ResponseID, forminfo[:uid], base=UID_ENCBASE) end if haskey(forminfo, :uid) && !haskey(INPROGRESS, uid) && uid ∈ Results.responseids( # response has been completed completed(uid) elseif !haskey(forminfo, :uid) || !haskey(INPROGRESS, uid) clear = if haskey(forminfo, :clear) tryparse(Surveys.ResponseID, forminfo[:clear], base=UID_ENCBASE) end if haskey(INPROGRESS, clear) deregister!(INPROGRESS[clear]) delete!(INPROGRESS, clear) end new() elseif !haskey(forminfo, :page) Genie.Renderer.redirect(string(currenturl(), "&page=", INPROGRESS[uid].page)) else uid_str = string(uid, base=UID_ENCBASE) page = parse(Int, forminfo[:page]) if page > length(SURVEY) # Verify the survey is /actually/ complete, # and go to response's current page if not. if INPROGRESS[uid].page > length(SURVEY) @info SURVEY => INPROGRESS[uid] INPROGRESS[uid].completed = now() save!(INPROGRESS[uid], Symbol[]) delete!(INPROGRESS, uid) completed(uid) else forminfo[:page] = string(INPROGRESS[uid].page) serve(forminfo) end else res = html(:surveys, :survey, layout=:base, uid=uid_str, survey=SURVEY, response=INPROGRESS[uid], page=page) Genie.Cookies.set!(res, "response-page", INPROGRESS[uid].page, Dict{String, Any}("maxage" => RESUME_COOKIE_MAX_AGE, "httponly" => true)) Genie.Cookies.set!(res, "response-id", uid_str, Dict{String, Any}("maxage" => RESUME_COOKIE_MAX_AGE, "httponly" => true)) end end end function submit(forminfo::Dict; backpage::Bool=false) uid = parse(Surveys.ResponseID, forminfo[:uid], base=UID_ENCBASE) page = parse(Int, forminfo[:page]) data = reduce(function(acc::Dict, datum::Pair) key, value = datum if key ∈ (:uid, :page, :debug) elseif match(r"\[\]$", string(key)) |> !isnothing pkey = Symbol(replace(string(key), r"\[\]$" => "")) acc[pkey] = value elseif match(r"__override$", string(key)) |> !isnothing pkey = Symbol(replace(string(key), r"__override$" => "")) acc[pkey] = vcat(value) else acc[key] = vcat(value) end acc end, forminfo, init=Dict{Symbol, Any}()) # Questions on this page with no data are unanswered, but should be updated anyway for qid in getproperty.(SURVEY[page].questions, :id) if !haskey(data, qid) data[qid] = missing end end if forminfo[:debug] != "yes" uid_str = string(uid, base=UID_ENCBASE) response = INPROGRESS[uid] update!(response, SURVEY, data) @info SURVEY[page] => response if backpage || isvalid(response, SURVEY[page]) = if backpage max(1, page - 1) else max(, page + 1) end save!(response, SURVEY[page]) Genie.Renderer.redirect("/survey?uid=$uid_str&page=$(") else save!(response, SURVEY[page]) Genie.Renderer.redirect("/survey?uid=$uid_str&page=$page#formerror") end else io = IOBuffer() ioc = IOContext(io, :limit => true, :displaysize => (80, 100)) show(ioc, "text/plain", data) postdata = String(take!(io)) html(""" Emacs User Survey
Data from page $page, response $(sprint(show, uid))
""") end end const DONATION_ENTITIES = [ ("", "The Free Software Foundation", "", "principal organisational sponsor of the GNU project"), ("", "The Org Project", "", ["org-mode" => ""]), ("", "Henrik Lissner", "hlissner", ["Doom Emacs" => "doomemacs/doomemacs", "assorted packages"]), ("", "Jonas Bernoulli", "tarsius", ["Magit" => "magit", "Transient" => "transient", "others"]), ("", "Daniel Mendler", "minad", ["Consult" => "", "Vertico" => "", "Corfu" => "", "other UI packages"]), ("", "Oleh Krehel", "abo-abo", ["Swiper" => "swiper", "Hydra" => "hydra", "Avy" => "avy", "Lispy" => "Lispy"]), ("", "Nicholas Vollmer", "progfolio", ["Straight" => "radian-software/straight.el", "Elpaca" => "elpaca", "Doct" => "doct"]), ("", "Protesilaos Stavrou", "protesilaos", ["Modus themes" => "", "Denote" => "", "others"]), ("", "Ivan Yonchovski", "yyoncho", ["lsp-mode" => "emacs-lsp/lsp-mode", "dap-mode" => "emacs-lisp/dap-mode", "and other LSP things"]), ("", "Vasilij Schneidermann", "wasamasa", ["nov.el" => "", "circe" => "", "eyebrowse" => "", "shackle" => ""]), ("", "me, Timothy", "tecosaur", ["this survey", "a few other things"]) ] donationlinks() = donate_spec_to_link.(shuffle(DONATION_ENTITIES)) function donate_spec_to_link((link, name, site, projects)) string("
  • Donate to ", name, ' ', if isnothing(site) "" elseif occursin("http", site) "" else # assume GitHub username "@$site" end, if projects isa String " ($projects" else " (responsible for " * join(map(projects) do proj if proj isa String proj elseif proj isa Pair{String,String} string("", proj[1], "") else "" end end, ", ", ", and ") end, ")
  • ") end end