diff --git a/config.org b/config.org index 8fde4ed..3ddfd2e 100644 --- a/config.org +++ b/config.org @@ -9867,40 +9867,51 @@ This gives the same advantages as mentioned in the [[*Make verbatim different to For how I've setup Org's LaTeX export, the following packages are needed: #+name: org-latex-required-packages-list -+ adjustbox -+ arev -+ amsmath -+ booktabs -+ cancel -+ capt-of -+ caption -+ cleveref -+ embedall -+ fourier -+ fvextra -+ gillius -+ graphicx -+ hyperref -+ mathalpha -+ mathtools -+ microtype -+ pdfx -+ pifont -+ preview -+ siunitx -+ soul -+ subcaption -+ svg -+ tcolorbox -+ xcolor -+ xparse +| Package | Description | +|------------+-------------------------------------------------------| +| adjustbox | Adjust general LaTeX material in like includegraphics | +| amsmath | A near-essential maths package | +| booktabs | Nice horizontal lines in tables | +| cancel | Cancel terms in equations | +| capt-of | Captions outside floats | +| caption | Finer control over captions | +| cleveref | Easy cross-referencing | +| embedall | Embed files in the document | +| float | Floating environments | +| fontenc | Font encodings | +| fvextra | Enhanced verbatim environments | +| graphicx | An extended graphics package | +| hanging | Used by oc-csl | +| hyperref | Links | +| inputenc | Input file encodings | +| longtable | Multi-page tables | +| mathalpha | Set extended math alphabet fonts | +| mathtools | Typesetting tools for maths | +| microtype | Microtypography | +| pdfx | Create pdf/a- and pdf/x- compatible documents | +| pifont | A collection of symbols | +| preview | Needed for AUCTeX and ob-latex | +| scrbase | KOMA classes and more | +| siunitx | Proper unit support | +| soul | Strikethrough and underline, flexibly | +| subcaption | Form subfigures and subcaptions | +| svg | Insert SVG images | +| tikz | Generally handy, as a dependancy and for graphics | +| tcolorbox | Nice boxes for code | +| textcomp | Font encodings | +| xcolor | Colours | +| xparse | Extended command/env definition forms | +| xcoffins | Manipulate coffins (boxes) for typesetting | Then for the various fontsets: #+name: org-latex-font-packages-list + Alegreya ++ arev + biolinum + FiraMono + FiraSans ++ fourier ++ gillius + kpfonts + libertine + newpxmath @@ -9922,8 +9933,8 @@ generated config that gets a list of missing packages and warns us every time we export to a PDF. #+name: org-missing-latex-packages -#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref none :var org-latex-required-packages-list=org-latex-required-packages-list :var org-latex-font-packages-list=org-latex-font-packages-list -(setq org-required-latex-packages (append (mapcar #'car org-latex-required-packages-list) +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref none :var org-latex-required-packages-list=org-latex-required-packages-list[,0] :var org-latex-font-packages-list=org-latex-font-packages-list +(setq org-required-latex-packages (append org-latex-required-packages-list (mapcar #'car org-latex-font-packages-list))) (defun check-for-latex-packages (packages)