Custom analogue clock was upstreamed

It's now part of doom-modeline 🥳
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TEC 2024-03-22 11:10:02 +08:00
parent ae995ad221
commit 8740abb117
Signed by: tec
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:eobz41Mnm0/iYWBvWThftS0ElEs1ftBr6jamutnXc/A
1 changed files with 4 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -4401,111 +4401,13 @@ hide it?
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom-modeline-conditional-buffer-encoding)
**** Time
**** Analogue clock
Moving onto the modeline segments, there's a calendar icon showed next to the
current time, which I'm not a fan of. Let's replace that by redefining the
segment. Instead of the calendar, it would be much nicer to have an updating
analog clock, so let's use that idea as an excuse to try out the Emacs svg library.
First, we'll need a way to produce svg clocks on-demand.
Now that my code for an analogue clock icon has been upstreamed, all I do here
is adjust the size slightly 🙂.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar micro-clock-hour-hand-ratio 0.45
"Length of the hour hand as a proportion of the radius.")
(defvar micro-clock-minute-hand-ratio 0.7
"Length of the minute hand as a proportion of the radius.")
(defun micro-clock-svg (hour minute radius color)
"Construct an SVG clock showing the time HOUR:MINUTE.
The clock will be of the specified RADIUS and COLOR."
(let ((hour-x (* radius (sin (* (- 6 hour (/ minute 60.0)) (/ float-pi 6)))
(hour-y (* radius (cos (* (- 6 hour (/ minute 60.0)) (/ float-pi 6)))
(minute-x (* radius (sin (* (- 30 minute) (/ float-pi 30)))
(minute-y (* radius (cos (* (- 30 minute) (/ float-pi 30)))
(svg (svg-create (* 2 radius) (* 2 radius) :stroke color)))
(svg-circle svg radius radius (1- radius) :fill "none" :stroke-width 2)
(svg-circle svg radius radius 1 :fill color :stroke "none")
(svg-line svg radius radius (+ radius hour-x) (+ radius hour-y)
:stroke-width 2)
(svg-line svg radius radius (+ radius minute-x) (+ radius minute-y)
:stroke-width 1.5)
With that out the way, we need to figure out how to integrate this into the
modeline. For the most part this was fairly easy, the tricky part was getting
the alignment right. I tried using the =(raise FACTOR)= display property, but that
doesn't appear to combine with images. Looking at the documentation on [[][image
descriptors]] though, I came across the =:ascent= property, which looked rather
promising. By setting =:ascent center= the image is centred relative to the text,
which is exactly what we need. With that sorted, we just add some caching and
the obvious customisations and we've got modeline-appropriate clock generation!
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'svg)
(defvar +doom-modeline-micro-clock-minute-resolution 1
"The clock will be updated every this many minutes, truncating.")
(defvar +doom-modeline-micro-clock-inverse-size 4.8
"The size of the clock, as an inverse proportion to the mode line height.")
(defvar +doom-modeline-micro-clock--cache nil)
(defvar +doom-modeline-clock-text-format "%c")
(defun +doom-modeline--clock-text (&optional _window _object _pos)
(format-time-string +doom-modeline-clock-text-format))
(defun +doom-modeline-micro-clock ()
"Return a string containing an current analogue clock."
(if (equal (truncate (float-time)
(* +doom-modeline-micro-clock-minute-resolution 60))
(car +doom-modeline-micro-clock--cache))
(setq +doom-modeline-micro-clock--cache
(cons (truncate (float-time)
(* +doom-modeline-micro-clock-minute-resolution 60))
(string-to-number (format-time-string "%-I")) ; hour
(* (truncate (string-to-number (format-time-string "%-M"))
+doom-modeline-micro-clock-minute-resolution) ; minute
(/ doom-modeline-height +doom-modeline-micro-clock-inverse-size) ; radius
" "
(append (get-text-property 0 'display (buffer-string))
'(:ascent center))
'face 'doom-modeline-time
'help-echo #'+doom-modeline--clock-text)))))))
With clock generation sorted out, all that's to be done is replacing the =time=
modeline segment with our design.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(doom-modeline-def-segment time
(when (and doom-modeline-time
(bound-and-true-p display-time-mode)
(not doom-modeline--limited-width-p))
(when doom-modeline-time-icon
(and (or doom-modeline-icon doom-modeline-unicode-fallback)
(propertize display-time-string
'face (doom-modeline-face 'doom-modeline-time)))))
(setq doom-modeline-time-clock-size 0.65)
**** Media player