Custom org-plot.el

This commit is contained in:
tecosaur 2020-05-15 18:07:10 +08:00
parent 620f2c57d0
commit 26637227c0
2 changed files with 407 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -82,15 +82,27 @@ and the repository exists.
*** CalcTeX brings up compilation buffer
With my [[*Calc][Calc]] hook, the first call of =M-x calc= brings up a compilation buffer
from CalcTeX. I'm guessing this is from the compilation of the preamble / ~.fmt~ file.
*** I can't get low effort pretty gnuplots
I'd like to have some pretty defaults, and some nice presets like ~:preset radar~.
Perhaps an ~defadvice!~ is in ~org-plot/gnuplot~'s near future?
** Editor comparison
Over the years I have tried out (spent at least a year using as my primary
editor) the following applications
- Python IDLE
- Komodo Edit
- Brackets
- VSCode
- and now, Emacs
**** Wish list
+ Nice default font, line thicknesses etc.
+ Colours based on current doom theme
+ a ~:preset~ key, which takes a string/variable/function.
A bit like ~TeX-fold-math-spec-alist~.
#+PLOT: transpose:yes type:radar min:0 max:4 ticks:4 file:"misc/editor-comparison.png"
| Editor | Extensibility | Ecosystem | Ease of Use | Comfort | Completion | Performance |
| IDLE | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| Komodo Edit | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
| Brackets | 2.5 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2.5 | 2 |
| VSCode | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 3 |
| Emacs | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3.5 | 3 |
* Rudimentary configuration
Make this file run (slightly) faster with lexical binding (see [[][this blog post]]
for more info).
@ -581,6 +593,11 @@ inserts an org-ified version at point. Isn't that just great.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(package! org-chef :pin "1dd73fd3db")
I have my own custom version of ~org-plot~, so let's replace that
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(package! org-plot :recipe (:local-repo "lisp" :no-byte-compile t))
* Package configuration
** Abbrev mode
Thanks to [[][use a single abbrev-table for multiple modes? - Emacs Stack Exchange]] I
@ -960,6 +977,19 @@ It's nice to see ansi colour codes displayed
I really like org mode, I've given some thought to why, and below is the result.
#+PLOT: transpose:yes type:radar min:0 max:4 file:"misc/document-format-comparison.png"
| Format | Fine-grained-control | Initial Effort | Syntax simplicity | Editor Support | Integrations | Ease-of-referencing | Versatility |
| Word | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
| LaTeX | 4 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
| Org Mode | 4 | 2 | 3.5 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
| Markdown | 1 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
| Markdown + Pandoc | 2.5 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
*** System config
Org mode isn't recognised as it's own mime type by default, but that can easily
be changed with the following file. For system-wide changes try
@ -1846,6 +1876,35 @@ appropriate. In tables, insert a new row or end the table."
(org-return t)))))
(advice-add #'org-return-indent :override #'unpackaged/org-return-dwim))
**** Org Plot
There are two main bits of extra functionality I wan to add
+ the ability to transpose tables (internally)
+ a radar type
To accomplish this, overriding the ~org-plot/gnuplot~ function seems to be the
clear way. I tried this, and overrode so much that it seemed to make sense
just to modify =org-plot.el= instead, as it was only ~350 lines and I functions
that encompassed most of that line count.
Given that my [[file:lisp/org-plot.el][org-plot.el]] is now ~700 lines, this seems to have been a good call.
For transposition, I've added the following (equivalent) keys
+ ~[transpose|t]~
+ ~t~
When set to ~yes~, ~y~, or ~t~ the table is internally transposed (i.e. the =elisp= data
form of the table only).
The radar chart is a lot more involved, and I've added the following keys
+ ~type:radar~
This uses the radar template, the result of which can be seen in <<...>>
+ ~[min|ymin]:0..n~
This sets the start value of /every/ axis.
+ ~[max|ymax]:0..n~
This sets the end value of /every/ axis.
If both ~ymin~ and ~ymax~ are set, only the first axis gets tick labels.
+ ~ticks:0..n~
This sets the number of ticks. Only works for \(n>2\), or \(n=0\) in which
case no ticks are shown.
*** Visuals
**** In editor
***** Font Display

View File

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
;; Thanks to the Org mailing list for testing and implementation and
;; feature suggestions
;; This has been modified by @tecosaur to extend the functionality of this package
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
@ -62,7 +64,15 @@ Returns the resulting property list."
("labels" . :labels)
("map" . :map)
("timeind" . :timeind)
("timefmt" . :timefmt)))
("timefmt" . :timefmt)
;; extra from me
("min" . :ymin)
("max" . :ymax)
("ymin" . :ymin)
("ymax" . :ymax)
("ticks" . :ticks)
("t" . :transpose)
("transpose" . :transpose)))
(multiples '("set" "line"))
(regexp ":\\([\"][^\"]+?[\"]\\|[(][^)]+?[)]\\|[^ \t\n\r;,.]*\\)")
(start 0))
@ -179,7 +189,75 @@ and dependent variables."
(setf back-edge "") (setf front-edge ""))))
(defun org-plot/gnuplot-script (data-file num-cols params &optional preface)
(defun org--plot/gnuplot-script-preamble ()
"Generate a preamble to be prepended to the script run in `org-plot/gnuplot-script'"
(format "
fgt = \"textcolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground text
fgat = \"textcolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground alt text
fgl = \"linecolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground line
fgal = \"linecolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground alt line
# foreground colors
set linetype -1 lc rgb '%s'
set border lc rgb '%s'
# change text colors of tics
set xtics @fgt
set ytics @fgt
# change text colors of labels
set title @fgt
set xlabel @fgt
set ylabel @fgt
# change a text color of key
set key @fgt
# line styles
set linetype 1 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # red
set linetype 2 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # blue
set linetype 3 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # green
set linetype 4 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # magenta
set linetype 5 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # orange
set linetype 6 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # yellow
set linetype 7 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # teal
set linetype 8 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # violet
# palette
set palette maxcolors 8
set palette defined ( 0 '%s',\
1 '%s',\
2 '%s',\
3 '%s',\
4 '%s',\
5 '%s',\
6 '%s',\
7 '%s' )
(doom-color 'fg)
(doom-color 'fg-alt)
(doom-color 'fg)
(doom-color 'fg-alt)
(doom-color 'fg)
(doom-color 'fg)
;; colours
(doom-color 'red)
(doom-color 'blue)
(doom-color 'green)
(doom-color 'magenta)
(doom-color 'orange)
(doom-color 'yellow)
(doom-color 'teal)
(doom-color 'violet)
;; duplicated
(doom-color 'red)
(doom-color 'blue)
(doom-color 'green)
(doom-color 'magenta)
(doom-color 'orange)
(doom-color 'yellow)
(doom-color 'teal)
(doom-color 'violet)
(defun org-plot/gnuplot-script (table data-file num-cols params &optional preface)
"Write a gnuplot script to DATA-FILE respecting the options set in PARAMS.
NUM-COLS controls the number of columns plotted in a 2-d plot.
Optional argument PREFACE returns only option parameters in a
@ -208,38 +286,46 @@ manner suitable for prepending to a user-specified script."
;; ats = add-to-script
(ats (lambda (line) (setf script (concat script "\n" line))))
(when file ; output file
(funcall ats (format "set term %s" (file-name-extension file)))
(funcall ats (format "set output '%s'" file)))
(pcase type ; type
;; handle output file
(funcall ats (format "set term %s background rgb '%s' size 1050,650"
(if file (file-name-extension file) "GNUTERM")
(doom-color 'bg)))
(when file (funcall ats (format "set output '%s'" file)))
(funcall ats "# HELLO")
(funcall ats (org--plot/gnuplot-script-preamble))
(pcase type ; type
(`2d ())
(`3d (when map (funcall ats "set map")))
(`grid (funcall ats (if map "set pm3d map" "set pm3d"))))
(when title (funcall ats (format "set title '%s'" title))) ; title
(mapc ats lines) ; line
(mapc ats lines) ; line
(dolist (el sets) (funcall ats (format "set %s" el))) ; set
;; Unless specified otherwise, values are TAB separated.
(unless (string-match-p "^set datafile separator" script)
(funcall ats "set datafile separator \"\\t\""))
(when x-labels ; x labels (xtics)
(when x-labels ; x labels (xtics)
(funcall ats
(format "set xtics (%s)"
(mapconcat (lambda (pair)
(format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
x-labels ", "))))
(when y-labels ; y labels (ytics)
(when y-labels ; y labels (ytics)
(funcall ats
(format "set ytics (%s)"
(mapconcat (lambda (pair)
(format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
y-labels ", "))))
(when time-ind ; timestamp index
(when time-ind ; timestamp index
(funcall ats "set xdata time")
(funcall ats (concat "set timefmt \""
(or timefmt ; timefmt passed to gnuplot
(or timefmt ; timefmt passed to gnuplot
"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S") "\"")))
(unless preface
(pcase type ; plot command
(pcase type ; plot command
(`2d (dotimes (col num-cols)
(unless (and (eq type '2d)
(or (and ind (equal (1+ col) ind))
@ -261,13 +347,237 @@ manner suitable for prepending to a user-specified script."
data-file with))))
(setq plot-lines (list (format "'%s' with %s title ''"
data-file with)))))
data-file with))))
(setq plot-lines (list (org--plot/radar table params)))))
(funcall ats
(concat plot-cmd " " (mapconcat #'identity
(reverse plot-lines)
",\\\n "))))
(defvar org--plot/radar-template
"### spider plot/chart with gnuplot
# also known as: radar chart, web chart, star chart, cobweb chart,
# radar plot, web plot, star plot, cobweb plot, etc. ...
set datafile separator ' '
set size square
unset tics
set angles degree
set key bmargin center horizontal
unset border
# Load data and settup
load \"%s\"
# General settings
DataColCount = words($Data[1])-1
AxesCount = |$Data|-HeaderLines
AngleOffset = 90
Max = 1
Direction = -1 # counterclockwise=1, clockwise = -1
# Tic settings
TicCount = %s
TicOffset = 0.1
TicValue(axis,i) = real(i)*(word($Settings[axis],3)-word($Settings[axis],2)) \\
/ word($Settings[axis],4)+word($Settings[axis],2)
TicLabelPosX(axis,i) = PosX(axis,i/TicCount) + PosY(axis, TicOffset)
TicLabelPosY(axis,i) = PosY(axis,i/TicCount) - PosX(axis, TicOffset)
TicLen = 0.03
TicdX(axis,i) = 0.5*TicLen*cos(alpha(axis)-90)
TicdY(axis,i) = 0.5*TicLen*sin(alpha(axis)-90)
# Label
LabOffset = 0.10
LabX(axis) = PosX(axis+1,Max+2*d) + PosY(axis, LabOffset)
LabY(axis) = PosY($0+1,Max+2*d)
# Functions
alpha(axis) = (axis-1)*Direction*360.0/AxesCount+AngleOffset
PosX(axis,R) = R*cos(alpha(axis))
PosY(axis,R) = R*sin(alpha(axis))
Scale(axis,value) = real(value-word($Settings[axis],2))/(word($Settings[axis],3)-word($Settings[axis],2))
# Spider settings
set style arrow 1 dt 1 lw 1.0 @fgal head filled size 0.06,25 # style for axes
set style arrow 2 dt 2 lw 0.5 @fgal nohead # style for weblines
set style arrow 3 dt 1 lw 1 @fgal nohead # style for axis tics
set samples AxesCount
set isosamples TicCount
set urange[1:AxesCount]
set vrange[1:TicCount]
set style fill transparent solid 0.2
set xrange[-Max-4*d:Max+4*d]
set yrange[-Max-4*d:Max+4*d]
plot \\
'+' u (0):(0):(PosX($0,Max+d)):(PosY($0,Max+d)) w vec as 1 not, \\
$Data u (LabX($0)): \\
(LabY($0)):1 every ::HeaderLines w labels center enhanced @fgt not, \\
for [i=1:DataColCount] $Data u (PosX($0+1,Scale($0+1,column(i+1)))): \\
(PosY($0+1,Scale($0+1,column(i+1)))) every ::HeaderLines w filledcurves lt i title word($Data[1],i+1), \\
# '++' u (PosX($1,$2/TicCount)-TicdX($1,$2/TicCount)): \\
# (PosY($1,$2/TicCount)-TicdY($1,$2/TicCount)): \\
# (2*TicdX($1,$2/TicCount)):(2*TicdY($1,$2/TicCount)) \\
# w vec as 3 not, \\
### end of code
(defvar org--plot/radar-ticks
" '++' u (PosX($1,$2/TicCount)):(PosY($1,$2/TicCount)): \\
(PosX($1+1,$2/TicCount)-PosX($1,$2/TicCount)): \\
(PosY($1+1,$2/TicCount)-PosY($1,$2/TicCount)) w vec as 2 not, \\
'++' u (TicLabelPosX(%s,$2)):(TicLabelPosY(%s,$2)): \\
(sprintf('%%g',TicValue(%s,$2))) w labels font ',8' @fgat not")
(defvar org--plot/radar-setup-template
"# Data
HeaderLines = 1
# Settings for scale and offset adjustments
# axis min max tics axisLabelXoff axisLabelYoff
$Settings <<EOD
(defun org--plot/radar (table params)
(let* ((data
(concat "\"" (s-join "\" \"" (plist-get params :labels)) "\""
(s-join "\n"
(mapcar (lambda (row)
"\"%s\" %s"
(car row)
(s-join " " (cdr row))))
(ticks (or (plist-get params :ticks)
(org--plot/sensible-tick-num table
(plist-get params :ymin)
(plist-get params :ymax))))
(s-join "\n"
(mapcar (lambda (row)
(let ((data (org--plot/values-stats
(mapcar #'string-to-number (cdr row)))))
"\"%s\" %s %s %s"
(car row)
(or (plist-get params :ymin)
(plist-get data :nice-min))
(or (plist-get params :ymax)
(plist-get data :nice-max))
(if (eq ticks 0) 2 ticks)
(setup-file (make-temp-file "org-plot-setup")))
(f-write-text (format org--plot/radar-setup-template data settings)
'utf-8 setup-file)
(format org--plot/radar-template
(if (eq ticks 0) 2 ticks)
(if (eq ticks 0) ""
(apply #'format org--plot/radar-ticks
(make-list 3 (if (and (plist-get params :ymin)
(plist-get params :ymax))
;; FIXME multi-drawing of tick labels with "1"
"1" "$1")))))))
(defun org--plot/values-stats (nums &optional hard-min hard-max)
(let* ((minimum (or hard-min (apply #'min nums)))
(maximum (or hard-max (apply #'max nums)))
(range (- maximum minimum))
(rangeOrder (ceiling (- 1 (log10 range))))
(range-factor (expt 10 rangeOrder))
(nice-min (/ (float (floor (* minimum range-factor))) range-factor))
(nice-max (/ (float (ceiling (* maximum range-factor))) range-factor)))
`(:min ,minimum :max ,maximum :range ,range
:range-factor ,range-factor
:nice-min ,nice-min :nice-max ,nice-max :nice-range ,(- nice-max nice-min))))
(defun org--plot/sensible-tick-num (table &optional hard-min hard-max)
(let* ((row-data
(mapcar (lambda (row) (org--plot/values-stats
(mapcar #'string-to-number (cdr row))
hard-max)) table))
(row-normalised-ranges (mapcar (lambda (r-data)
(let ((val (round (*
(plist-get r-data :range-factor)
(plist-get r-data :nice-range)))))
(if (= (% val 10) 0) (/ val 10) val)))
(range-prime-decomposition (mapcar #'org--plot/prime-factors row-normalised-ranges))
(weighted-factors (sort (apply #'org--plot/merge-alists #'+ 0
(mapcar (lambda (factors) (org--plot/item-frequencies factors t))
(lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b))))))
(apply #'* (org--plot/nice-frequency-pick weighted-factors))))
(defun org--plot/nice-frequency-pick (frequencies)
(case (length frequencies)
(1 (list (car (nth 0 frequencies))))
(2 (if (<= 3 (/ (cdr (nth 0 frequencies))
(cdr (nth 1 frequencies))))
(make-list 2
(car (nth 0 frequencies)))
(list (car (nth 0 frequencies))
(car (nth 1 frequencies)))))
(let* ((total-count (apply #'+ (mapcar #'cdr frequencies)))
(n-freq (mapcar (lambda (freq) `(,(car freq) . ,(/ (float (cdr freq)) total-count))) frequencies))
(f-pick (list (car (car n-freq))))
(1-2-ratio (/ (cdr (nth 0 n-freq))
(cdr (nth 1 n-freq))))
(2-3-ratio (/ (cdr (nth 1 n-freq))
(cdr (nth 2 n-freq))))
(1-3-ratio (* 1-2-ratio 2-3-ratio))
(1-val (car (nth 0 n-freq)))
(2-val (car (nth 1 n-freq)))
(3-val (car (nth 2 n-freq))))
(when (> 1-2-ratio 4) (push 1-val f-pick))
(when (and (< 1-2-ratio 2-val)
(< (* (apply #'* f-pick) 2-val) 30))
(push 2-val f-pick))
(when (and (< 1-3-ratio 3-val)
(< (* (apply #'* f-pick) 3-val) 30))
(push 3-val f-pick))
(defun org--plot/merge-alists (function default alist1 alist2 &rest alists)
(when (> (length alists) 0)
(setq alist2 (apply #'org--plot/merge-alists function default alist2 alists)))
(flet ((keys (alist) (mapcar #'car alist))
(lookup (key alist) (or (cdr (assoc key alist)) default)))
(loop with keys = (union (keys alist1) (keys alist2) :test 'equal)
for k in keys collect
(cons k (funcall function (lookup k alist1) (lookup k alist2))))))
(defun org--plot/item-frequencies (values &optional normalise)
"Return an alist indicating the frequency of values in VALUES list."
(let ((normaliser (if normalise (float (length values)) 1)))
(cl-loop for (n . m) in (seq-group-by #'identity values)
collect (cons n (/ (length m) normaliser)))))
(defun org--plot/prime-factors (value)
"Return the prime decomposition of VALUE, e.g. for 12, '(3 2 2)"
(let ((factors '(1)) (i 1))
(while (/= 1 value)
(setq i (1+ i))
(when (eq 0 (% value i))
(push i factors)
(setq value (/ value i))
(setq i (1- i))
(subseq factors 0 -1)))
;; facade functions
@ -287,9 +597,21 @@ line directly before or after the table."
(dolist (pair org-plot/gnuplot-default-options)
(unless (plist-member params (car pair))
(setf params (plist-put params (car pair) (cdr pair)))))
;; Collect options.
(save-excursion (while (and (equal 0 (forward-line -1))
(looking-at "[[:space:]]*#\\+"))
(setf params (org-plot/collect-options params))))
;; collect table and table information
(let* ((data-file (make-temp-file "org-plot"))
(table (org-table-to-lisp))
(table (let ((tbl (org-table-to-lisp)))
(when (pcase (plist-get params :transpose)
('y t)
('yes t)
('t t))
(setf tbl (apply #'cl-mapcar #'list
(remove 'hline tbl)))
(push 'hline (cdr tbl)))
(num-cols (length (if (eq (nth 0 table) 'hline) (nth 1 table)
(nth 0 table)))))
(run-with-idle-timer 0.1 nil #'delete-file data-file)
@ -298,10 +620,7 @@ line directly before or after the table."
(setf params
(plist-put params :labels (nth 0 table))) ; headers to labels
(setf table (delq 'hline (cdr table)))) ; clean non-data from table
;; Collect options.
(save-excursion (while (and (equal 0 (forward-line -1))
(looking-at "[[:space:]]*#\\+"))
(setf params (org-plot/collect-options params))))
(pp params)
;; Dump table to datafile (very different for grid).
(pcase (plist-get params :plot-type)
(`2d (org-plot/gnuplot-to-data table data-file params))
@ -331,15 +650,15 @@ line directly before or after the table."
(plist-put params :textind t)))))
;; Write script.
(if (plist-get params :script) ; user script
(if (plist-get params :script) ; user script
(progn (insert
(org-plot/gnuplot-script data-file num-cols params t))
(org-plot/gnuplot-script table data-file num-cols params t))
(insert "\n")
(insert-file-contents (plist-get params :script))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "\\$datafile" nil t)
(replace-match data-file nil nil)))
(insert (org-plot/gnuplot-script data-file num-cols params)))
(insert (org-plot/gnuplot-script table data-file num-cols params)))
;; Graph table.