Add support for predicate functions in autocorrect

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TEC 2024-03-26 17:21:15 +08:00
parent b6062c5cc3
commit 9357cbb0fe
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@ -4243,9 +4243,23 @@ function, we can create an abbrev minor mode and link that up.
"Turn on `autocorrect-mode' in the current buffer."
(autocorrect-mode 1))
(defun autocorrect--enabled-p ()
"Return non-nil if autocorrect-mode is enabled in the current buffer."
While we're at it, it would probably be nice to write an abbrev predicate
function that can also take into account a user function that determines if
expansion is appropriate.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defcustom autocorrect-predicates nil
"Predicate functions called at point with argument START.
These functions should return t if autocorrection is valid at START."
:type '(repeat function))
(defun autocorrect--appropriate-p ()
"Return non-nil it is currently appropriate to make an autocorrection.
See `autocorrect-predicates'."
(and autocorrect-mode
(run-hook-with-args-until-failure 'autocorrect-predicates (point))))
Given that our autocorrect abbrev table is operating rather distinctly from the
@ -4270,7 +4284,7 @@ too. We could just not save it, but it seems nice to get the count information.
Also set it as a parent of `global-abbrev-table'."
(unless autocorrect-abbrev-table
(setq autocorrect-abbrev-table
(make-abbrev-table (list :enable-function #'autocorrect--enabled-p)))
(make-abbrev-table (list :enable-function #'autocorrect--appropriate-p)))
global-abbrev-table :parents
(cons autocorrect-abbrev-table
@ -4461,8 +4475,13 @@ the global abbrev list.
(cl-loop for dict in jinx--dicts
thereis (jinx--mod-check dict word))))
(setq autocorrect-check-spelling-function #'autocorrect-jinx-check-spelling)
(defun autocorrect-jinx-appropriate (pos)
"Return non-nil if it is appropriate to spellcheck at POS according to jinx."
(and (not (jinx--face-ignored-p pos))
(not (jinx--regexp-ignored-p pos))))
(setq autocorrect-check-spelling-function #'autocorrect-jinx-check-spelling)
(add-to-list 'autocorrect-predicates #'autocorrect-jinx-appropriate)
(advice-add 'jinx--correct-replace :before #'autocorrect-jinx-record-correction)