
542 lines
20 KiB

;;; laas.el --- A bundle of as-you-type LaTeX snippets -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Yoav Marco, TEC
;; Authors: Yoav Marco <> TEC <>
;; Maintainer: Yoav Marco <>
;; Created: September 22, 2020
;; Modified: February 20, 2022
;; Version: 1.1
;; Keywords: tools, tex
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.3") (auctex "11.88") (aas "1.1"))
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; Make use of the auto-activating-snippets engine to provide an expansive
;; collection of LaTeX snippets. Primaraly covering: operators, symbols,
;; accents, subscripts, and a few fraction forms.
;;; Code:
(require 'aas)
(require 'texmathp)
(declare-function yas-expand-snippet "yasnippet")
(declare-function tempel-insert "tempel")
(defgroup laas nil
"LaTeX snippets that expand mid-typing."
:prefix "laas-"
:group 'aas)
(defun laas-current-snippet-insert-post-space-if-wanted ()
"Insert a space at point, if it seems warranted."
(when (and (stringp aas-transient-snippet-expansion)
(= ?\\ (aref aas-transient-snippet-expansion 0))
(not (memq (char-after) '(?\) ?\]))))
(insert " ")))
(defun laas-insert-script (s)
"Add a subscript with a text of S (string).
Rely on `aas-transient-snippet-condition-result' to contain the
result of `aas-auto-script-condition' which gives the info
whether to extend an existing subscript (e.g a_1 -> a_{1n}) or
insert a new subscript (e.g a -> a_1)."
(interactive (list (this-command-keys)))
(pcase aas-transient-snippet-condition-result
;; new subscript after a letter
(insert "_" s))
;; continuing a digit sub/superscript
(insert "{")
(insert s "}"))))
(defun laas-mathp ()
"Determine whether point is within a LaTeX maths block."
((derived-mode-p 'latex-mode) (texmathp))
((derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (laas-org-mathp))
(t (message "LaTeX-auto-activated snippets does not currently support math in any of %s"
(aas--modes-to-activate major-mode))
(declare-function org-element-at-point "org-element")
(declare-function org-element-type "org-element")
(declare-function org-element-context "org-element")
(defun laas-org-mathp ()
"Determine whether the point is within a LaTeX fragment or environment."
(or (org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)
(eq (org-element-type (org-element-at-point)) 'latex-environment)))
(defun laas-auto-script-condition ()
"Condition used for auto-sub/superscript snippets."
(cond ((or (bobp) (= (1- (point)) (point-min)))
((and (or (= (char-before (1- (point))) ?_)
(= (char-before (1- (point))) ?^))
(/= (char-before) ?{))
;; Before is some indexable char
(or (<= ?a (char-before) ?z)
(<= ?A (char-before) ?Z))
;; Before that is not
(not (or (<= ?a (char-before (1- (point))) ?z)
(<= ?A (char-before (1- (point))) ?Z)))
;; Inside math
(defun laas-identify-adjacent-tex-object (&optional point)
"Return the starting position of the left-adjacent TeX object from POINT."
(goto-char (or point (point)))
((memq (char-before) '(?\) ?\]))
((= (char-before) ?})
(cl-loop do (backward-sexp)
while (= (char-before) ?}))
;; try to catch the marco if the braces belong to one
(when (looking-back "\\\\[A-Za-z@*]+" (line-beginning-position))
(goto-char (match-beginning 0)))
(when (memq (char-before) '(?_ ?^ ?.))
(goto-char (laas-identify-adjacent-tex-object))) ; yay recursion
((or (<= ?a (char-before) ?z)
(<= ?A (char-before) ?Z)
(<= ?0 (char-before) ?9))
(when (eq (char-before) ?\\) (backward-char))
(when (memq (char-before) '(?_ ?^ ?.))
(goto-char (laas-identify-adjacent-tex-object))) ; yay recursion
(defun laas-wrap-previous-object (tex-cmd)
"Wrap previous TeX object in TEX-COMMAND.
TEX-cmd can be a string like \"textbf\", a cons like
(\"{\\textstyle\" . \"}\"), or a function that would be called
and is expected to return a string or cons."
(let ((start (laas-identify-adjacent-tex-object))
left right)
(when (functionp tex-cmd)
(setq tex-cmd (funcall tex-cmd)))
;; parse tex-cmd to left/right wrappings
((stringp tex-cmd)
(setq left (concat "\\" tex-cmd "{")
right "}"))
((consp tex-cmd)
(setq left (car tex-cmd)
right (cdr tex-cmd)))
(message "Wrong type of `tex-cmd' given to `laas-wrap-previous-object'.")))
;; wrap
(when (and left start)
(insert right)
(goto-char start)
(insert left)))))
(defun laas-object-on-left-condition ()
"Return t if there is a TeX object imidiately to the left."
;; TODO use `laas-identify-adjacent-tex-object'
(and (or (<= ?a (char-before) ?z)
(<= ?A (char-before) ?Z)
(<= ?0 (char-before) ?9)
(memq (char-before) '(?\) ?\] ?})))
;; HACK Smartparens runs after us on the global `post-self-insert-hook' and
;; thinks that since a { was inserted after a self-insert event, it
;; should insert the matching } - even though we took care of that.
;; laas--shut-up-smartparens removes
(defun laas--restore-smartparens-hook ()
"Restore `sp--post-self-insert-hook-handler' to `post-self-insert-hook'.
Remove ourselves, `laas--restore-smartparens-hook', as well, so
it is restored only once."
(remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook #'laas--restore-smartparens-hook)
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook #'sp--post-self-insert-hook-handler))
(declare-function sp--post-self-insert-hook-handler "smartparens")
(defun laas--shut-up-smartparens ()
"Remove Smartparens' hook temporarily from `post-self-insert-hook'."
(when (memq #'sp--post-self-insert-hook-handler
(default-value 'post-self-insert-hook))
(remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook #'sp--post-self-insert-hook-handler)
;; push rather than add-hook so it doesn't run right after this very own
;; hook, but next time
(unless (memq #'laas--restore-smartparens-hook
(default-value 'post-self-insert-hook))
(push #'laas--restore-smartparens-hook (default-value 'post-self-insert-hook)))))
(defun laas-frac-cond ()
(cond ((and (= (char-before) ?/) (laas-mathp)) 'standalone-frac)
((laas-object-on-left-condition) 'wrapping-frac)))
(defun laas-smart-fraction ()
"Expansion function used for auto-subscript snippets."
(pcase aas-transient-snippet-condition-result
(delete-char -1) ;; delete the previous / that isn't part of the key
((featurep 'tempel)
(tempel-insert (list "\\frac{" 'p "}{" 'p "}")))
((featurep 'yasnippet)
(yas-expand-snippet "\\frac{$1}{$2}$0"))
(t (insert "\\frac{}{}")
(forward-char -3))))
(let* ((tex-obj (laas-identify-adjacent-tex-object))
(start (save-excursion
;; if bracketed, delete outermost brackets
(if (memq (char-before) '(?\) ?\]))
(backward-delete-char 1)
(goto-char tex-obj)
(delete-char 1))
(goto-char tex-obj))
(end (point))
(content (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
(delete-region start end)
((featurep 'tempel)
(tempel-insert (list "\\frac{" content "}{" 'p "}")))
((featurep 'yasnippet)
(yas-expand-snippet (format "\\frac{%s}{$2}$0" content)))
(t (insert "\\frac{" content "}{}")
(forward-char -1))))))
(when (featurep 'smartparens)
(defvar laas-basic-snippets
'(:cond laas-mathp
"!=" "\\neq"
"!>" "\\mapsto"
"**" "\\cdot"
"+-" "\\pm"
"-+" "\\mp"
"->" "\\to"
"..." "\\dots"
"<<" "\\ll"
"<=" "\\leq"
"<>" "\\diamond"
"=<" "\\impliedby"
"==" "&="
"=>" "\\implies"
">=" "\\geq"
">>" "\\gg"
"AA" "\\forall"
"EE" "\\exists"
"cb" "^3"
"iff" "\\iff"
"inn" "\\in"
"notin" "\\not\\in"
"sr" "^2"
"xx" "\\times"
"|->" "\\mapsto"
"|=" "\\models"
"||" "\\mid"
"~=" "\\approx"
"~~" "\\sim"
;; "...\\)a" "...\\) a"
;; "//" "\\frac{}{}"
;; "a" "+b a + b"
;; "a" "^ a^"
;; "a+" "a +"
;; "a^11" "a^{11}"
;; "case" "cases env."
;; "part" "\\frac{\\partial }{\\partial }"
;; "pmat" "pmatrix"
;; "set" "\\{ \\}"
;; "sq" "\\sqrt{}"
;; "st" "\\text{s.t.}"
;;"\\\\\\"\\" "\\setminus"
"arccos" "\\arccos"
"arccot" "\\arccot"
"arccot" "\\arccot"
"arccsc" "\\arccsc"
"arcsec" "\\arcsec"
"arcsin" "\\arcsin"
"arctan" "\\arctan"
"cos" "\\cos"
"cot" "\\cot"
"csc" "\\csc"
"exp" "\\exp"
"ln" "\\ln"
"log" "\\log"
"perp" "\\perp"
"sin" "\\sin"
"tan" "\\tan"
"star" "\\star"
"gcd" "\\gcd"
"min" "\\min"
"max" "\\max"
"eqv" "\\equiv" ; == is taken and =- too common
"CC" "\\CC"
"FF" "\\FF"
"HH" "\\HH"
"NN" "\\NN"
"PP" "\\PP"
"QQ" "\\QQ"
"RR" "\\RR"
"ZZ" "\\ZZ"
";a" "\\alpha"
";A" "\\forall" ";;A" "\\aleph"
";b" "\\beta"
";;;c" "\\cos"
";;;C" "\\arccos"
";d" "\\delta" ";;d" "\\partial"
";D" "\\Delta" ";;D" "\\nabla"
";e" "\\epsilon" ";;e" "\\varepsilon" ";;;e" "\\exp"
";E" "\\exists" ";;;E" "\\ln"
";f" "\\phi" ";;f" "\\varphi"
";F" "\\Phi"
";g" "\\gamma" ";;;g" "\\lg"
";G" "\\Gamma" ";;;G" "10^{?}"
";h" "\\eta" ";;h" "\\hbar"
";i" "\\in" ";;i" "\\imath"
";I" "\\iota" ";;I" "\\Im"
";;j" "\\jmath"
";k" "\\kappa"
";l" "\\lambda" ";;l" "\\ell" ";;;l" "\\log"
";L" "\\Lambda"
";m" "\\mu"
";n" "\\nu" ";;;n" "\\ln"
";N" "\\nabla" ";;;N" "\\exp"
";o" "\\omega"
";O" "\\Omega" ";;O" "\\mho"
";p" "\\pi" ";;p" "\\varpi"
";P" "\\Pi"
";q" "\\theta" ";;q" "\\vartheta"
";Q" "\\Theta"
";r" "\\rho" ";;r" "\\varrho"
";;R" "\\Re"
";s" "\\sigma" ";;s" "\\varsigma" ";;;s" "\\sin"
";S" "\\Sigma" ";;;S" "\\arcsin"
";t" "\\tau" ";;;t" "\\tan"
";;;T" "\\arctan"
";u" "\\upsilon"
";U" "\\Upsilon"
";v" "\\vee"
";V" "\\Phi"
";w" "\\xi"
";W" "\\Xi"
";x" "\\chi"
";y" "\\psi"
";Y" "\\Psi"
";z" "\\zeta"
";0" "\\emptyset"
";8" "\\infty"
";!" "\\neg"
";^" "\\uparrow"
";&" "\\wedge"
";~" "\\approx" ";;~" "\\simeq"
";_" "\\downarrow"
";+" "\\cup" ";;+" "\\oplus"
";-" "\\leftrightarrow"";;-" "\\longleftrightarrow"
";*" "\\times"
";/" "\\not"
";|" "\\mapsto" ";;|" "\\longmapsto"
";\\" "\\setminus"
";=" "\\Leftrightarrow"";;=" "\\Longleftrightarrow"
";(" "\\langle"
";)" "\\rangle"
";[" "\\Leftarrow" ";;[" "\\Longleftarrow"
";]" "\\Rightarrow" ";;]" "\\Longrightarrow"
";{" "\\subset"
";}" "\\supset"
";<" "\\leftarrow" ";;<" "\\longleftarrow" ";;;<" "\\min"
";>" "\\rightarrow" ";;>" "\\longrightarrow" ";;;>" "\\max"
";'" "\\prime"
";." "\\cdot")
"Basic snippets. Expand only inside maths.")
(defvar laas-subscript-snippets
`(:cond laas-auto-script-condition
,@(cl-loop for (key exp) in '(("ii" laas-insert-script)
("ip1" "_{i+1}")
("im1" "_{i-1}")
("jj" laas-insert-script)
("jp1" "_{j+1}")
("jm1" "_{j-1}")
("nn" laas-insert-script)
("np1" "_{n+1}")
("nm1" "_{n-1}")
("kk" laas-insert-script)
("kp1" "_{k+1}")
("km1" "_{k-1}")
("0" laas-insert-script)
("1" laas-insert-script)
("2" laas-insert-script)
("3" laas-insert-script)
("4" laas-insert-script)
("5" laas-insert-script)
("6" laas-insert-script)
("7" laas-insert-script)
("8" laas-insert-script)
("9" laas-insert-script))
if (symbolp exp)
collect :expansion-desc
and collect (format "X_%s, or X_{Y%s} if a subscript was typed already"
(substring key -1) (substring key -1))
collect key collect exp))
"Automatic subscripts! Expand In math and after a single letter.")
(defvar laas-frac-snippet
'(:cond laas-frac-cond
:expansion-desc "See the docs of `laas-frac-snippet'"
"/" laas-smart-fraction)
"Frac snippet.
Expand to a template frac after //, or wrap the object before point if it
isn't /.
ab/ => \\frac{ab}{}
// => \\frac{}{}")
(defun laas-latex-accent-cond ()
"Return non-nil if also non-math latex accents can be expanded"
(or (derived-mode-p 'latex-mode)
(defun laas-accent--rm () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object (if (laas-mathp) "mathrm" "textrm")))
(defun laas-accent--it () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object (if (laas-mathp) "mathit" "textit")))
(defun laas-accent--bf () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object (if (laas-mathp) "mathbf" "textbf")))
(defun laas-accent--emph () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object (if (laas-mathp) "mathem" "emph")))
(defun laas-accent--tt () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object (if (laas-mathp) "mathtt" "texttt")))
(defun laas-accent--sf () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object (if (laas-mathp) "mathsf" "textsf")))
(defvar laas-accent-snippets
`(;; work in both normal latex text and math
:cond laas-latex-accent-cond
:expansion-desc "Wrap in \\mathrm{} or \\textrm{}" "'r" laas-accent--rm
:expansion-desc "Wrap in \\mathit{} or \\textit{}" "'i" laas-accent--it
:expansion-desc "Wrap in \\mathbf{} or \\textbf{}" "'b" laas-accent--bf
:expansion-desc "Wrap in \\mathemph{} or \\textemph{}" "'e" laas-accent--emph
:expansion-desc "Wrap in \\mathtt{} or \\texttt{}" "'y" laas-accent--tt
:expansion-desc "Wrap in \\mathsf{} or \\textsf{}" "'f" laas-accent--sf
;; only normal latex text, no math
:cond (lambda () (and (derived-mode-p 'latex-mode) (not (laas-mathp))))
:expansion-desc "Wrap in \\textsl"
"'l" (lambda () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object "textsl"))
;; only math
:cond laas-object-on-left-condition
,@(cl-loop for (key . exp)
in '(("'." . "dot")
("':" . "ddot")
("'~" . "tilde")
("'N" . "widetilde")
("'^" . "hat")
("'H" . "widehat")
("'-" . "bar")
("'T" . "overline")
("'_" . "underline")
("'{" . "overbrace")
("'}" . "underbrace")
("'>" . "vec")
("'/" . "grave")
("'\"". "acute")
("'v" . "check")
("'u" . "breve")
("'m" . "mbox")
("'c" . "mathcal")
("'0" . ("{\\textstyle " . "}"))
("'1" . ("{\\displaystyle " . "}"))
("'2" . ("{\\scriptstyle " . "}"))
("'3" . ("{\\scriptscriptstyle " . "}"))
;; now going outside cdlatex
("'q" . "sqrt")
;; "influenced" by Gilles Castel
(".. " . ("\\dot{" . "} "))
(",." . "vec")
(".," . "vec")
("~ " . ("\\tilde{" . "} "))
("hat" . "hat")
("bar" . "overline"))
collect :expansion-desc
collect (concat "Wrap in "
(if (consp exp)
(concat (car exp) (cdr exp))
(format "\\%s{}" exp)))
collect key
;; re-bind exp so its not changed in the next iteration
collect (let ((expp exp)) (lambda () (interactive)
(laas-wrap-previous-object expp)))))
"A simpler way to apply accents. Expand If LaTeX symbol immidiately before point.")
(defun laas--no-backslash-before-point? ()
"Check that the char preceding the snippet key is not backslash."
;; conditions are already run right at the start of the snippet key, no need
;; to move point
(not (eq (char-before) ?\\)))
(apply #'aas-set-snippets 'laas-mode laas-basic-snippets)
(apply #'aas-set-snippets 'laas-mode laas-subscript-snippets)
(apply #'aas-set-snippets 'laas-mode laas-frac-snippet)
(apply #'aas-set-snippets 'laas-mode laas-accent-snippets)
(defcustom laas-enable-auto-space t
"If non-nil, hook intelligent space insertion onto snippet expansion."
:type 'boolean
:group 'laas)
(defcustom laas-use-unicode nil
"If non-nil, output Unicode symbols instead of LaTeX macros via `laas-unicode'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'laas)
(declare-function laas-unicode-rewrite "laas-unicode")
(define-minor-mode laas-mode
"Minor mode for enabling a ton of auto-activating LaTeX snippets."
:init-value nil
:group 'laas
(if laas-mode
(aas-mode +1)
(aas-activate-keymap 'laas-mode)
(add-hook 'aas-global-condition-hook
nil 'local)
(when laas-enable-auto-space
(add-hook 'aas-post-snippet-expand-hook
nil 'local))
(when laas-use-unicode
(unless (boundp 'laas-unicode-rewrite)
(require 'laas-unicode))
(add-hook 'aas-pre-snippet-expand-hook
#'laas-unicode-rewrite nil 'local)))
(aas-deactivate-keymap 'laas-mode)
(remove-hook 'aas-global-condition-hook #'laas--no-backslash-before-point?
(remove-hook 'aas-post-snippet-expand-hook
(remove-hook 'aas-pre-snippet-expand-hook
(provide 'laas)
;;; laas.el ends here