Org LaTeX: Replace bmc-maths with LaTeX defs

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TEC 2023-01-04 11:23:04 +08:00
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commit f7f85d5163
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@ -9631,35 +9631,42 @@ have this be performed automatically with =org-fragtog=.
It's nice to customise the look of LaTeX fragments so they fit better in the
text --- like this \(\sqrt{\beta^2+3}-\sum_{\phi=1}^\infty \frac{x^\phi-1}{\Gamma(a)}\).
Let's start by adding a sans font. I'd also like to use some of the
functionality from =bmc-maths=, so we'll load that too.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-format-latex-header "\\documentclass{article}
The default snippet preamble basically just sets the margins and text size, with
templates to be filled in by ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~ and
=#+latex_header:= entries (but not =#+latex_header_extra:=).
\\pagestyle{empty} % do not remove
#+name: latex-default-snippet-preamble
#+begin_src LaTeX
\pagestyle{empty} % do not remove
% The settings below are copied from fullpage.sty
% my custom stuff
To this, we make two additions:
+ Selection of a maths font that fits better with displayed text.
+ My collection [[*Maths notation conveniences][mathematical notation conveniences]].
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb no-export :noweb-prefix no
(setq org-latex-preview-header
"\n% Custom font\n\\usepackage{arev}\n\n"
Since we can, instead of making the background colour match the =default= face,
@ -10983,6 +10990,15 @@ The default checkboxes look rather ugly, so let's provide some prettier alternat
\newcommand{\checkboxChecked}{\rlap{\raisebox{0.2ex}{\hspace{0.35ex}\scriptsize \ding{52}}}$\square$}
We set up a maths typesetting preamble [[*Maths notation conveniences][later on]], but it would be nice to save it
to a variable here:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb no-export :noweb-prefix no
(defvar org-latex-maths-preamble
"Preamble that sets up a bunch of mathematical conveniences.")
It's nice to have "message blocks", things like info/warning/error/success.
A LaTeX macro should make them trivial to create.
@ -11240,8 +11256,8 @@ introduce an =:order= keyword. Using this I'll arrange snippets as follows.
'(image :snippet "\\usepackage{graphicx}" :order 2)
'(svg :snippet "\\usepackage[inkscapelatex=false]{svg}" :order 2)
'(maths :snippet "\\usepackage[nofont]{bmc-maths}" :order 0.2)
'(table :snippet "\\usepackage{longtable}\n\\usepackage{booktabs}" :order 2)
'(maths :snippet org-latex-maths-preamble :order 0.2)
'(cleveref :snippet "\\usepackage[capitalize]{cleveref}" :order 1) ; after bmc-maths
'(float-wrap :snippet "\\usepackage{wrapfig}" :order 2)
'(rotate :snippet "\\usepackage{rotating}" :order 2)
@ -11448,6 +11464,205 @@ can correct for this by redefining it with subtlety shifted kerning.
\\makeatother\n") t)
**** Maths notation conveniences
:header-args:LaTeX: :noweb-ref latex-maths-conveniences
Maths has a way of popping up relentlessly. I think this says something both
about me and the subject itself. While the LaTeX set of commands is quite
reasonable, we can make a few common bits of notation a tad more convenient.
***** Packages
First, there are a few useful packages we want to use.
#+begin_src LaTeX
%% Maths-related packages
% More maths environments, commands, and symbols.
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
% Slanted fractions with \sfrac{a}{b}, in text and maths.
% Visually cancel expressions with \cancel{value} and \cancelto{expression}{value}
% Improvements on amsmath and utilities for mathematical typesetting
***** Custom delimiters
Next up we want to make the various types of rounding-related and absolute value
delimitors accessible as commands.
#+begin_src LaTeX
% Deliminators
***** Number sets
Then we have the various common number sets, it would be nice to have a
convenient way of typing them and optionally giving them powers. It's fairly
easy to support both =\XX= and =\XX[n]=.
#+begin_src LaTeX
\newcommand{\RR}[1][]{\ensuremath{\ifstrempty{#1}{\mathbb{R}}{\mathbb{R}^{#1}}}} % Real numbers
\newcommand{\NN}[1][]{\ensuremath{\ifstrempty{#1}{\mathbb{N}}{\mathbb{N}^{#1}}}} % Natural numbers
\newcommand{\ZZ}[1][]{\ensuremath{\ifstrempty{#1}{\mathbb{Z}}{\mathbb{Z}^{#1}}}} % Integer numbers
\newcommand{\QQ}[1][]{\ensuremath{\ifstrempty{#1}{\mathbb{Q}}{\mathbb{Q}^{#1}}}} % Rational numbers
\newcommand{\CC}[1][]{\ensuremath{\ifstrempty{#1}{\mathbb{C}}{\mathbb{C}^{#1}}}} % Complex numbers
***** Derivatives
Derivatives are actually a bit of a pain to typeset, it would be nice to have a
=\dv= command that supports:
+ =\dv{x}= for the derivative with respect to =x=
+ =\dv{f}{x}= for the derivative of =f= with respect to =x=
+ =\dv[2]{f}{x}= for the second order derivative of =f= with respect to =x=
Similarly, it would be nice to have a partial derivate counterpart =\pdv= which
behaves in a similar way, but with the possibility of providing multiple
comma-delimited variables --- e.g. =\pdv{f}{x,y,z}=.
#+begin_src LaTeX
% Easy derivatives
\ProvideDocumentCommand\dv{o m g}{%
\frac{\dd #2}{\dd #3}%
}{\frac{\dd[#1] #2}{\dd {#3}^{#1}}}}}
% Easy partial derivatives
\ProvideDocumentCommand\pdv{o m g}{%
\IfValueTF{#1}{\frac{\partial^{#1} #2}{\partial {#3}^{#1}}}%
{\frac{\partial #2}{\partial #3}}
{\clist_map_inline:nn{#3}{\partial ##1 \,}\!}
***** Common operators
The default set of operators could benefit from a bit of expansion.
#+begin_src LaTeX
% Laplacian
% Statistics
\DeclareMathOperator{\Var}{Var} % varience
\DeclareMathOperator{\Cov}{Cov} % covarience
\newcommand{\EE}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{E}}} % expected value
\DeclareMathOperator{\E}{E} % expected value
***** Slanted inequalities
As a matter of personal taste, I prefer the slanted less/greater than or equal
to operators, and would like to use them by default.
#+begin_src LaTeX
% I prefer the slanted \leq/\geq
\let\barleq\leq % Save them in case they're every wanted
***** Alignment of matrix columns
By default, everything in a matrix is centred, which I actually find often
undesirable. It would be much nicer to take the alignment as an optional
argument of the environment, and default to right-alignment.
#+begin_src LaTeX
% Redefine the matrix environment to allow for alignment
% via an optional argument, and use r as the default.
\renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][r]{\hskip -\arraycolsep%
\array{*\c@MaxMatrixCols #1}}
***** Slanted derivative "d"
Determining an appropriate styling for a derivative "d" (e.g. "dx") is
surprisingly hard, as the "d" is neither:
+ An operator (which are typeset as upright roman)
+ A variable (which are typeset as italic roman)
The ISO 80000-2 standard (2009) specifies that it should be upright, however (a)
it is still not an operator, (b) not used in any maths book I've seen, and (c)
doesn't look very good. I'm not entirely comfortable with the variable styling
either though, so perhaps something else is in order?
After trying a few different options, I rather like the idea of using a /slanted
roman "d"/. This stylistically works for me, while being just distinct enough
from other faces. As long as we are creating a PDF, we can apply a transform
that slants a "d".
#+begin_src LaTeX
% Slanted roman "d" for derivatives
\ifcsname pdfoutput\endcsname
\ifnum\pdfoutput>0 % PDF
\pdfsetmatrix{1 0 0.2 1}%
\else % DVI
\newcommand{\slantedromand}{d} % fallback
\else % Also DVI
\newcommand{\slantedromand}{d} % fallback
Now there's the matter of /placing/ the "d", or rather adjusting the space around
it. After much fiddling, I've ended up with the following.
#+begin_src LaTeX
% Derivative d^n, nicely spaced
\expandafter\ifx\expandafter&\detokenize{#1}&% \ifstrempty from etoolbox
While =\dd= isn't much effort to type, it would be much cleaner to be able to do
src_LaTeX{\int x^2 \d x}. The problem with defining =\d= is that it is already used
for the under-dot accent. However, since this is a text-mode (only) accent, and
defined with src_LaTeX{\@dec@text@cmd\newcommand} instead of
src_LaTeX{\DeclareRobustCommand} we can redefine the command to mean =\dd= in
#+begin_src LaTeX
**** Cover page
To make a nice cover page, a simple method that comes to mind is just redefining