mail: improve org-msg position jumping

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TEC 2022-10-02 22:42:09 +08:00
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@ -6946,14 +6946,55 @@ Now to make this take effect, we can just add it a bit later on in
*** Org Msg
Doom does a fantastic stuff with the defaults with this, so we only make a few
minor tweaks.
minor tweaks. First, some stylistic things:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq +org-msg-accent-color "#1a5fb4"
org-msg-greeting-fmt "\nHi%s,\n\n"
org-msg-signature "\n\n#+begin_signature\nAll the best,\\\\\n@@html:<b>@@Timothy@@html:</b>@@\n#+end_signature")
Now, it would be nice to easily jump to and between the ends of the message
body, so let's make a function for this.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun +org-msg-goto-body (&optional end)
"Go to either the beginning or the end of the body.
END can be the symbol top, bottom, or nil to toggle."
(let ((initial-pos (point)))
(when (or (eq end 'top)
(and (or (eq initial-pos (point)) ; Already at bottom
(<= initial-pos ; Above message body
(not (eq end 'bottom))))
(search-forward (format org-msg-greeting-fmt
(concat " " (org-msg-get-to-name)))))))
We can replace the evil binding of =mu4e-compose-goto-bottom= with this function.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(map! :map org-msg-edit-mode-map
:after org-msg
:n "G" #'org-msg-goto-body)
:n "G" #'+org-msg-goto-body)
It would also be good to call this when replying to a message. This has to be
implemented as advice as the compose hooks are run before ~mu4e~compose-handler~
moves the point with ~message-goto-<location>~.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun +org-msg-goto-body-when-replying (compose-type &rest _)
"Call `+org-msg-goto-body' when the current message is a reply."
(when (and org-msg-edit-mode (eq compose-type 'reply))
(advice-add 'mu4e~compose-handler :after #'+org-msg-goto-body-when-replying)
* Language configuration