Use @progfolio's doct icon suggestion, closes #2

This commit is contained in:
tecosaur 2020-05-15 12:35:41 +08:00
parent 8e1d65f5b8
commit 2509deb106
1 changed files with 72 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -1168,10 +1168,38 @@ Let's setup some org-capture templates
(setq +org-capture-uni-units (split-string (f-read-text "~/.org/.uni-units")))
(setq +org-capture-recipies "~/Desktop/TEC/Organisation/")
(defun +doct-icon-declaration-to-icon (declaration)
"Convert :icon declaration to icon"
(let ((name (pop declaration))
(set (intern (concat "all-the-icons-" (plist-get declaration :set))))
(face (intern (concat "all-the-icons-" (plist-get declaration :color))))
(v-adjust (or (plist-get declaration :v-adjust) 0.01)))
(apply set `(,name :face ,face :v-adjust ,v-adjust))))
(defun +doct-iconify-capture-templates (groups)
"Add declaration's :icon to each template group in GROUPS."
(let ((templates (doct-flatten-lists-in groups)))
(setq doct-templates (mapcar (lambda (template)
(message "-------")
(pp template)
(message "-- %d" (length template))
(when-let* ((props (nthcdr (if (= (length template) 4) 2 5) template))
(spec (plist-get (plist-get props :doct) :icon)))
(message "--icon found")
(pp spec)
(setf (nth 1 template) (concat (+doct-icon-declaration-to-icon spec)
(nth 1 template))))
(setq doct-after-conversion-functions '(+doct-iconify-capture-templates))
(add-transient-hook! 'org-capture-select-template
(setq org-capture-templates
(doct `((,(format "%s\tPersonal todo" (all-the-icons-octicon "checklist" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "t"
(doct `(("Personal todo" :keys "t"
:icon ("checklist" :set "octicon" :color "green")
:file +org-capture-todo-file
:prepend t
:headline "Inbox"
@ -1179,8 +1207,8 @@ Let's setup some org-capture templates
:template ("* TODO %?"
"%i %a")
(,(format "%s\tPersonal note" (all-the-icons-faicon "sticky-note-o" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "n"
("Personal note" :keys "n"
:icon ("sticky-note-o" :set "faicon" :color "green")
:file +org-capture-todo-file
:prepend t
:headline "Inbox"
@ -1188,33 +1216,33 @@ Let's setup some org-capture templates
:template ("* %?"
"%i %a")
(,(format "%s\tUniversity" (all-the-icons-faicon "graduation-cap" :face 'all-the-icons-purple :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "u"
("University" :keys "u"
:icon ("graduation-cap" :set "faicon" :color "purple")
:file +org-capture-todo-file
:headline "University"
:unit-prompt ,(format "%%^{Unit|%s}" (string-join +org-capture-uni-units "|"))
:prepend t
:type entry
:children ((,(format "%s\tTest" (all-the-icons-material "timer" :face 'all-the-icons-red :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "t"
:children (("Test" :keys "t"
:icon ("timer" :set "material" :color "red")
:template ("* TODO [#C] %{unit-prompt} %? :uni:tests:"
"SCHEDULED: %^{Test date:}T"
"%i %a"))
(,(format "%s\tAssignment" (all-the-icons-material "library_books" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "a"
("Assignment" :keys "a"
:icon ("library_books" :set "material" :color "orange")
:template ("* TODO [#B] %{unit-prompt} %? :uni:assignments:"
"DEADLINE: %^{Due date:}T"
"%i %a"))
(,(format "%s\tLecture" (all-the-icons-fileicon "keynote" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "l"
("Lecture" :keys "l"
:icon ("keynote" :set "fileicon" :color "orange")
:template ("* TODO [#C] %{unit-prompt} %? :uni:lecture:"
"%i %a"))
(,(format "%s\tMiscellaneous task" (all-the-icons-faicon "list" :face 'all-the-icons-yellow :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "u"
("Miscellaneous task" :keys "u"
:icon ("list" :set "faicon" :color "yellow")
:template ("* TODO [#D] %{unit-prompt} %? :uni:"
"%i %a"))))
(,(format "%s\tEmail" (all-the-icons-faicon "envelope" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "e"
("Email" :keys "e"
:icon ("envelope" :set "faicon" :color "blue")
:file +org-capture-todo-file
:prepend t
:headline "Inbox"
@ -1223,63 +1251,63 @@ Let's setup some org-capture templates
"Send an email %^{urgancy|soon|ASAP|anon|at some point|eventually} to %^{recipiant}"
"about %^{topic}"
"%U %i %a"))
(,(format "%s\tInteresting" (all-the-icons-faicon "eye" :face 'all-the-icons-lcyan :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "i"
("Interesting" :keys "i"
:icon ("eye" :set "faicon" :color "lcyan")
:file +org-capture-todo-file
:prepend t
:headline "Interesting"
:type entry
:template ("* [ ] %{desc}%? :%{i-type}:"
"%i %a")
:children ((,(format "%s\tWebpage" (all-the-icons-faicon "globe" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "w"
:children (("Webpage" :keys "w"
:icon ("globe" :set "faicon" :color "green")
:desc "%(org-cliplink-capture) "
:i-type "read:web"
(,(format "%s\tArticle" (all-the-icons-octicon "file-text" :face 'all-the-icons-yellow :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "a"
("Article" :keys "a"
:icon ("file-text" :set "octicon" :color "yellow")
:desc ""
:i-type "read:reaserch"
(,(format "%s\t\tRecipie" (all-the-icons-faicon "spoon" :face 'all-the-icons-dorange :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "r"
("\tRecipie" :keys "r"
:icon ("spoon" :set "faicon" :color "dorange")
:file +org-capture-recipies
:headline "Unsorted"
:template "%(org-chef-get-recipe-from-url)"
(,(format "%s\tInformation" (all-the-icons-faicon "info-circle" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "i"
("Information" :keys "i"
:icon ("info-circle" :set "faicon" :color "blue")
:desc ""
:i-type "read:info"
(,(format "%s\tIdea" (all-the-icons-material "bubble_chart" :face 'all-the-icons-silver :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "I"
("Idea" :keys "I"
:icon ("bubble_chart" :set "material" :color "silver")
:desc ""
:i-type "idea"
(,(format "%s\tTasks" (all-the-icons-octicon "inbox" :face 'all-the-icons-yellow :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "k"
("Tasks" :keys "k"
:icon ("inbox" :set "octicon" :color "yellow")
:file +org-capture-todo-file
:prepend t
:headline "Tasks"
:type entry
:template ("* TODO %? %^G%{extra}"
"%i %a")
:children ((,(format "%s\tGeneral Task" (all-the-icons-octicon "inbox" :face 'all-the-icons-yellow :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "k"
:children (("General Task" :keys "k"
:icon ("inbox" :set "octicon" :color "yellow")
:extra ""
(,(format "%s\tTask with deadline" (all-the-icons-material "timer" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust -0.1))
:keys "d"
("Task with deadline" :keys "d"
:icon ("timer" :set "material" :color "orange" :v-adjust -0.1)
:extra "\nDEADLINE: %^{Deadline:}t"
(,(format "%s\tScheduled Task" (all-the-icons-octicon "calendar" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "s"
("Scheduled Task" :keys "s"
:icon ("calendar" :set "octicon" :color "orange")
:extra "\nSCHEDULED: %^{Start time:}t"
(,(format "%s\tProject" (all-the-icons-octicon "repo" :face 'all-the-icons-silver :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "p"
("Project" :keys "p"
:icon ("repo" :set "octicon" :color "silver")
:prepend t
:type entry
:headline "Inbox"
@ -1288,16 +1316,16 @@ Let's setup some org-capture templates
:file ""
:custom (:time-or-todo "")
:children ((,(format "%s\tProject-local todo" (all-the-icons-octicon "checklist" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "t"
:children (("Project-local todo" :keys "t"
:icon ("checklist" :set "octicon" :color "green")
:time-or-todo "TODO"
:file +org-capture-project-todo-file)
(,(format "%s\tProject-local note" (all-the-icons-faicon "sticky-note" :face 'all-the-icons-yellow :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "n"
("Project-local note" :keys "n"
:icon ("sticky-note" :set "faicon" :color "yellow")
:time-or-todo "%U"
:file +org-capture-project-notes-file)
(,(format "%s\tProject-local changelog" (all-the-icons-faicon "list" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust 0.01))
:keys "c"
("Project-local changelog" :keys "c"
:icon ("list" :set "faicon" :color "blue")
:time-or-todo "%U"
:heading "Unreleased"
:file +org-capture-project-changelog-file))