Adjust ox-latex feature specs to match dev changes

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TEC 2023-02-09 01:46:08 +08:00
parent 511126d53f
commit bf97667159
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1 changed files with 185 additions and 128 deletions

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@ -9648,6 +9648,7 @@ templates to be filled in by ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~ and
To this, we make two additions:
@ -11076,37 +11077,18 @@ tests should be very versatile.
(defvar org-latex-par-sep t
"Vertically seperate paragraphs, and remove indentation.")
'("\\\\(\\|\\\\\\[\\|\\\\begin{\\(?:math\\|displaymath\\|equation\\|align\\|flalign\\|multiline\\|gather\\)[a-z]*\\*?}" . maths)
'("cref:\\|\\cref{\\|\\[\\[[^\\]+\n?[^\\]\\]\\]" . cleveref)
'("[;\\\\]?\\b[A-Z][A-Z]+s?[^A-Za-z]" . acronym)
'("[\u2500-\u259F]" . box-drawing)
'("\\+[^ ].*[^ ]\\+\\|_[^ ].*[^ ]_\\|\\\\uu?line\\|\\\\uwave\\|\\\\sout\\|\\\\xout\\|\\\\dashuline\\|\\dotuline\\|\\markoverwith" . underline)
'(":float wrap" . float-wrap)
'(":float sideways" . rotate)
'("^[ \t]*#\\+caption:\\|\\\\caption" . caption)
'("\\[\\[xkcd:" . (image caption))
'(org-latex-use-microtype . microtype)
(cons (lambda (_info) (and org-latex-italic-quotes "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_quote\\|\\\\begin{quote}")) 'italic-quotes)
'(org-latex-par-sep . par-sep)
'(org-latex-embed-files . embed-files)
(cons (lambda (_info) (and org-latex-embed-files "^[ \t]*#\\+embed\\|^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src\\|^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_SRC")) 'embed-tangled)
'("^[ \t]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\|[A-Za-z]+[.)]\\) \\[[ -X]\\]" . checkbox)
'("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_warning\\|\\\\begin{warning}" . box-warning)
'("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_info\\|\\\\begin{info}" . box-info)
'("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_notes\\|\\\\begin{notes}" . box-notes)
'("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_success\\|\\\\begin{success}" . box-success)
'("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_error\\|\\\\begin{error}" . box-error))
(org-export-update-features 'latex
((image caption)
:condition "\\[\\[xkcd:"))
Then we provide a way to generate the preamble that provides those features.
In addition to the features named in ~org-latex-conditional-features~ we'll also
create /meta-features/, which can be required by other features (with =:requires=),
or be active by default (=:eager t=). For further control I some features may only
be used when certain other features are active (with =:when=), and masked by other
features (with =:prevents=). I will use the convention of starting meta-features
with =.=, and =:eager= features with =!= to make their nature more readily apparent.
Then we provide a way to generate the preamble that provides those features. In
addition to the features named in ~org-latex-conditional-features~ we'll also
create /meta-features/, which can be required by other features (with =:requires=).
For further control I some features may only be used when certain other features
are active (with =:when=), and masked by other features (with =:prevents=). I will
use the convention of starting meta-features with =.=, to make their nature more
readily apparent.
Another consideration in LaTeX is load order, which matters in some cases.
Beyond that, it's nice to have some sort of sensible ordering. For this I'll
@ -11127,53 +11109,96 @@ introduce an =:order= keyword. Using this I'll arrange snippets as follows.
+ =4= Fancy boxes
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
'(image :snippet "\\usepackage{graphicx}" :order 2)
'(svg :snippet "\\usepackage[inkscapelatex=false]{svg}" :order 2)
'(table :snippet "\\usepackage{longtable}\n\\usepackage{booktabs}" :order 2)
'(maths :snippet org-latex-maths-preamble :order 0.2)
'(cleveref :snippet "\\usepackage[capitalize]{cleveref}" :order 1) ; after bmc-maths
'(float-wrap :snippet "\\usepackage{wrapfig}" :order 2)
'(rotate :snippet "\\usepackage{rotating}" :order 2)
'(caption :snippet org-latex-caption-preamble :order 2.1)
'(microtype :snippet "\\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,kerning=true,spacing=true,factor=2000]{microtype}\n" :order 0.1)
'(embed-files :snippet org-latex-embed-files-preamble :order -2)
`(embed-tangled :requires embed-files :snippet ,(lambda (_info) (concat (org-latex-embed-extra-files) "\n")) :order -1)
'(acronym :snippet "\\newcommand{\\acr}[1]{\\protect\\textls*[110]{\\scshape #1}}\n\\newcommand{\\acrs}{\\protect\\scalebox{.91}[.84]{\\hspace{0.15ex}s}}" :order 0.4)
'(box-drawing :snippet "\\usepackage{pmboxdraw}" :order 0.05)
'(italic-quotes :snippet "\\renewcommand{\\quote}{\\list{}{\\rightmargin\\leftmargin}\\item\\relax\\em}\n" :order 0.5)
'(par-sep :snippet "\\setlength{\\parskip}{\\baselineskip}\n\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n" :order 0.5)
'(.pifont :snippet "\\usepackage{pifont}")
'(.xcoffins :snippet "\\usepackage{xcoffins}")
`(checkbox :requires .pifont :order 3
:snippet ,(lambda (_info)
(concat (unless (memq 'maths features)
"\\usepackage{amssymb} % provides \\square")
'(.fancy-box :requires (.pifont .xcoffins) :snippet org-latex-box-preamble :order 3.9)
'(box-warning :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{warning}{e66100}{Warning}" :order 4)
'(box-info :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{info}{3584e4}{Information}" :order 4)
'(box-notes :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{notes}{26a269}{Notes}" :order 4)
'(box-success :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{success}{26a269}{\\vspace{-\\baselineskip}}" :order 4)
'(box-error :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{error}{c01c28}{Important}" :order 4))
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:snippet org-latex-maths-preamble
:order 0.2)
:condition "cref:\\|\\cref{\\|\\[\\[[^\\]+\n?[^\\]\\]\\]"
:snippet "\\usepackage[capitalize]{cleveref}"
:order 1)
:snippet org-latex-caption-preamble
:order 2.1)
:condition org-latex-use-microtype
:snippet "\\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,kerning=true,spacing=true,factor=2000]{microtype}\n"
:order 0.1)
:condition org-latex-embed-files
:snippet org-latex-embed-files-preamble
:order -2)
:condition (and org-latex-embed-files
"^[ \t]*#\\+embed\\|^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src\\|^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_SRC")
:requires embed-files
:snippet org-latex-embed-extra-files
:order -1)
:condition "[;\\\\]?\\b[A-Z][A-Z]+s?[^A-Za-z]"
:snippet "\\newcommand{\\acr}[1]{\\protect\\textls*[110]{\\scshape #1}}\n\\newcommand{\\acrs}{\\protect\\scalebox{.91}[.84]{\\hspace{0.15ex}s}}"
:order 0.4)
:condition "[\u2500-\u259F]"
:snippet "\\usepackage{pmboxdraw}"
:order 0.05)
:condition (and org-latex-italic-quotes "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_quote\\|\\\\begin{quote}")
:snippet "\\renewcommand{\\quote}{\\list{}{\\rightmargin\\leftmargin}\\item\\relax\\em}\n"
:order 0.5)
:condition org-latex-par-sep
:snippet "\\setlength{\\parskip}{\\baselineskip}\n\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n"
:order 0.5)
:snippet "\\usepackage{pifont}")
:snippet "\\usepackage{xcoffins}")
:condition "^[ \t]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\|[A-Za-z]+[.)]\\) \\[[ -X]\\]"
:requires .pifont
:snippet (concat (unless (memq 'maths features)
"\\usepackage{amssymb} % provides \\square")
:order 3)
:requires (.pifont .xcoffins)
:snippet org-latex-box-preamble
:order 3.9)
:condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_warning\\|\\\\begin{warning}"
:requires .fancy-box
:snippet "\\defsimplebox{warning}{e66100}{Warning}"
:order 4)
:condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_info\\|\\\\begin{info}"
:requires .fancy-box
:snippet "\\defsimplebox{info}{3584e4}{Information}"
:order 4)
:condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_notes\\|\\\\begin{notes}"
:requires .fancy-box
:snippet "\\defsimplebox{notes}{26a269}{Notes}"
:order 4)
:condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_success\\|\\\\begin{success}"
:requires .fancy-box
:snippet "\\defsimplebox{success}{26a269}{\\vspace{-\\baselineskip}}"
:order 4)
:condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_error\\|\\\\begin{error}"
:requires .fancy-box
:snippet "\\defsimplebox{error}{c01c28}{Important}"
:order 4))
***** Reduce default packages
***** Adding xcolor as an unconditional package
Thanks to our additions, we can remove a few packages from
There are also some obsolete entries in the default value, specifically
+ =grffile='s capabilities are built into the current version of =graphicx=
+ =textcomp='s functionality has been included in LaTeX's core for a while now
=xcolor= is just convenient to have.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-latex-default-packages-alist
'(("AUTO" "inputenc" t ("pdflatex"))
("T1" "fontenc" t ("pdflatex"))
("" "xcolor" t) ; Generally useful
("" "hyperref" nil)))
(setq org-latex-packages-alist
'(("" "xcolor" t)))
**** Font collections
@ -11248,9 +11273,16 @@ Now that all the functionality has been implemented, we should hook it into our
preamble generation.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features '(org-latex-default-fontset . custom-font) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations (list 'custom-font :snippet (lambda (_info) (org-latex-fontset :serif :sans :mono)) :order 0) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations (list '.custom-maths-font :eager t :when '(custom-font maths) :snippet (lambda (_info) (org-latex-fontset :maths)) :order 0.3) t)
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition org-latex-default-fontset
:snippet (org-latex-fontset :serif :sans :mono)
:order 0)
:condition t
:when (custom-font maths)
:snippet (org-latex-fontset :maths)
:order 0.3))
Finally, we just need to add some fonts.
@ -11309,21 +11341,30 @@ When we're using Alegreya we can apply a lovely little tweak to =tabular= which
(locally) changes the figures used to lining fixed-width.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features (list (lambda (_info) (string= (car (org-latex-fontset-entry)) "alegreya")) 'alegreya-typeface))
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(alegreya-typeface) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations'(.alegreya-tabular-figures :eager t :when (alegreya-typeface table) :order 0.5 :snippet "
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition (string= (car (org-latex-fontset-entry)) "alegreya")
:snippet nil)
:condition t
:when (alegreya-typeface table)
:snippet "\
% tabular lining figures in tables
\\makeatother\n") t)
:order 0.5))
Due to Alegreya's metrics, the =\LaTeX= symbol doesn't quite look right. We
can correct for this by redefining it with subtlety shifted kerning.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features '("LaTeX" . latex-symbol))
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(latex-symbol :when alegreya-typeface :order 0.5 :snippet "
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition "LaTeX"
:when alegreya-typeface
:snippet "\
% Kerning around the A needs adjusting
@ -11336,7 +11377,8 @@ can correct for this by redefining it with subtlety shifted kerning.
\\makeatother\n") t)
:order 0.5))
**** Maths notation conveniences
@ -11648,8 +11690,11 @@ This condition is applied when cover page option is set to auto.")
(when (org-latex-cover-page-p)
(setf info (plist-put info :latex-subtitle-format org-latex-subtitle-coverpage-format))))
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(cover-page :snippet org-latex-cover-page-maketitle :order 9) t)
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features (cons (lambda (_info) (org-latex-cover-page-p)) 'cover-page) t)
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition (org-latex-cover-page-p)
:snippet org-latex-cover-page-maketitle
:order 9))
**** Condensed lists
@ -11675,8 +11720,11 @@ Then we can just hook this in with our clever preamble.
"LaTeX preamble snippet that reduces the space between list items.")
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features (cons (lambda (_info) (and org-latex-condense-lists "^[ \t]*[-+]\\|^[ \t]*[1Aa][.)] ")) 'condensed-lists) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(condensed-lists :snippet org-latex-condensed-lists :order 0.7) t)
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition (and org-latex-condense-lists "^[ \t]*[-+]\\|^[ \t]*[1Aa][.)] ")
:snippet org-latex-condensed-lists
:order 0.7))
**** Pretty code blocks
@ -11705,13 +11753,12 @@ environments. Protrusion is not desirable here. Thankfully, we can patch the
=Verbatim= environment to turn off protrusion locally.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
:snippet "\\ifcsname Code\\endcsname\n \\let\\oldcode\\Code\\renewcommand{\\Code}{\\microtypesetup{protrusion=false}\\oldcode}\n\\fi"
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition t
:when microtype
:eager t
:order 98.5) t)
:snippet "\\ifcsname Code\\endcsname\n \\let\\oldcode\\Code\\renewcommand{\\Code}{\\microtypesetup{protrusion=false}\\oldcode}\n\\fi"
:order 98.5))
At some point it would be nice to make the box colours easily customisable. At
@ -11798,11 +11845,23 @@ Now all that remains is to hook this into the preamble generation.
"LaTeX preamble snippet that sets LuaLaTeX's fontspec to use Julia Mono.")
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(julia-code :when code :snippet org-latex-julia-mono-fontspec :order 0) t)
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features '("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src julia\\|^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_SRC julia\\|src_julia" . julia-code) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations '(.microtype-lualatex :eager t :when (microtype julia-code) :prevents microtype :order 0.1 :snippet "\\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,factor=2000]{microtype}\n"))
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations (list '.custom-font-no-mono :eager t :prevents 'custom-font :order 0 :snippet (lambda (_info) (org-latex-fontset :serif :sans))) t)
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src julia\\|^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_SRC julia\\|src_julia"
:when code
:snippet org-latex-julia-mono-fontspec
:order 0)
:condition t
:when (microtype julia-code)
:prevents microtype
:snippet "\\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,factor=2000]{microtype}\n"
:order 0.1)
:condition t
:prevents custom-font
:snippet (org-latex-fontset :serif :sans)
:order 0))
**** Emojis
@ -11997,16 +12056,14 @@ If SVG-P is set \"includegraphics\" will be replaced with \"includesvg\"."
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features
(cons (lambda (_info)
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward org-latex-emoji--rx nil t)))
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations
(list 'emoji :requires 'image :snippet #'org-latex-emoji-setup :order 3))
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition (save-excursion
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward org-latex-emoji--rx nil t))
:requires image
:snippet org-latex-emoji-setup
:order 3))
Unfortunately this isn't a global solution, as LuaLaTeX doesn't have
@ -12014,17 +12071,16 @@ Unfortunately this isn't a global solution, as LuaLaTeX doesn't have
when we know it will be used.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations
:when (emoji julia-code) ; LuaLaTeX is used with julia-code.
:eager t
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:condition t
:when (emoji julia-code) ; LuaLaTeX is used with julia-code.
:order 2.9))
:order 2.9))
This works fairly nicely, there's just one little QOL upgrade that we can
@ -12506,25 +12562,26 @@ Now let's just apply this along with some extra beamer tweaks.
(eq 'beamer (and (plist-get info :back-end)
(org-export-backend-name (plist-get info :back-end)))))
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features
'(org-beamer-p . beamer) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations
'(beamer :requires .missing-koma :prevents (italic-quotes condensed-lists)) t)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations
'(.missing-koma :snippet "\\usepackage{scrextend}" :order 2) t)
(org-export-update-features 'beamer
:condition t
:requires .missing-koma
:prevents (italic-quotes condensed-lists cover-page)))
(org-export-update-features 'latex
:snippet "\\usepackage{scrextend}"
:order 2))
(defvar org-beamer-metropolis-tweaks
"LaTeX preamble snippet that tweaks the Beamer metropolis theme styling.")
(add-to-list 'org-export-conditional-features
(cons (lambda (info)
(and (org-beamer-p info)
(string-match-p "metropolis$" org-beamer-theme)))
(add-to-list 'org-latex-feature-implementations
'(beamer-metropolis :requires beamer :snippet org-beamer-metropolis-tweaks :order 3) t)
(org-export-update-features 'beamer
:condition (string-match-p "metropolis$" (plist-get info :beamer-theme))
:snippet org-beamer-metropolis-tweaks
:order 3))
And I think that it's natural to divide a presentation into sections, e.g.