Improve CDLaTeX + general tweaks

This commit is contained in:
tecosaur 2020-03-16 00:19:17 +08:00
parent f6f46ed699
commit 24af8895ef
1 changed files with 63 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1199,12 +1199,49 @@ Let's enhance ~TeX-fold-math~ a bit
Let's just make the folding a little less manual
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar +latex-use-TeX-fold t
"Use TeX fold in TeX-mode.
When set to non-nil, this adds a few hooks/advices to fold stuff.")
;; Fold after cdlatex and snippets.
(defun +TeX-fold-line-ah (&rest _)
"Auto-fold LaTeX macros after functions that typically insert them."
(TeX-fold-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
(when +latex-use-TeX-fold
(advice-add #'cdlatex-math-symbol :after #'+TeX-fold-line-ah)
(advice-add #'cdlatex-math-modify :after #'+TeX-fold-line-ah)
;; local after-snippet hook for folding
(add-hook! 'TeX-mode-hook
(add-hook 'yas-after-exit-snippet-hook #'+TeX-fold-line-ah nil t)))
Some local keybindings to make life a bit easier
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! tex
:map LaTeX-mode-map
:ei [C-return] #'LaTeX-insert-item
;; normal stuff here
:desc "View" "v" #'TeX-view
(:when +latex-use-TeX-fold
:desc "Fold paragraph" "f" #'TeX-fold-paragraph
:desc "Unfold paragraph" "C-f" #'TeX-fold-clearout-paragraph
:desc "Fold buffer" "F" #'TeX-fold-buffer
:desc "Unfold buffer" "C-F" #'TeX-fold-clearout-buffer))
(setq TeX-electric-math '("\\(" . "")))
Maths deliminators can be de-emphasised a bit
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; Making \( \) less visible
(defface unimportant-latex-face
:inherit font-lock-comment-face))
:inherit font-lock-comment-face :family "Overpass" :weight light))
"Face used to make \\(\\), \\[\\] less visible."
:group 'LaTeX-math)
@ -1226,6 +1263,31 @@ And enable shell escape for the preview
preview-default-preamble "\\fi}\"%' \"\\detokenize{\" %t \"}\""))
*** CDLaTeX
The symbols and modifies are very nice by default, but could do with a bit of
fleshing out. Let's change the prefix to a key which is similarly rarely used,
but more convinient, like =;=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! cdlatex
(setq ;; cdlatex-math-symbol-prefix ?\; ;; doesn't work at the moment :(
'( ;; adding missing functions to 3rd level symbols
(?_ ("\\downarrow" "" "\\inf"))
(?^ ("\\uparrow" "" "\\sup"))
(?k ("\\kappa" "" "\\ker"))
(?m ("\\mu" "" "\\lim"))
(?c ("" "\\circ" "\\cos"))
(?d ("\\delta" "\\partial" "\\dim"))
(?D ("\\Delta" "\\nabla" "\\deg"))
;; no idea why \Phi isnt on 'F' in first place, \phi is on 'f'.
(?F ("\\Phi"))
;; now just conveniance
(?. ("\\cdot" "\\dots"))
(?: ("\\vdots" "\\ddots"))))
'( ;; my own stuff
(?B "\\mathbb" nil t nil nil)))
** R
*** Editor Visuals
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp