Handle case better in autocorrect

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@ -4300,11 +4300,52 @@ Also set it as a parent of `global-abbrev-table'."
Now we can write the update function that's run on a live spelling correction.
When we handle just-performed spelling corrections, if the word is capitalised
it could either be because:
+ It is appearing at the start of the sentence
+ It is a proper noun, and should always be capitalised
We want to differentiate these two cases, which we can do by converting the
corrected word to lowercase and testing whether that form is spellchecked as
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defcustom autocorrect-check-spelling-function nil
"Predicate function that indicates whether a word is correctly spelt.
This is used to check whether a correction can be safely lowercased."
:type '(choice function (const nil)))
To check whether a function is indeed lowercase we'll try using ~char-uppercase-p~
instead of Regexp for speed (I think but haven't tested that this will be
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun autocorrect--should-downcase-p (word)
"Check whether it is a good idea to downcase WORD.
This is conditional on all of the following being true:
- WORD starts with a capital letter
- The rest of WORD is either entirely lower or upper case
(i.e. WORD is like \"Capitalised\" or \"UPPERCASE\")
- The lowercase form of WORD satisfies `autocorrect-check-spelling-function'"
(and autocorrect-check-spelling-function
(char-uppercase-p (aref word 0))
(let ((letter-cases (mapcar #'char-uppercase-p word)))
(or (not (memq t (cdr letter-cases)))
(not (memq nil (cdr letter-cases)))))
(funcall autocorrect-check-spelling-function
(downcase word))))
Now we can write the update function that's run on a live spelling correction,
using the various facilities we've defined so far.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun autocorrect-record-correction (misspelling corrected)
"Record the correction of MISSPELLING to CORRECTED."
(when (autocorrect--should-downcase-p corrected)
(setq misspelling (downcase misspelling)
corrected (downcase corrected)))
(let ((write-region-inhibit-fsync t) ; Quicker writes
(coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
(inhibit-message t))
@ -4403,6 +4444,24 @@ the global abbrev list.
(overlay-end overlay))))
(autocorrect-record-correction text corrected)))
(defun autocorrect-jinx-check-spelling (word)
"Check if WORD is valid."
;; Mostly a copy of `jinx--word-valid-p', just without the buffer substring.
;; It would have been nice if `jinx--word-valid-p' implemented like this
;; with `jinx--this-word-valid-p' (or similar) as the at-point variant.
(or (member word jinx--session-words)
;; Allow capitalized words
(and (string-match-p "\\`[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+\\'" word)
for w in jinx--session-words
thereis (and (string-equal-ignore-case word w)
(string-match-p "\\`[[:lower:]]+\\'" w))))
(cl-loop for dict in jinx--dicts
thereis (jinx--mod-check dict word))))
(setq autocorrect-check-spelling-function #'autocorrect-jinx-check-spelling)
(advice-add 'jinx--correct-replace :before #'autocorrect-jinx-record-correction)
**** Downloading dictionaries