module Surveys using Dates using Genie.Renderers.Html import Base: show, isvalid, isempty export Survey, SurveyPart, Question, Answer, Response, update!, clear!, nonempty, wordlimit, charlimit, SurveyID, ResponseID, Checkbox, TextInput, DateInput, NumberInput, IntegerInput, TextArea, Dropdown, RadioSelect, MultiSelect, RangeSelect # --------------------- # Main Types # --------------------- # Input Field abstract type FormField{T} end # Question struct Question{F <: FormField} id::Symbol prompt::AbstractString field::F validators::Vector{Function} postprocessors::Vector{Function} function Question(id::Symbol, prompt::AbstractString, field::F, validators::Vector{Function}, postprocessors::Vector{Function}) where {F<:FormField} if id in (:uid, :page) @warn "Question uses a reserved id $id, this is likely to cause issues" end postprocessors = map(p -> if p == last; lastsoftfail else p end, postprocessors) new{F}(id, prompt, field, validators, postprocessors) end end function nonempty(value::AbstractString) if ismissing(value) || (isa(value, AbstractString) && isempty(strip(value))) "Must be answered" end end function nonempty(values::Vector{<:AbstractString}) if length(values) == 0 || all(isempty, strip.(values)) "Must be answered" end end nonempty(::Bool) = nothing nonempty(::Number) = nothing nonempty(::Date) = nothing lastsoftfail(v::Vector) = if length(v) > 0 last(v) else "" end wordlimit(min::Int, max::Int) = function(text::AbstractString) wordcount = length(split(text)) if wordcount < min string("Need at least ", min, if min > 1 " words" else " word" end, " (currently ", wordcount, ")") elseif wordcount > max string("No more than ", max, if max > 1 " words" else " word" end, " are permitted (currently ", wordcount, ")") end end wordlimit(max::Int) = wordlimit(0, max) charlimit(min::Int, max::Int) = function(text::AbstractString) charcount = length(split(text)) if charcount < min string("Need at least ", min, if min > 1 " characters" else " character" end, " (currently ", charcount, ")") elseif charcount > max string("No more than ", max, if max > 1 " characters" else " character" end, " are permitted (currently ", charcount, ")") end end charlimit(max::Int) = charlimit(0, max) default_postprocessors(::FormField) = Function[last, strip] default_validators(::FormField) = Function[] function Question(id::Symbol, prompt::AbstractString, field::FormField; postprocessors::Union{Function, Vector{<:Function}} = default_postprocessors(field), validators::Union{Function, Vector{<:Function}} = default_validators(field), mandatory::Bool = true) fullvalidators = if mandatory vcat(nonempty, validators) else vcat(validators) end |> Vector{Function} Question(id, prompt, field, fullvalidators, postprocessors) end function prompttoid(prompt::String) prompt |> p -> replace(p, r"[^A-Za-z0-9\s]" => "") |> p -> replace(p, r"\s+" => "_") |> lowercase |> Symbol end Question(prompt::AbstractString, field::FormField; kargs...) = Question(prompttoid(prompttoid), prompt, field; kargs...) # Field-based question constructors function (F::Type{<:FormField})(id::Symbol, prompt::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) question_extra_kwargs = (:postprocessors, :validators, :mandatory) question_kwargs = filter(kw -> kw.first ∈ question_extra_kwargs, kwargs) field_kwargs = filter(kw -> kw.first ∉ question_extra_kwargs, kwargs) try Question(id, prompt, F(args...; field_kwargs...); question_kwargs...) catch e print(stderr, "\nError while processing question $id\n") rethrow(e) end end function (F::Type{<:FormField})(prompt::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) F(prompttoid(prompt), prompt, args...; kwargs...) end # Survey Part struct SurveyPart label::Union{AbstractString, Nothing} description::Union{AbstractString, Nothing} questions::Vector{Question} end Base.getindex(p::SurveyPart, id::Symbol) = findfirst(q -> == id, p.questions) Base.getindex(p::SurveyPart, index::Integer) = p.questions[index] Base.length(p::SurveyPart) = length(p.questions) SurveyPart(label::Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, description::Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, questions::Question...) = SurveyPart(label, description, questions |> collect) SurveyPart(label::Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, questions::Question...) = SurveyPart(label, nothing, questions |> collect) SurveyPart(questions::Question...) = SurveyPart(nothing, nothing, questions |> collect) # Survey const SurveyID = UInt32 struct Survey id::SurveyID name::AbstractString description::Union{AbstractString, Nothing} parts::Vector{Pair{Tuple{Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, Union{AbstractString, Nothing}}, Vector{Symbol}}} questions::Dict{Symbol, Question} function Survey(name::AbstractString, description::Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, parts::Vector{<:Pair{<:Any, <:Vector{Symbol}}}, questions::Dict{Symbol, Question}) # Create an id that only depends on: # 1. Question IDs # 2. Question field types # These are the two essential components to hash, as the database interactions # rely on the assumption that these two components are stable. # Hopefully memhashing a Tuple of Symbols and Strings is somewhat stable, # I checked this on Julia 1.3 and 1.6 and it looked alright. function qhash(q::Question{<:FormField{T}}) where {T} hash((, string(T))) end id = xor(map(qhash, values(questions))...) |> h -> xor(reinterpret(SurveyID, [h])...) typedparts = parts |> Vector{Pair{Tuple{Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, Union{AbstractString, Nothing}}, Vector{Symbol}}} new(id, name, description, typedparts, questions) end end Base.getindex(s::Survey, id::Symbol) = s.questions[id] Base.getindex(s::Survey, part::Integer) = SurveyPart([part].first[1],[part].first[2], getindex.(Ref(s.questions),[part].second)) Base.length(s::Survey) = length( Survey(name::AbstractString, description::Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, parts::SurveyPart...) = Survey(name, description, map(parts) do p (p.label, p.description) => getfield.(p.questions, :id) end |> collect, Dict( => q for q in Iterators.flatten(getfield.(parts, :questions)))) Survey(name::AbstractString, parts::SurveyPart...) = Survey(name, nothing, parts...) Survey(name::AbstractString, description::Union{AbstractString, Nothing}, questions::Question...) = Survey(name, description, [nothing => getfield.(questions, :id) |> collect], Dict( => q for q in questions)) Survey(name::AbstractString, questions::Question...) = Survey(name, nothing, questions...) # Answer to a Question struct Answer{T} value::Union{T, Missing} error::Union{AbstractString, Nothing} end Answer{T}() where {T <: Any} = Answer{T}(missing, nothing) isempty(a::Answer) = ismissing(a.value) isempty(a::Answer{<:AbstractString}) = ismissing(a.value) || isempty(a.value) # Survey Response const ResponseID = UInt32 mutable struct Response survey::SurveyID id::ResponseID page::Integer answers::Dict{Symbol, Answer} started::DateTime completed::Union{DateTime, Nothing} end Base.getindex(r::Response, id::Symbol) = r.answers[id] # --------------------- # Handling responses # --------------------- # Response templates Answer(::Question{<:FormField{T}}) where {T} = Answer{T}(missing, nothing) Response(s::Survey, id::ResponseID=rand(ResponseID)) = Response(, id, 1, Dict( => Answer(q) for q in Iterators.flatten([s[i].questions for i in 1:length(s)])), now(), nothing) function Response(s::Survey, oldids::Vector{ResponseID}) newid = rand(ResponseID) while newid in oldids newid = rand(ResponseID) end Response(s, newid) end interpret(::FormField{<:AbstractString}, value::AbstractString) = value interpret(::FormField{Integer}, value::AbstractString) = parse(Int64, value) default_validators(::FormField{Integer}) = function(unparseable::String) "Integer required. \"$unparseable\" could not be parsed as an integer." end interpret(::FormField{Number}, value::AbstractString) = something(tryparse(Int64, value), parse(Float64, value)) default_validators(::FormField{Number}) = function(unparseable::String) "Number required. \"$unparseable\" could not be parsed as a number." end interpret(::FormField{T}, value::AbstractString) where {T} = parse(T, value) # Response interpretation function Answer(q::Question{<:FormField{T}}, value::Vector{String}) where {T} try processedvalue = interpret(q.field, ∘(identity, reverse(q.postprocessors)...)(value)) error = nothing for validator in q.validators if applicable(validator, processedvalue) error = validator(processedvalue) end isnothing(error) || break end Answer{T}(processedvalue, error) catch e construction_error = nothing try for validator in q.validators if hasmethod(validator, Tuple{String}) construction_error = validator(last(value)) elseif hasmethod(validator, Tuple{Vector{String}}) construction_error = validator(value) end isnothing(construction_error) || break end catch _ end if isnothing(construction_error) @warn "Answer construction failure" exception = (e, catch_backtrace()) construction_error = first(split(sprint(showerror, e), '\n')) end Answer{T}(missing, construction_error) end end function Answer(q::Question{<:FormField{T}}, ::Missing) where {T} if nonempty in q.validators Answer{T}(missing, nonempty("")) else Answer{T}(missing, nothing) end end # Response updating function update!(r::Response, s::Survey, datum::Pair{Symbol, <:Any}) id, value = datum if haskey(r.answers, id) && haskey(s.questions, id) r.answers[id] = Answer(s.questions[id], value) else @warn "$id not in response" end end function update!(r::Response, s::Survey, data::Dict{Symbol, <:Any}) foreach(data) do datum update!(r, s, datum) end end clear!(r::Response, ids::Vector{Symbol}) = foreach(ids) do id r.answers[id] = Answer{typeof(r.answers[id])}() end clear!(r::Response, q::Question) = clear!(r, []) clear!(r::Response, p::SurveyPart) = clear!(r, keys(p.questions)) clear!(r::Response, s::Survey) = clear!(r, keys(s.questions)) clear!(r::Response) = clear!(r, keys(r.answers)) # Response validity isvalid(a::Answer) = isnothing(a.error) isvalid(a::Answer, q::Question) = isvalid(a) && !(isempty(a) && nonempty in q.validators) isvalid(r::Response, q::Question) = isvalid(r.answers[], q) isvalid(r::Response, p::SurveyPart) = all(isvalid.(Ref(r), p.questions)) isvalid(r::Response, s::Survey) = all(isvalid.(Ref(r), Iterators.flatten([s[i].questions for i in 1:length(s)]))) # --------------------- # General htmlrenderer # --------------------- html_content(::FormField, value) = "" html_element(::FormField) = "?" html_attrs(::FormField, value) = [] html_voidelem(::FormField) = false html_postprocess(::FormField, ::Symbol) = identity elem(e::AbstractString, content::AbstractString="", attrs::Pair{Symbol,<:Any}...) = Html.normal_element(content, e, [], attrs...) elem(e::AbstractString, attrs::Pair{Symbol,<:Any}...) = elem(e, "", attrs...) velem(e::AbstractString, attrs::Pair{Symbol,<:Any}...) = Html.void_element(e, [], Vector{Pair{Symbol,Any}}(collect(attrs))) const html_escape_characters = Dict('"' => """, '&' => "&", '<' => "<", '>' => ">") html_escape(s::String) = replace(s, r"\"|&|<|>" => c -> html_escape_characters[c[1]]) html_escape(::Missing) = "" function htmlrender(field::FormField, value::Any, id, mandatory, invalid) element = html_element(field) attrs = vcat(html_attrs(field, value), [:id => string("qn-", id), :name => id, Symbol("aria-invalid") => invalid, :required => mandatory && !isa(field, Checkbox)]) if html_voidelem(field) velem(element, attrs...) else content = html_content(field, value) elem(element, if ismissing(content) "" else string(content) end, attrs...) end |> html_postprocess(field, id) end # --------------------- # Form fields & html rendering # --------------------- # struct FormInput{T} <: FormField{T} FormInput{T}() where {T} = if T <: Union{Bool, String, Integer, Number, Date} new() else TypeError(:FormInput, Union{Bool, String, Integer, Number, Date}, T) end end html_element(::FormInput) = "input" html_voidelem(::FormInput) = true html_attrs(::FormInput, value) = [:value => if ismissing(value) false else html_escape(string(value)) end] # interpret(::FormInput{Bool}, value::AbstractString) = value == "yes" html_attrs(::FormInput{Bool}, value::Union{Bool, Missing}) = [:type => "checkbox", :value => "yes", :checked => !ismissing(value) && value === true] html_postprocess(::FormInput{Bool}, id::Symbol) = s -> string(input(type="hidden", name=id, value="no"), s) # function html_attrs(::FormInput{T}, value) where {T <: Union{Date, Number, Integer, String}} type = Dict(Date => "date", Number => "number", Integer => "number", String => "text")[T] [:type => type, :value => if ismissing(value) false else html_escape(string(value)) end] end const Checkbox = FormInput{Bool} const TextInput = FormInput{String} const DateInput = FormInput{Date} const NumberInput = FormInput{Number} const IntegerInput = FormInput{Integer} default_validators(::TextInput) = Function[wordlimit(100), charlimit(500)] #