Move delta/pywal requirements into relevant sectn

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TEC 2021-09-29 23:21:29 +08:00
parent c337bffe11
commit 1057b36805
Signed by: tec
GPG Key ID: 779591AFDB81F06C
1 changed files with 24 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -278,15 +278,6 @@ few extras.
- It's slightly quirky. Look at the diagonal cut on stems for example.
Helvetica is a masterful design, but I like a bit more pizzazz now and then.
+ A few LSP servers. Take a look at [[file:init.el][init.el]] to see which modules have the ~+lsp~ flag.
+ The [[][Delta]] binary. It's packaged for some distributions but I installed it with
#+begin_src shell :eval no :tangle (if (executable-find "delta") "no" "")
cargo install git-delta
+ The =theme-magic= package requires the ~wal~ (=pywal=) executable. If this is
packaged for you, great! If not, it's just a quick ~pip install~ away.
#+begin_src shell :eval no :tangle (if (executable-find "wal") "no" "")
sudo python3 -m pip install pywal
** Current Issues
*** Magit push in daemon
@ -1723,24 +1714,32 @@ From the =:tools magit= module.
Magit is absolutely great by default. The diffs don't get any
syntax-highlighting-love though which is a bit sad. Thankfully
[[][dandavison/magit-delta]] exists, which we can put to use.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; (after! magit
;; (magit-delta-mode +1))
Unfortunately this seems to mess things up, which is something I'll want to look
into later.
Magit is great as-is, thanks for making such a lovely package [[][Jonas]]!
*** Magit delta
[[][Delta]] is a git diff syntax highlighter written in rust. The author also wrote a
package to hook this into the magit diff view. This requires the ~delta~ binary.
package to hook this into the magit diff view (which don't get any syntax
highlighting by default). This requires the ~delta~ binary. It's packaged on some
distributions, but most reliably installed through Rust's package manager cargo.
#+begin_src shell :eval no :tangle (if (or (not (executable-find "cargo")) (executable-find "delta")) "no" "")
cargo install git-delta
Now we can make use of the package for this.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle packages.el
;; (package! magit-delta :recipe (:host github :repo "dandavison/magit-delta") :pin "56cdffd377279589aa0cb1df99455c098f1848cf")
All that's left is to hook it into magit
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; (after! magit
;; (magit-delta-mode +1))
Unfortunately this currently seems to mess things up, which is something I'll
want to look into later.
*** Smerge
For repeated operations, a hydra would be helpful. But I prefer transient.
@ -2059,6 +2058,12 @@ With all our fancy Emacs themes, my terminal is missing out!
(package! theme-magic :pin "844c4311bd26ebafd4b6a1d72ddcc65d87f074e3")
This operates using =pywal=, which is present in some repositories, but most
reliably installed with =pip=.
#+begin_src shell :eval no :tangle (if (executable-find "wal") "no" "")
sudo python3 -m pip install pywal
Theme magic takes a look at a number of faces, the saturation levels, and colour
differences to try to cleverly pick eight colours to use. However, it uses the
same colours for the light variants, and doesn't always make the best picks.