Rewrite/structure dashboard customisations

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TEC 2022-09-22 00:55:21 +08:00
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commit b77835cb1f
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@ -1810,20 +1810,15 @@ checking back and seeing if this is still needed.
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'doom-init-theme-h 'append)
**** Miscellaneous
**** Line numbers
Relative line numbers are fantastic for knowing how far away line numbers are,
then =ESC 12 <UP>= gets you exactly where you think.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
I'd like some slightly nicer default buffer names
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq doom-fallback-buffer-name "► Doom"
+doom-dashboard-name "► Doom")
*** Some helper macros
There are a few handy macros added by doom, namely
@ -2025,7 +2020,378 @@ Let's make creating an Org buffer just that little bit easier.
:desc "New empty Org buffer" "o" #'+evil-buffer-org-new))
*** Dashboard quick actions
*** Dashboard
#+call: confpkg()
**** A fancy splash screen
#+call: confpkg("fancy-splash", prefix="")
Emacs can render an image as the splash screen, but I think we can do better
than just a completely static image. Since, SVG images in particular are
supported, we can use them as the basis for a fancier splash screen image setup
--- with themable, resizing images.
With the effort I'm putting into this, it would be nice to have a good image,
and [[][@MarioRicalde]] came up with a cracker! He's also provided me with a nice
Emacs-style /E/. I was using the blackhole image, but when I stripped down the
splash screen to something more minimal I switched to just using the /E/.
#+attr_latex: :width 0.2\linewidth
#+attr_html: :style width:20% :alt Fancy Emacs "E"
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar fancy-splash-image-template
(expand-file-name "misc/splash-images/emacs-e-template.svg" doom-private-dir)
"Default template svg used for the splash image.
Colours are substituted as per `fancy-splash-template-colours'.")
Special named colours can be used as the basis for theming, with a simple
replacement system.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar fancy-splash-template-colours
'(("$colour1" . keywords)
("$colour2" . type)
("$colour3" . base5)
("$colour4" . base8))
"List of colour-replacement alists of the form (\"$placeholder\" . 'theme-colour).")
Since we're going to be generating theme-specific versions of splash images, it
would be good to have a cache directory.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar fancy-splash-cache-dir (expand-file-name "theme-splashes/" doom-cache-dir))
To set up dynamic resizing, we'll use a list specifying the image height at
various frame-height thresholds, with a few extra bells and whistles (such as
the ability to change image too).
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar fancy-splash-sizes
`((:height 300 :min-height 50 :padding (0 . 2))
(:height 250 :min-height 42 :padding (2 . 4))
(:height 200 :min-height 35 :padding (3 . 3))
(:height 150 :min-height 28 :padding (3 . 3))
(:height 100 :min-height 20 :padding (2 . 2))
(:height 75 :min-height 15 :padding (2 . 1))
(:height 50 :min-height 10 :padding (1 . 0))
(:height 1 :min-height 0 :padding (0 . 0)))
"List of plists specifying image sizing states.
Each plist should have the following properties:
- :height, the height of the image
- :min-height, the minimum `frame-height' for image
- :padding, a `+doom-dashboard-banner-padding' (top . bottom) padding
specification to apply
Optionally, each plist may set the following two properties:
- :template, a non-default template file
- :file, a file to use instead of template")
Now that's we've set up the customisation approach, we need to work out the
mechanics for actually implementing this. To start with, a basic utility
function to get the relevant file path.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun fancy-splash-filename (theme height)
"Get the file name for the splash image with THEME and of HEIGHT."
(expand-file-name (format "%s-%d.svg" theme height) fancy-splash-cache-dir))
Now to go about actually generating the images.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun fancy-splash-generate-image (template height)
"Create a themed image from TEMPLATE of HEIGHT.
The theming is performed using `fancy-splash-template-colours'
and the current theme."
(insert-file-contents template)
(re-search-forward "$height" nil t)
(replace-match (number-to-string height) nil nil)
(dolist (substitution fancy-splash-template-colours)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward (car substitution) nil t)
(face-attribute (cdr substitution) :foreground nil 'default)
nil nil)))
(unless (file-exists-p fancy-splash-cache-dir)
(make-directory fancy-splash-cache-dir t))
(write-region nil nil (fancy-splash-filename (car custom-enabled-themes) height) nil nil)))
We may as well generate each theme's appropriate images in bunk.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun fancy-splash-generate-all-images ()
"Perform `fancy-splash-generate-image' in bulk."
(dolist (size fancy-splash-sizes)
(unless (plist-get size :file)
(or (plist-get size :template)
(plist-get size :height)))))
It would be nice to have a simple check function which will just generate the
set of relevant images if needed, and do nothing if they already exist.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun fancy-splash-ensure-theme-images-exist (&optional height)
"Ensure that the relevant images exist.
Use the image of HEIGHT to check, defaulting to the height of the first
specification in `fancy-splash-sizes'. If that file does not exist for
the current theme, `fancy-splash-generate-all-images' is called. "
(unless (file-exists-p
(car custom-enabled-themes)
(or height (plist-get (car fancy-splash-sizes) :height))))
In case we switch out the images used (or something else goes wrong), it would
be good to have a convenient method to clear this cache.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun fancy-splash-clear-cache ()
"Delete all cached fancy splash images"
(delete-directory fancy-splash-cache-dir t)
(message "Fancy splash image cache cleared!"))
Now we can ensure that the desired images exist, we need to work out which
particular one we want. This is really just a matter of comparing the frame
height to the set of presets.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun fancy-splash-get-appropriate-size ()
"Find the firt `fancy-splash-sizes' with min-height of at least frame height."
(let ((height (frame-height)))
(cl-some (lambda (size) (when (>= height (plist-get size :min-height)) size))
We now want to apply the appropriate image to the dashboard. At the same time,
we don't want to do so needlessly, so we may as well record the size and theme
to determine when a refresh is actually needed.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq fancy-splash--last-size nil)
(setq fancy-splash--last-theme nil)
(defun fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image (&rest _)
"Ensure the appropriate splash image is applied to the dashboard.
This function's signature is \"&rest _\" to allow it to be used
in hooks that call functions with arguments."
(let ((appropriate-size (fancy-splash-get-appropriate-size)))
(unless (and (equal appropriate-size fancy-splash--last-size)
(equal (car custom-enabled-themes) fancy-splash--last-theme))
(unless (plist-get appropriate-size :file)
(fancy-splash-ensure-theme-images-exist (plist-get appropriate-size :height)))
(setq fancy-splash-image
(or (plist-get appropriate-size :file)
(fancy-splash-filename (car custom-enabled-themes)
(plist-get appropriate-size :height)))
+doom-dashboard-banner-padding (plist-get appropriate-size :padding)
fancy-splash--last-size appropriate-size
fancy-splash--last-theme (car custom-enabled-themes))
**** ASCII banner
If we're operating in a terminal (or =emacclient=) we see an ascii banner instead
of the graphical one. I'd also like to use something simple for this.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun doom-dashboard-draw-ascii-emacs-banner-fn ()
(let* ((banner
"|---'| | |,---|| `---."
"`---'` ' '`---^`---'`---'"))
(longest-line (apply #'max (mapcar #'length banner))))
(dolist (line banner (point))
(insert (+doom-dashboard--center
line (make-string (max 0 (- longest-line (length line)))
'face 'doom-dashboard-banner)))
Now we just need this as Doom's ASCII banner function.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(unless (display-graphic-p) ; for some reason this messes up the graphical splash screen atm
(setq +doom-dashboard-ascii-banner-fn #'doom-dashboard-draw-ascii-emacs-banner-fn))
**** Splash phrases
#+call: confpkg("splash-phrases", prefix="")
Having an aesthetically pleasing image is all very well and good, but I'm aiming
for minimal, not clinical --- it would be good to inject some fun into the
dashboard. After trawling around the internet for a bit, I've found three
sources of fun phrases, namely:
+ a nonsense corporate jargon generator,
+ a selection of random developer excuses, and
+ a collection of fun but rather useless facts.
I used to have a fancy method that used web APIs for these and inserted an
invisible placeholder into the dashboard which was asynchronously replaced on
the result of (debounced) requests to the APIs. While that actually worked quite
well, I realised that it would be much better and simpler if I simply copied the
phrases sources to local files and did the random selection / generation in
Let's start off by setting the local folder to put the phrase source files in.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar splash-phrase-source-folder
(expand-file-name "misc/splash-phrases" doom-private-dir)
"A folder of text files with a fun phrase on each line.")
Now we want to support two "phrase systems"
1. A complete file of phrases, one phrase per line
2. A collection of phrase-components, put together to form a phrase
It would be good to specify/detect which of the two cases apply based on the
file name alone. I've done this by setting the simple check that if the file
name contains =-N-= (where =N= is some number) then it is taken as the =N=th phrase
component, with everything preceding the =-N-= token taken as the collection
identifier, and everything after =-N-= ignored.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar splash-phrase-sources
(let* ((files (directory-files splash-phrase-source-folder nil "\\.txt\\'"))
(sets (delete-dups (mapcar
(lambda (file)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\(?:-[0-9]+-\\w+\\)?\\.txt" "" file))
(mapcar (lambda (sset)
(cons sset
(delq nil (mapcar
(lambda (file)
(when (string-match-p (regexp-quote sset) file)
"A list of cons giving the phrase set name, and a list of files which contain phrase components.")
Let's fix the phrase set in use, and pick a random phrase source on startup.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar splash-phrase-set
(nth (random (length splash-phrase-sources)) (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources))
"The default phrase set. See `splash-phrase-sources'.")
While having a random set of phrases is fantastic the vast majority of the time,
I expect that occasionally I'll feel in the mood to change the phrase set or
pick a particular one, so some functions for that would be nice.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun splash-phrase-set-random-set ()
"Set a new random splash phrase set."
(setq splash-phrase-set
(nth (random (1- (length splash-phrase-sources)))
(cl-set-difference (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources) (list splash-phrase-set))))
(+doom-dashboard-reload t))
(defun splash-phrase-select-set ()
"Select a specific splash phrase set."
(setq splash-phrase-set (completing-read "Phrase set: " (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources)))
(+doom-dashboard-reload t))
If we're going to be selecting phrases from a large list of lines, it could be
worth caching the list of lines.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar splash-phrase--cached-lines nil)
Now let's write a function that will pick a random line from a file, using
~splash-phrase--cached-lines~ if possible.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun splash-phrase-get-from-file (file)
"Fetch a random line from FILE."
(let ((lines (or (cdr (assoc file splash-phrase--cached-lines))
(cdar (push (cons file
(insert-file-contents (expand-file-name file splash-phrase-source-folder))
(split-string (string-trim (buffer-string)) "\n")))
(nth (random (length lines)) lines)))
With this, we now have enough to generate random phrases on demand.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun splash-phrase (&optional set)
"Construct a splash phrase from SET. See `splash-phrase-sources'."
(cdr (assoc (or set splash-phrase-set) splash-phrase-sources))
" "))
I originally thought this might be enough, but some phrases are a tad long, and
this isn't exactly doom-dashboard appropriate. In such cases we need to split
lines, re-centre them, and add some whitespace. While we're at it, we may as
well make it that you can click on the phrase to replace it with new one.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun splash-phrase-dashboard-formatted ()
"Get a splash phrase, flow it over multiple lines as needed, and fontify it."
(lambda (line)
(lambda (_) (+doom-dashboard-reload t))
'face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title
'mouse-face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title
'help-echo "Random phrase"
'follow-link t)
(insert (splash-phrase))
(setq fill-column (min 70 (/ (* 2 (window-width)) 3)))
(fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
Almost there now, this just needs some centreing and newlines.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun splash-phrase-dashboard-insert ()
"Insert the splash phrase surrounded by newlines."
(insert "\n" (splash-phrase-dashboard-formatted) "\n"))
**** Quick actions
When using the dashboard, there are often a small number of actions I will take.
As the dashboard is it's own major mode, there is no need to suffer the tyranny
@ -2062,6 +2428,94 @@ Now that the dashboard is so convenient, I'll want to make it easier to get to.
(map! :leader :desc "Dashboard" "d" #'+doom-dashboard/open)
**** Putting it all together
With the splash image and phrase generation worked out, we can almost put
together the desired dashboard from scratch, we just need to re-create the
benchmark information by itself.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun +doom-dashboard-benchmark-line ()
"Insert the load time line."
(doom-display-benchmark-h 'return))
'face 'doom-dashboard-loaded)))
With ~doom-display-benchmark-h~ displayed here, I don't see the need for it to be
shown in the minibuffer as well.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(remove-hook 'doom-after-init-hook #'doom-display-benchmark-h)
Now we can create the desired dashboard by setting ~+doom-dashboard-functions~ to
just have:
+ The "widget banner" (splash image)
+ The benchmark line
+ A random phrase
This gets rid of two segments I'm not particularly interested in seeing
+ The shortmenu
+ The footer (github link)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq +doom-dashboard-functions
(list #'doom-dashboard-widget-banner
At this point there are just a few minor tweaks I'd still like to make to the
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun +doom-dashboard-tweak (&optional _)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer +doom-dashboard-name)
(setq-local line-spacing 0.2
mode-line-format nil
evil-normal-state-cursor (list nil))))
Now we can just add this as a mode hook.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-hook '+doom-dashboard-mode-hook #'+doom-dashboard-tweak)
Unfortunately, the initialisation of =doom-modeline= interferes with the set
~mode-line-format~ value. To get around this, we can re-apply
~+doom-dashboard-tweak~ as a slightly late init hook, after =doom-modeline= has been
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'doom-after-init-hook #'+doom-dashboard-tweak 1)
Lastly, with the buffer name being shown in the frame title thanks to some [[Window title][other
configuration]], we might as well display something a bit prettier than =*doom*=.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq +doom-dashboard-name "► Doom"
doom-fallback-buffer-name +doom-dashboard-name)
The end result is a minimal but rather nice splash screen.
#+attr_html: :class invertible :alt The splash screen, just loaded.
To keep the splash image up to date, we just need to check it every time the
frame size or theme is changed.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'window-size-change-functions #'fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image)
(add-hook 'doom-load-theme-hook #'fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image)
** Other things
# This stub for the shell setup scrip needs to appear before any
@ -2104,256 +2558,6 @@ I'd like to have just the buffer name, then if applicable the project folder
For example when I open my config file it the window will be titled ●
doom= then as soon as I make a change it will become ◉ doom=.
*** Splash screen
#+call: confpkg()
Emacs can render an image as the splash screen, and [[][@MarioRicalde]] came up with a
cracker! He's also provided me with a nice Emacs-style /E/. I was using the
blackhole image, but as I've stripped down the splash screen I've switched to
just using the /E/.
#+attr_latex: :width 0.2\linewidth
#+attr_html: :style width:20% :alt Fancy Emacs "E"
Now we just make it theme-appropriate, and resize with the frame.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar fancy-splash-image-template
(expand-file-name "misc/splash-images/emacs-e-template.svg" doom-private-dir)
"Default template svg used for the splash image, with substitutions from ")
(defvar fancy-splash-sizes
`((:height 300 :min-height 50 :padding (0 . 2))
(:height 250 :min-height 42 :padding (2 . 4))
(:height 200 :min-height 35 :padding (3 . 3))
(:height 150 :min-height 28 :padding (3 . 3))
(:height 100 :min-height 20 :padding (2 . 2))
(:height 75 :min-height 15 :padding (2 . 1))
(:height 50 :min-height 10 :padding (1 . 0))
(:height 1 :min-height 0 :padding (0 . 0)))
"list of plists with the following properties
:height the height of the image
:min-height minimum `frame-height' for image
:padding `+doom-dashboard-banner-padding' (top . bottom) to apply
:template non-default template file
:file file to use instead of template")
(defvar fancy-splash-template-colours
'(("$colour1" . keywords) ("$colour2" . type) ("$colour3" . base5) ("$colour4" . base8))
"list of colour-replacement alists of the form (\"$placeholder\" . 'theme-colour) which applied the template")
(unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "theme-splashes" doom-cache-dir))
(make-directory (expand-file-name "theme-splashes" doom-cache-dir) t))
(defun fancy-splash-filename (theme-name height)
(expand-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory "theme-splashes")
"-" (number-to-string height) ".svg")
(defun fancy-splash-clear-cache ()
"Delete all cached fancy splash images"
(delete-directory (expand-file-name "theme-splashes" doom-cache-dir) t)
(message "Cache cleared!"))
(defun fancy-splash-generate-image (template height)
"Read TEMPLATE and create an image if HEIGHT with colour substitutions as
described by `fancy-splash-template-colours' for the current theme"
(insert-file-contents template)
(re-search-forward "$height" nil t)
(replace-match (number-to-string height) nil nil)
(dolist (substitution fancy-splash-template-colours)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward (car substitution) nil t)
(replace-match (doom-color (cdr substitution)) nil nil)))
(write-region nil nil
(fancy-splash-filename (symbol-name doom-theme) height) nil nil)))
(defun fancy-splash-generate-images ()
"Perform `fancy-splash-generate-image' in bulk"
(dolist (size fancy-splash-sizes)
(unless (plist-get size :file)
(fancy-splash-generate-image (or (plist-get size :template)
(plist-get size :height)))))
(defun ensure-theme-splash-images-exist (&optional height)
(unless (file-exists-p (fancy-splash-filename
(symbol-name doom-theme)
(or height
(plist-get (car fancy-splash-sizes) :height))))
(defun get-appropriate-splash ()
(let ((height (frame-height)))
(cl-some (lambda (size) (when (>= height (plist-get size :min-height)) size))
(setq fancy-splash-last-size nil)
(setq fancy-splash-last-theme nil)
(defun set-appropriate-splash (&rest _)
(let ((appropriate-image (get-appropriate-splash)))
(unless (and (equal appropriate-image fancy-splash-last-size)
(equal doom-theme fancy-splash-last-theme)))
(unless (plist-get appropriate-image :file)
(ensure-theme-splash-images-exist (plist-get appropriate-image :height)))
(setq fancy-splash-image
(or (plist-get appropriate-image :file)
(fancy-splash-filename (symbol-name doom-theme) (plist-get appropriate-image :height))))
(setq +doom-dashboard-banner-padding (plist-get appropriate-image :padding))
(setq fancy-splash-last-size appropriate-image)
(setq fancy-splash-last-theme doom-theme)
(add-hook 'window-size-change-functions #'set-appropriate-splash)
(add-hook 'doom-load-theme-hook #'set-appropriate-splash)
Now the only thing missing is a an extra interesting line, whether that be some
corporate BS, an developer excuse, or a fun (useless) fact.
The following is rather long, but it essentially
+ fetches a phrase from an API
+ inserts it into the dashboard (asynchronously)
+ moves ~point~ to the phrase
+ re-uses the last phrase for requests within a few seconds of it being fetched
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar splash-phrase-source-folder
(expand-file-name "misc/splash-phrases" doom-private-dir)
"A folder of text files with a fun phrase on each line.")
(defvar splash-phrase-sources
(let* ((files (directory-files splash-phrase-source-folder nil "\\.txt\\'"))
(sets (delete-dups (mapcar
(lambda (file)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\(?:-[0-9]+-\\w+\\)?\\.txt" "" file))
(mapcar (lambda (sset)
(cons sset
(delq nil (mapcar
(lambda (file)
(when (string-match-p (regexp-quote sset) file)
"A list of cons giving the phrase set name, and a list of files which contain phrase components.")
(defvar splash-phrase-set
(nth (random (length splash-phrase-sources)) (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources))
"The default phrase set. See `splash-phrase-sources'.")
(defun splase-phrase-set-random-set ()
"Set a new random splash phrase set."
(setq splash-phrase-set
(nth (random (1- (length splash-phrase-sources)))
(cl-set-difference (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources) (list splash-phrase-set))))
(+doom-dashboard-reload t))
(defvar splase-phrase--cache nil)
(defun splash-phrase-get-from-file (file)
"Fetch a random line from FILE."
(let ((lines (or (cdr (assoc file splase-phrase--cache))
(cdar (push (cons file
(insert-file-contents (expand-file-name file splash-phrase-source-folder))
(split-string (string-trim (buffer-string)) "\n")))
(nth (random (length lines)) lines)))
(defun splash-phrase (&optional set)
"Construct a splash phrase from SET. See `splash-phrase-sources'."
(cdr (assoc (or set splash-phrase-set) splash-phrase-sources))
" "))
(defun doom-dashboard-phrase ()
"Get a splash phrase, flow it over multiple lines as needed, and make fontify it."
(lambda (line)
(lambda (_) (+doom-dashboard-reload t))
'face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title
'mouse-face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title
'help-echo "Random phrase"
'follow-link t)
(insert (splash-phrase))
(setq fill-column (min 70 (/ (* 2 (window-width)) 3)))
(fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
(defadvice! doom-dashboard-widget-loaded-with-phrase ()
:override #'doom-dashboard-widget-loaded
(setq line-spacing 0.2)
(doom-display-benchmark-h 'return))
'face 'doom-dashboard-loaded)
Lastly, the doom dashboard "useful commands" are no longer useful to me.
So, we'll disable them and then for a particularly /clean/ look disable
the modeline and ~hl-line-mode~, then also hide the cursor.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(remove-hook '+doom-dashboard-functions #'doom-dashboard-widget-shortmenu)
(add-hook! '+doom-dashboard-mode-hook (hide-mode-line-mode 1) (hl-line-mode -1))
(setq-hook! '+doom-dashboard-mode-hook evil-normal-state-cursor (list nil))
At the end, we have a minimal but rather nice splash screen.
#+attr_html: :class invertible :alt The splash screen, just loaded.
I haven't forgotten about the ASCII banner though! Once again we're going for
something simple.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun doom-dashboard-draw-ascii-emacs-banner-fn ()
(let* ((banner
"|---'| | |,---|| `---."
"`---'` ' '`---^`---'`---'"))
(longest-line (apply #'max (mapcar #'length banner))))
(dolist (line banner (point))
(insert (+doom-dashboard--center
line (make-string (max 0 (- longest-line (length line)))
'face 'doom-dashboard-banner)))
(unless (display-graphic-p) ; for some reason this messes up the graphical splash screen atm
(setq +doom-dashboard-ascii-banner-fn #'doom-dashboard-draw-ascii-emacs-banner-fn))
*** Systemd daemon
For running a systemd service for a Emacs server I have the following