Initial mail (mu4e) setup

This commit is contained in:
TEC 2020-05-23 12:17:08 +08:00
parent bfdddbe069
commit 71dc056bb2
2 changed files with 1215 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ so, no matter how much critisism you include I'll appreciate it :)
The lovely ~doom doctor~ is good at diagnosing most missing things, but here are a
few extras.
+ The [[][Delta]] binary. It's packaged for some distributions but I installed it with
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :exec no
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :eval no
cargo install git-delta
+ A [[][LaTeX Compiler]] is required for the mathematics rendering performed in [[#org][Org]],
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ cargo install git-delta
+ The =cargo-script= rust crate is required for evaluation of rust blocks by babel.
As described in the README for [[][ob-rust]]. Like ~delta~, this can just be installed
using cargo.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :eval no
cargo install cargo-script
** Current Issues
@ -544,6 +544,10 @@ Variable pitch fontification + colouring
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(package! info-colors :pin "47ee73cc19b1049eef32c9f3e264ea7ef2aaf8a5")
*** Email
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(package! org-msg)
** Language packages
*** LaTeX
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -840,6 +844,813 @@ syntax-highlighting-love though which is a bit sad. Thankfully
Unfortunately this seems to mess things up, which is something I'll want to look
into later.
** Mail
*** Fetching
The contenders for this seem to be:
+ [[][OfflineIMAP]] ([[][ArchWiki page]])
+ [[][isync/mbsync]] ([[][ArchWiki page]])
From perusing r/emacs the prevailing opinion seems to be that
+ isync is faster
+ isync works more reliably
So let's use that.
The config was straightforward, and is located at [[file:~/.mbsyncrc][~/.mbsyncrc]].
I'm currently successfully connecting to: Gmail, office365mail, and dovecot.
I'm also shoving passwords in my [[file:~/.authinfo.gpg][authinfo.gpg]] and fetching them using ~PassCmd~:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :tangle no :eval no
gpg2 -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d ~/.authinfo.gpg | awk '/machine IMAP_SERCER login EMAIL_ADDR/ {print $NF}'
We can run ~mbsync -a~ in a systemd service file or something, but we can do
better than that. [[][vsemyonoff/easymail]] seems like the sort of thing we want, but
is written for =notmuch= unfortunately. We can still use it for inspiration though.
Using [[][goimapnotify]] we should be able to sync just after new
mail. Unfortunately this means /yet another/ config file :(
We install with
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :eval no
go get -u
ln -s ~/go/bin/goimapnotify ~/.local/bin/
Here's the general plan:
1. Use ~goimapnotify~ to monitor mailboxes
This needs it's own set of configs, and =systemd= services, which is a pain. We
remove this pain by writing a python script (found below) to setup these
config files, and systemd services by parsing the [[file:~/.mbsyncrc][~/.mbsyncrc]] file.
2. On new mail, call ~mbsync --pull --new ACCOUNT:BOX~
We try to be as specific as possible, so ~mbsync~ returns as soon as possible,
and we can /get those emails as soon as possible/.
3. Try to call ~mu index --lazy-fetch~.
This fails if mu4e is already open (due to a write lock on the database), so
in that case we just ~touch~ a tmp file (=/tmp/mu_reindex_now=).
4. Separately, we set up Emacs to check for the existance of
=/tmp/mu_reindex_now= once a second while mu4e is
running, and (after deleting the file) call ~mu4e-update-index~.
Let's start off by handling the elisp side of things
**** Rebuild mail index while using mu4e
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! mu4e
(defvar mu4e-reindex-request-file "/tmp/mu_reindex_now"
"Location of the reindex request, signaled by existance")
(defvar mu4e-reindex-request-min-seperation 2.0
"Don't refresh again until this many second have elapsed.
Prevents a series of redisplays from being called (when set to an appropriate value)")
(defvar mu4e-reindex-request--file-watcher nil)
(defvar mu4e-reindex-request--file-just-deleted nil)
(defvar mu4e-reindex-request--last-time 0)
(defun mu4e-reindex-request--add-watcher ()
(setq mu4e-reindex-request--file-just-deleted nil)
(setq mu4e-reindex-request--file-watcher
(file-notify-add-watch mu4e-reindex-request-file
(defadvice! mu4e-stop-watching-for-reindex-request ()
:after #'mu4e~proc-kill
(if mu4e-reindex-request--file-watcher
(file-notify-rm-watch mu4e-reindex-request--file-watcher)))
(defadvice! mu4e-watch-for-reindex-request ()
:after #'mu4e~proc-start
(when (file-exists-p mu4e-reindex-request-file)
(delete-file mu4e-reindex-request-file))
(defun mu4e-file-reindex-request (event)
"Act based on the existance of `mu4e-reindex-request-file'"
(if mu4e-reindex-request--file-just-deleted
(when (equal (nth 1 event) 'created)
(delete-file mu4e-reindex-request-file)
(setq mu4e-reindex-request--file-just-deleted t)
(mu4e-reindex-maybe t))))
(defun mu4e-reindex-maybe (&optional new-request)
"Run `mu4e~proc-index' if it's been more than `mu4e-reindex-request-min-seperation' seconds since the last request,"
(let ((time-since-last-request (- (float-time) mu4e-reindex-request--last-time)))
(when new-request
(setq mu4e-reindex-request--last-time (float-time)))
(if (> time-since-last-request mu4e-reindex-request-min-seperation)
(mu4e~proc-index nil t)
(when new-request
(run-at-time (* 1.1 mu4e-reindex-request-min-seperation) nil
**** Config transcoding & service management
As long as the =mbsyncrc= file exists, this is as easy as running
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
When run without flags this will perform the following actions
+ Read, and parse [[file:~/.mbsyncrc][~/.mbsyncrc]], specifically recognising the following properties
- ~IMAPAccount~
- ~Host~
- ~Port~
- ~User~
- ~Password~
- ~PassCmd~
- ~Patterns~
+ Call ~mbsync --list ACCOUNT~, and filter results according to ~Patterns~
+ Construct a imapnotify config for each account, with the following hooks
- onNewMail :: ~mbsync --pull ACCOUNT:MAILBOX~
- onNewMailPost :: ~if mu index --lazy-check; then test -f /tmp/mu_reindex_now && rm /tmp/mu_reindex_now; else touch /tmp/mu_reindex_now; fi~
+ Compare accounts list to previous accounts, enable/disable the relevant
systemd services, called with the ~--now~ flag (start/stop services as well)
This script also supports the following flags
+ ~--status~ to get the status of the relevant systemd services supports =active=,
=failing=, and =disabled=
+ ~--enable~ to enable all relevant systemd services
+ ~--disable~ to disable all relevant systemd services
#+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle misc/ :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env python3"
from pathlib import Path
import json
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import fnmatch
mbsyncFile = Path("~/.mbsyncrc").expanduser()
imapnotifyConfigFolder = Path("~/.imapnotify/").expanduser()
imapnotifyConfigFilename = "notify.conf"
imapnotifyDefault = {
"host": "",
"port": 993,
"tls": True,
"tlsOptions": {"rejectUnauthorized": True},
"onNewMail": "",
"onNewMailPost": "if mu index --lazy-check; then test -f /tmp/mu_reindex_now && rm /tmp/mu_reindex_now; else touch /tmp/mu_reindex_now; fi",
def stripQuotes(string):
if string[0] == '"' and string[-1] == '"':
return string[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"')
mbsyncInotifyMapping = {
"Host": (str, "host"),
"Port": (int, "port"),
"User": (str, "username"),
"Password": (str, "password"),
"PassCmd": (stripQuotes, "passwordCmd"),
"Patterns": (str, "_patterns"),
oldAccounts = [ for d in imapnotifyConfigFolder.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]
currentAccount = ""
currentAccountData = {}
successfulAdditions = []
def processLine(line):
newAcc = re.match(r"^IMAPAccount ([^#]+)", line)
linecontent = re.sub(r"(^|[^\\])#.*", "", line).split(" ", 1)
if len(linecontent) != 2:
parameter, value = linecontent
if parameter == "IMAPAccount":
if currentAccountNumber > 0:
elif parameter in mbsyncInotifyMapping.keys():
parser, key = mbsyncInotifyMapping[parameter]
currentAccountData[key] = parser(value)
elif parameter == "Channel":
currentAccountData["onNewMail"] = f"mbsync --pull --new {value}:'%s'"
def newAccount(name):
global currentAccountNumber
global currentAccount
global currentAccountData
currentAccountNumber += 1
currentAccount = name
currentAccountData = {}
print(f"\n\033[1;32m{currentAccountNumber}\033[0;32m - {name}\033[0;37m")
def accountToFoldername(name):
return re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", name)
def finaliseAccount():
if currentAccountNumber == 0:
global currentAccountData
currentAccountData["boxes"] = getMailBoxes(currentAccount)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
f"\033[1;31mError:\033[0;31m failed to fetch mailboxes (skipping): "
+ f"`{' '.join(e.cmd)}' returned code {e.returncode}\033[0;37m"
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
f"\033[1;31mError:\033[0;31m failed to fetch mailboxes (skipping): "
+ f"`{' '.join(e.cmd)}' timed out after {e.timeout} seconds\033[0;37m"
if "_patterns" in currentAccountData:
currentAccountData["boxes"] = applyPatternFilter(
currentAccountData["_patterns"], currentAccountData["boxes"]
# strip not-to-be-exported data
currentAccountData = {
k: currentAccountData[k] for k in currentAccountData if k[0] != "_"
parametersSet = currentAccountData.keys()
currentAccountData = {**imapnotifyDefault, **currentAccountData}
for key, val in currentAccountData.items():
valColor = "\033[0;33m" if key in parametersSet else "\033[0;37m"
print(f" \033[1;37m{key:<13} {valColor}{val}\033[0;37m")
if (
len(currentAccountData["boxes"]) > 15
and "" in currentAccountData["username"]
" \033[1;31mWarning:\033[0;31m Gmail raises an error when more than"
+ "\033[1;31m15\033[0;31m simultanious connections are attempted."
+ "\n You are attempting to monitor "
+ f"\033[1;31m{len(currentAccountData['boxes'])}\033[0;31m mailboxes.\033[0;37m"
configFile = (
/ accountToFoldername(currentAccount)
/ imapnotifyConfigFilename
json.dump(currentAccountData, open(configFile, "w"), indent=2)
print(f" \033[0;35mConfig generated and saved to {configFile}\033[0;37m")
global successfulAdditions
def getMailBoxes(account):
boxes =
["mbsync", "--list", account], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=10.0
return boxes.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n")
def applyPatternFilter(pattern, mailboxes):
patternRegexs = getPatternRegexes(pattern)
return [m for m in mailboxes if testPatternRegexs(patternRegexs, m)]
def getPatternRegexes(pattern):
def addGlob(b):
blobs.append(b.replace('\\"', '"'))
return ""
blobs = []
pattern = re.sub(r' ?"([^"]+)"', lambda m: addGlob(m.groups()[0]), pattern)
blobs.extend(pattern.split(" "))
blobs = [
(-1, fnmatch.translate(b[1::])) if b[0] == "!" else (1, fnmatch.translate(b))
for b in blobs
return blobs
def testPatternRegexs(regexCond, case):
for factor, regex in regexCond:
if factor * bool(re.match(regex, case)) < 0:
return False
return True
def processSystemdServices():
keptAccounts = [acc for acc in successfulAdditions if acc in oldAccounts]
freshAccounts = [acc for acc in successfulAdditions if acc not in oldAccounts]
staleAccounts = [acc for acc in oldAccounts if acc not in successfulAdditions]
if keptAccounts:
print(f"\033[1;34m{len(keptAccounts)}\033[0;34m kept accounts:\033[0;37m")
if freshAccounts:
print(f"\033[1;32m{len(freshAccounts)}\033[0;32m new accounts:\033[0;37m")
print(f"\033[0;32mNo new accounts.\033[0;37m")
notActuallyEnabledAccounts = [
acc for acc in successfulAdditions if not getAccountServiceState(acc)["enabled"]
if notActuallyEnabledAccounts:
f"\033[1;32m{len(notActuallyEnabledAccounts)}\033[0;32m accounts need re-enabling:\033[0;37m"
if staleAccounts:
print(f"\033[1;33m{len(staleAccounts)}\033[0;33m removed accounts:\033[0;37m")
print(f"\033[0;33mNo removed accounts.\033[0;37m")
def enableAccountSystemdServices(accounts):
for account in accounts:
print(f" \033[0;32m - \033[1;37m{account:<18}", end="\033[0;37m", flush=True)
if setSystemdServiceState(
"enable", f"goimapnotify@{accountToFoldername(account)}.service"
print("\033[1;32m enabled")
def disableAccountSystemdServices(accounts):
for account in accounts:
print(f" \033[0;33m - \033[1;37m{account:<18}", end="\033[0;37m", flush=True)
if setSystemdServiceState(
"disable", f"goimapnotify@{accountToFoldername(account)}.service"
print("\033[1;33m disabled")
def restartAccountSystemdServices(accounts):
for account in accounts:
print(f" \033[0;34m - \033[1;37m{account:<18}", end="\033[0;37m", flush=True)
if setSystemdServiceState(
"restart", f"goimapnotify@{accountToFoldername(account)}.service"
print("\033[1;34m restarted")
def setSystemdServiceState(state, service):
enabler =
["systemctl", "--user", state, service, "--now"],
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
f" \033[1;31mfailed\033[0;31m to {state}, `{' '.join(e.cmd)}'"
+ f"returned code {e.returncode}\033[0;37m"
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
print(f" \033[1;31mtimed out after {e.timeout} seconds\033[0;37m")
return False
def getAccountServiceState(account):
return {
state: bool(
for state in ("enabled", "active", "failing")
def getAccountServiceStates(accounts):
for account in accounts:
enabled, active, failing = getAccountServiceState(account).values()
print(f" - \033[1;37m{account:<18}\033[0;37m ", end="", flush=True)
if not enabled:
elif active:
elif failing:
print("\033[1;35min an unrecognised state\033[0;37m")
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == "--enable":
elif sys.argv[1] == "--disable":
elif sys.argv[1] == "--status":
print(f"\033[0;31mFlag {sys.argv[1]} not recognised\033[0;37m")
mbsyncData = open(mbsyncFile, "r").read()
currentAccountNumber = 0
totalAccounts = len(re.findall(r"^IMAPAccount", mbsyncData, re.M))
def main():
print("\033[1;34m:: MbSync to Go IMAP notify config file creator ::\033[0;37m")
print("\033[1;30mImap Notify config dir purged\033[0;37m")
print(f"Identified \033[1;32m{totalAccounts}\033[0;32m accounts.\033[0;37m")
for line in mbsyncData.split("\n"):
f"\nConfig files generated for \033[1;36m{len(successfulAdditions)}\033[0;36m"
+ f" out of \033[1;36m{totalAccounts}\033[0;37m accounts.\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
**** Systemd
We then have a service file to run ~goimapnotify~ on all of these generated config files.
We'll use a template service file so we can enable a unit per-account.
#+BEGIN_SRC systemd :tangle ~/.config/systemd/user/goimapnotify@.service
Description=IMAP notifier using IDLE, golang version.
ExecStart=%h/go/bin/goimapnotify -conf %h/.imapnotify/%I/notify.conf
Enabling the service is actually taken care of by that python script.
From one or two small tests, this can bring the delay down to as low as five
seconds, which I'm quite happy with.
This works well for fetching new mail, but we also want to propagate other
changes (e.g. marking mail as read), and make sure we're up to date at the
start, so for that I'll do the 'normal' thing and run ~mbsync -all~ every so often
--- let's say five minutes.
We can accomplish this via a systemd timer, and service file.
#+BEGIN_SRC systemd :tangle ~/.config/systemd/user/mbsync.timer
Description=call mbsync on all accounts every 5 minutes
#+BEGIN_SRC systemd :tangle ~/.config/systemd/user/mbsync.service
Description=mbsync service, sync all mail
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mbsync --all
Enabling (and starting) this is as simple as
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
systemctl --user enable mbsync.timer --now
*** Indexing/Searching
This is performed by [[][Mu]]. This is a tool for finding emails stored in the [[][Maildir]] format.
According to the homepage, it's main features are
+ Fast indexing
+ Good searching
+ Support for encrypted and signed messages
+ Rich CLI tooling
+ accent/case normalisation
+ strong integration with email clients
Unfortunately ~mu~ is not currently packaged from me. Oh well, I guess I'm
building it from source then. I needed to install these packages
+ =gmime-devel=
+ =xapian-core-devel=
#+NAME: install mu from source (solus)
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :eval no
cd ~/.local/lib/
git clone
cd ./mu
sudo make install
To check how my version compares to the latest published:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
curl --silent "" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/'
mu --version | head -n 1 | sed 's/.* version//'
| 1.4.6 |
| 1.4.6 |
*** User Interface/client
Webmail clients are nice and all, but I still don't believe that SPAs in my
browser can replaced desktop apps ... sorry Gmail. I'm also liking google less
and less.
Mailspring is a decent desktop client, quite lightweight for electron
(apparently the backend is in =C=, which probably helps), however I miss Emacs
While =Notmuch= seems very promising, and I've heard good things about it, it
doesn't seem to make any changes to the emails themselves. All data is stored in
Notmuch's database. While this is a very interesting model, occasionally I need
to pull up an email on say my phone, and so not I want the tagging/folders etc.
to be applied to the mail itself --- not stored in a database.
On the other hand =Mu4e= is also talked about a lot in positive terms, and seems
to possess a similarly strong feature set --- and modifies the mail itself (I.e.
information is accessible without the database). =Mu4e= also seems to have a large
user base, which tends to correlate with better support and attention.
There are a few write-ups I could find useful on this
+ [[][Zmalltalker : Email done right]]
+ [[][Better Mu4e Message Rendering - Jack Baty's weblog]]
*** Sending
[[][SmtpMail]] seems to be the 'default' starting point, but that's not packaged for
me. [[][msmtp]] is however, so I'll give that a shot. Reading around a bit (googling
"msmtp vs sendmail" for example) almost every comparison mentioned seems to
suggest msmtp to be a better choice. I have seen the following points raised
+ ~sendmail~ has several vulnerabilities
+ ~sendmail~ is tedious to configure
+ ~ssmtp~ is no longer maintained
+ ~msmtp~ is a maintained alternative to ~ssmtp~
+ ~msmtp~ is easier to configure
The config file is [[file:~/.msmtprc][~/.msmtprc]]
**** System hackery
Unfortunately, I seem to have run into a [[][bug]] present in my packaged version, so
we'll just install the latest from source.
For full use of the ~auth~ options, I need =GNU SASL=, which isn't packaged for me.
I don't think I want it, but in case I do, I'll need to do this.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :eval no :tangle no
export GSASL_VERSION=1.8.1
cd ~/.local/lib/
curl "$GSASL_VERSION.tar.gz" | tar xz
curl "$GSASL_VERSION.tar.gz" | tar xz
cd "./libgsasl-$GSASL_VERSION"
sudo make install
cd ..
cd "./gsasl-$VERSION"
sudo make install
cd ..
Now actually compile ~msmtp~.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :eval no
cd ~/.local/lib/
git clone ./msmtp
cd ./msmtp
libtoolize --force
automake --force-missing --add-missing
# if using GSASL
# PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --with-libgsasl
sudo make install
If using =GSASL= (from earlier) we need to make ensure that the dynamic library in
in the library path. We can do by adding an executable with the same name
earlier on in my ~$PATH~.
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle no :shebang "#!/bin/sh"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib exec /usr/local/bin/msmtp "$@"
*** Mu4e
As I installed mu4e from source, I need to add the =/usr/local/= loadpath so Mu4e has a chance of loading
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")
We can register Emacs as a potential email client with the following desktop
file, thanks to Etienne Deparis's [[][Mu4e customization]].
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle ~/.local/share/applications/emacsmail.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Compose message in Emacs
GenericName=Compose a new message with Mu4e in Emacs
Comment=Open mu4e compose window
Exec=emacsclient -create-frame --alternate-editor="" --no-wait --eval '(mu4e-compose-from-mailto \"%u\")'
To register this, just call
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
**** Viewing Mail
There are some all-the-icons font related issues, so we need to redefine the
fancy chars, and make sure they get the correct width.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! mu4e
(defun my-string-width (str)
"Return the width in pixels of a string in the current
window's default font. If the font is mono-spaced, this
will also be the width of all other printable characters."
(let ((window (selected-window))
(remapping face-remapping-alist))
(make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
(setq face-remapping-alist remapping)
(set-window-buffer window (current-buffer))
(insert str)
(car (window-text-pixel-size)))))
(cl-defun mu4e~normalised-icon (name &key set colour height v-adjust)
"Convert :icon declaration to icon"
(let* ((icon-set (intern (concat "all-the-icons-" (or set "faicon"))))
(v-adjust (or v-adjust 0.02))
(height (or height 0.8))
(icon (if colour
(apply icon-set `(,name :face ,(intern (concat "all-the-icons-" colour)) :height ,height :v-adjust ,v-adjust))
(apply icon-set `(,name :height ,height :v-adjust ,v-adjust))))
(icon-width (my-string-width icon))
(space-width (my-string-width " "))
(space-factor (- 2 (/ (float icon-width) space-width))))
(concat (propertize " " 'display `(space . (:width ,space-factor))) icon)
(setq mu4e-use-fancy-chars t
mu4e~mark-fringe " "
mu4e~mark-fringe-len 3
mu4e~mark-fringe-format "%-3s"
mu4e-headers-draft-mark (cons "D" (mu4e~normalised-icon "pencil"))
mu4e-headers-flagged-mark (cons "F" (mu4e~normalised-icon "flag"))
mu4e-headers-new-mark (cons "N" (mu4e~normalised-icon "sync" :set "material" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.10))
mu4e-headers-passed-mark (cons "P" (mu4e~normalised-icon "arrow-right"))
mu4e-headers-replied-mark (cons "R" (mu4e~normalised-icon "arrow-right"))
mu4e-headers-seen-mark (cons "S" "") ;(mu4e~normalised-icon "eye" :height 0.6 :v-adjust 0.07 :colour "dsilver"))
mu4e-headers-trashed-mark (cons "T" (mu4e~normalised-icon "trash"))
mu4e-headers-attach-mark (cons "a" (mu4e~normalised-icon "file-text-o" :colour "silver"))
mu4e-headers-encrypted-mark (cons "x" (mu4e~normalised-icon "lock"))
mu4e-headers-signed-mark (cons "s" (mu4e~normalised-icon "certificate" :height 0.7 :colour "dpurple"))
mu4e-headers-unread-mark (cons "u" (mu4e~normalised-icon "eye-slash" :v-adjust 0.05))))
Since each flag now takes two charachters of space, we want to tweak the header
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! mu4e
(setq mu4e-headers-fields
'((:account . 16)
(:human-date . 8)
(:flags . 6)
(:from . 25)
(plist-put (cdr (assoc :flags mu4e-header-info)) :shortname " Flags") ; default=Flgs
The main mu4e window is ... alright. I'm not afraid of unicode though, so I'll
define a fancier version. Look, it's the asterisks. We can do better than
asterisks. The keybindings can also be made nicer, why have ~[x]~ when we can just
have a bold, coloured ~x~. Does the same job, while looking much less garish.
We don't put this in an ~(after! ...)~ block as =evil-collection-mu4e= calls
~mu4e~main-action-str~ in Doom's mu4e ~(usepackage! ...)~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defadvice! mu4e~main-action-prettier-str (str &optional func-or-shortcut)
"Highlight the first occurrence of [.] in STR.
If FUNC-OR-SHORTCUT is non-nil and if it is a function, call it
when STR is clicked (using RET or mouse-2); if FUNC-OR-SHORTCUT is
a string, execute the corresponding keyboard action when it is
:override #'mu4e~main-action-str
(let ((newstr
(format "%s"
(propertize (match-string 1 m) 'face '(mode-line-emphasis bold))))
(replace-regexp-in-string "\t\\*" "\t⚫" str)))
(map (make-sparse-keymap))
(func (if (functionp func-or-shortcut)
(if (stringp func-or-shortcut)
(execute-kbd-macro func-or-shortcut))))))
(define-key map [mouse-2] func)
(define-key map (kbd "RET") func)
(put-text-property 0 (length newstr) 'keymap map newstr)
(put-text-property (string-match "[A-Za-z].+$" newstr)
(- (length newstr) 1) 'mouse-face 'highlight newstr)
(setq evil-collection-mu4e-end-region-misc "quit")
**** Sending Mail
Let's send emails too.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! mu4e
(setq sendmail-program "/usr/local/bin/msmtp"
send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
message-sendmail-f-is-evil t
message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("--read-envelope-from"); , "--read-recipients")
message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail))
We also want to define ~mu4e-compose-from-mailto~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun mu4e-compose-from-mailto (mailto-string)
(require 'mu4e)
(unless mu4e~server-props (mu4e t) (sleep-for 0.1))
(let* ((mailto (rfc2368-parse-mailto-url mailto-string))
(to (cdr (assoc "To" mailto)))
(subject (or (cdr (assoc "Subject" mailto)) ""))
(body (cdr (assoc "Body" mailto)))
(org-msg-greeting-fmt (if (assoc "Body" mailto)
(replace-regexp-in-string "%" "%%"
(cdr (assoc "Body" mailto)))
(headers (-filter (lambda (spec) (not (-contains-p '("To" "Subject" "Body") (car spec)))) mailto)))
(mu4e~compose-mail to subject headers)))
This may not quite function as intended for now due to [[github:jeremy-compostella/org-msg/issues/52][jeremy-compostella/org-msg#52]].
*** Org Msg
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package! org-msg
:after mu4e
(setq org-msg-options "html-postamble:nil H:5 num:nil ^:{} toc:nil author:nil email:nil \\n:t tex:dvipng"
org-msg-startup "hidestars indent inlineimages"
org-msg-greeting-fmt "\nHi %s,\n\n"
org-msg-greeting-name-limit 3
org-msg-text-plain-alternative t))
** Org Chef
Loading after org seems a bit premature. Let's just load it when we try to use
it, either by command or in a capture template.
@ -2995,11 +3806,81 @@ I want to add github-style links on hover for headings.
***** LaTeX Rendering
When displaying images, we want to resize by the reciprocal of ~preview-scale~.
Unfortunately that doesn't happen by default, but not to worry! Advice exists.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! org
(defadvice! org-html-latex-fragment-scaled (latex-fragment _contents info)
"Transcode a LATEX-FRAGMENT object from Org to HTML.
CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
:override #'org-html-latex-fragment
(let ((latex-frag (org-element-property :value latex-fragment))
(processing-type (plist-get info :with-latex))
(attrs '(:class "latex-fragment")))
(when (eq processing-type 'dvipng)
(plist-put attrs :style (format "transform: scale(%.3f)" (/ 1.0 preview-scale))))
((memq processing-type '(t mathjax))
(org-html-format-latex latex-frag 'mathjax info))
((memq processing-type '(t html))
(org-html-format-latex latex-frag 'html info))
((assq processing-type org-preview-latex-process-alist)
(let ((formula-link
(org-html-format-latex latex-frag processing-type info)))
(when (and formula-link (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link))
(let ((source (org-export-file-uri (match-string 1 formula-link))))
(org-html--format-image source attrs info)))))
(t latex-frag))))
(defadvice! org-html-latex-environment-scaled (latex-environment _contents info)
"Transcode a LATEX-ENVIRONMENT element from Org to HTML.
CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
:override #'org-html-latex-environment
(let ((processing-type (plist-get info :with-latex))
(latex-frag (org-remove-indentation
(org-element-property :value latex-environment)))
(attributes (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html latex-environment))
(label (and (org-element-property :name latex-environment)
(org-export-get-reference latex-environment info)))
(caption (and (org-html--latex-environment-numbered-p latex-environment)
latex-environment info nil
(lambda (l _)
(and (org-html--math-environment-p l)
(org-html--latex-environment-numbered-p l))))))))
(plist-put attributes :class "latex-environment")
(when (eq processing-type 'dvipng)
(plist-put attributes :style (format "transform: scale(%.3f)" (/ 1.0 preview-scale))))
((memq processing-type '(t mathjax))
(if (org-string-nw-p label)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\`.*"
(format "\\&\n\\\\label{%s}" label)
'mathjax info))
((assq processing-type org-preview-latex-process-alist)
(let ((formula-link
(org-html--unlabel-latex-environment latex-frag)
processing-type info)))
(when (and formula-link (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link))
(let ((source (org-export-file-uri (match-string 1 formula-link))))
(org-html--format-image source attributes info)
info caption label)))))
(t (org-html--wrap-latex-environment latex-frag info caption label))))))
On the maths side of things, I consider ~dvisvgm~ to be a rather compelling
option. However this isn't sized very well at the moment.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; (setq-default org-html-with-latex `dvisvgm)
**** Exporting to LaTeX
I like automatically using spaced small caps for acronyms. For strings I want to
be unaffected lest's use ~;~ as a prefix to prevent the transformation --- i.e.

misc/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path
import json
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import fnmatch
mbsyncFile = Path("~/.mbsyncrc").expanduser()
imapnotifyConfigFolder = Path("~/.imapnotify/").expanduser()
imapnotifyConfigFilename = "notify.conf"
imapnotifyDefault = {
"host": "",
"port": 993,
"tls": True,
"tlsOptions": {"rejectUnauthorized": True},
"onNewMail": "",
"onNewMailPost": "if mu index --lazy-check; then test -f /tmp/mu_reindex_now && rm /tmp/mu_reindex_now; else touch /tmp/mu_reindex_now; fi",
def stripQuotes(string):
if string[0] == '"' and string[-1] == '"':
return string[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"')
mbsyncInotifyMapping = {
"Host": (str, "host"),
"Port": (int, "port"),
"User": (str, "username"),
"Password": (str, "password"),
"PassCmd": (stripQuotes, "passwordCmd"),
"Patterns": (str, "_patterns"),
oldAccounts = [ for d in imapnotifyConfigFolder.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]
currentAccount = ""
currentAccountData = {}
successfulAdditions = []
def processLine(line):
newAcc = re.match(r"^IMAPAccount ([^#]+)", line)
linecontent = re.sub(r"(^|[^\\])#.*", "", line).split(" ", 1)
if len(linecontent) != 2:
parameter, value = linecontent
if parameter == "IMAPAccount":
if currentAccountNumber > 0:
elif parameter in mbsyncInotifyMapping.keys():
parser, key = mbsyncInotifyMapping[parameter]
currentAccountData[key] = parser(value)
elif parameter == "Channel":
currentAccountData["onNewMail"] = f"mbsync --pull --new {value}:'%s'"
def newAccount(name):
global currentAccountNumber
global currentAccount
global currentAccountData
currentAccountNumber += 1
currentAccount = name
currentAccountData = {}
print(f"\n\033[1;32m{currentAccountNumber}\033[0;32m - {name}\033[0;37m")
def accountToFoldername(name):
return re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", name)
def finaliseAccount():
if currentAccountNumber == 0:
global currentAccountData
currentAccountData["boxes"] = getMailBoxes(currentAccount)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
f"\033[1;31mError:\033[0;31m failed to fetch mailboxes (skipping): "
+ f"`{' '.join(e.cmd)}' returned code {e.returncode}\033[0;37m"
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
f"\033[1;31mError:\033[0;31m failed to fetch mailboxes (skipping): "
+ f"`{' '.join(e.cmd)}' timed out after {e.timeout} seconds\033[0;37m"
if "_patterns" in currentAccountData:
currentAccountData["boxes"] = applyPatternFilter(
currentAccountData["_patterns"], currentAccountData["boxes"]
# strip not-to-be-exported data
currentAccountData = {
k: currentAccountData[k] for k in currentAccountData if k[0] != "_"
parametersSet = currentAccountData.keys()
currentAccountData = {**imapnotifyDefault, **currentAccountData}
for key, val in currentAccountData.items():
valColor = "\033[0;33m" if key in parametersSet else "\033[0;37m"
print(f" \033[1;37m{key:<13} {valColor}{val}\033[0;37m")
if (
len(currentAccountData["boxes"]) > 15
and "" in currentAccountData["username"]
" \033[1;31mWarning:\033[0;31m Gmail raises an error when more than"
+ "\033[1;31m15\033[0;31m simultanious connections are attempted."
+ "\n You are attempting to monitor "
+ f"\033[1;31m{len(currentAccountData['boxes'])}\033[0;31m mailboxes.\033[0;37m"
configFile = (
/ accountToFoldername(currentAccount)
/ imapnotifyConfigFilename
json.dump(currentAccountData, open(configFile, "w"), indent=2)
print(f" \033[0;35mConfig generated and saved to {configFile}\033[0;37m")
global successfulAdditions
def getMailBoxes(account):
boxes =
["mbsync", "--list", account], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=10.0
return boxes.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n")
def applyPatternFilter(pattern, mailboxes):
patternRegexs = getPatternRegexes(pattern)
return [m for m in mailboxes if testPatternRegexs(patternRegexs, m)]
def getPatternRegexes(pattern):
def addGlob(b):
blobs.append(b.replace('\\"', '"'))
return ""
blobs = []
pattern = re.sub(r' ?"([^"]+)"', lambda m: addGlob(m.groups()[0]), pattern)
blobs.extend(pattern.split(" "))
blobs = [
(-1, fnmatch.translate(b[1::])) if b[0] == "!" else (1, fnmatch.translate(b))
for b in blobs
return blobs
def testPatternRegexs(regexCond, case):
for factor, regex in regexCond:
if factor * bool(re.match(regex, case)) < 0:
return False
return True
def processSystemdServices():
keptAccounts = [acc for acc in successfulAdditions if acc in oldAccounts]
freshAccounts = [acc for acc in successfulAdditions if acc not in oldAccounts]
staleAccounts = [acc for acc in oldAccounts if acc not in successfulAdditions]
if keptAccounts:
print(f"\033[1;34m{len(keptAccounts)}\033[0;34m kept accounts:\033[0;37m")
if freshAccounts:
print(f"\033[1;32m{len(freshAccounts)}\033[0;32m new accounts:\033[0;37m")
print(f"\033[0;32mNo new accounts.\033[0;37m")
notActuallyEnabledAccounts = [
acc for acc in successfulAdditions if not getAccountServiceState(acc)["enabled"]
if notActuallyEnabledAccounts:
f"\033[1;32m{len(notActuallyEnabledAccounts)}\033[0;32m accounts need re-enabling:\033[0;37m"
if staleAccounts:
print(f"\033[1;33m{len(staleAccounts)}\033[0;33m removed accounts:\033[0;37m")
print(f"\033[0;33mNo removed accounts.\033[0;37m")
def enableAccountSystemdServices(accounts):
for account in accounts:
print(f" \033[0;32m - \033[1;37m{account:<18}", end="\033[0;37m", flush=True)
if setSystemdServiceState(
"enable", f"goimapnotify@{accountToFoldername(account)}.service"
print("\033[1;32m enabled")
def disableAccountSystemdServices(accounts):
for account in accounts:
print(f" \033[0;33m - \033[1;37m{account:<18}", end="\033[0;37m", flush=True)
if setSystemdServiceState(
"disable", f"goimapnotify@{accountToFoldername(account)}.service"
print("\033[1;33m disabled")
def restartAccountSystemdServices(accounts):
for account in accounts:
print(f" \033[0;34m - \033[1;37m{account:<18}", end="\033[0;37m", flush=True)
if setSystemdServiceState(
"restart", f"goimapnotify@{accountToFoldername(account)}.service"
print("\033[1;34m restarted")
def setSystemdServiceState(state, service):
enabler =
["systemctl", "--user", state, service, "--now"],
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
f" \033[1;31mfailed\033[0;31m to {state}, `{' '.join(e.cmd)}'"
+ f"returned code {e.returncode}\033[0;37m"
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
print(f" \033[1;31mtimed out after {e.timeout} seconds\033[0;37m")
return False
def getAccountServiceState(account):
return {
state: bool(
for state in ("enabled", "active", "failing")
def getAccountServiceStates(accounts):
for account in accounts:
enabled, active, failing = getAccountServiceState(account).values()
print(f" - \033[1;37m{account:<18}\033[0;37m ", end="", flush=True)
if not enabled:
elif active:
elif failing:
print("\033[1;35min an unrecognised state\033[0;37m")
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == "--enable":
elif sys.argv[1] == "--disable":
elif sys.argv[1] == "--status":
print(f"\033[0;31mFlag {sys.argv[1]} not recognised\033[0;37m")
mbsyncData = open(mbsyncFile, "r").read()
currentAccountNumber = 0
totalAccounts = len(re.findall(r"^IMAPAccount", mbsyncData, re.M))
def main():
print("\033[1;34m:: MbSync to Go IMAP notify config file creator ::\033[0;37m")
print("\033[1;30mImap Notify config dir purged\033[0;37m")
print(f"Identified \033[1;32m{totalAccounts}\033[0;32m accounts.\033[0;37m")
for line in mbsyncData.split("\n"):
f"\nConfig files generated for \033[1;36m{len(successfulAdditions)}\033[0;36m"
+ f" out of \033[1;36m{totalAccounts}\033[0;37m accounts.\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":