
206 lines
9.6 KiB

;;; make-theme.el --- Load a theme and write a def file -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(require 'doom-themes)
(require 'outline)
(require 'markdown-mode)
(require 'rainbow-delimiters)
(defvar make-jl-doom-theme--face-mapping
'((default . "default")
;; Extra
(cursor . "cursor")
;; Basic faces
(ansi-color-black . "black")
(ansi-color-red . "red")
(ansi-color-green . "green")
(ansi-color-yellow . "yellow")
(ansi-color-blue . "blue")
(ansi-color-magenta . "magenta")
(ansi-color-cyan . "cyan")
(ansi-color-white . "white")
(ansi-color-bright-black . "bright_black")
(ansi-color-bright-red . "bright_red")
(ansi-color-bright-green . "bright_green")
(ansi-color-bright-yellow . "bright_yellow")
(ansi-color-bright-blue . "bright_blue")
(ansi-color-bright-magenta . "bright_magenta")
(ansi-color-bright-cyan . "bright_cyan")
(ansi-color-bright-white . "bright_white")
(shadow . "shadow")
(region . "region")
(mode-line-emphasis . "emphasis")
(highlight . "highlight")
(font-lock-function-name-face . "code")
(error . "error")
(warning . "warning")
(success . "success")
(nil . "info")
(nil . "note")
(nil . "tip")
;; Syntax highlighting
(font-lock-function-name-face . "julia_funcall")
(nil . "julia_identifier")
(font-lock-preprocessor-face . "julia_macro")
(font-lock-constant-face . "julia_symbol")
(font-lock-constant-face . "julia_nothing")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_type")
(font-lock-comment-face . "julia_comment")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_string")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_string_delim")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_cmdstring")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_char")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_char_delim")
(highlight-numbers-number . "julia_number")
(font-lock-constant-face . "julia_bool")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_operator")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_comparator")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_assignment")
(font-lock-keyword-face . "julia_keyword")
(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face . "julia_error")
;; Syntax highlighting - delimiters
(rainbow-delimiters-base-face . "julia_parenthetical")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_1")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_2")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_3")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_4")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_5")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_6")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_1")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_2")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_3")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_4")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_5")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_6")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_1")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_2")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_3")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_4")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_5")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_6")
;; Markdown
(nil . "markdown_header")
(outline-1 . "markdown_h1")
(outline-2 . "markdown_h2")
(outline-3 . "markdown_h3")
(outline-4 . "markdown_h4")
(outline-5 . "markdown_h5")
(outline-6 . "markdown_h6")
(bold . "markdown_admonition")
(markdown-code-face . "markdown_code")
(markdown-footnote-marker-face . "markdown_footnote")
(markdown-hr-face . "markdown_hrule")
(markdown-inline-code-face . "markdown_inlinecode")
(markdown-code-face . "markdown_latex")
(markdown-link-face . "markdown_link")
(markdown-list-face . "markdown_list")))
(defvar make-jl-doom-themes--all
'(1337 Iosvkem acario-dark acario-light ayu-dark ayu-light ayu-mirage badger
challenger-deep city-lights dark+ dracula earl-grey ephemeral fairy-floss
feather-dark feather-light flatwhite gruvbox-light gruvbox henna
homage-black homage-white horizon ir-black lantern laserwave manegarm
material-dark material meltbus miramare molokai monokai-classic
monokai-machine monokai-octagon monokai-pro monokai-ristretto
monokai-spectrum moonlight nord-aurora nord-light nord nova oceanic-next
old-hope one-light one opera-light opera outrun-electric palenight peacock
pine plain-dark plain rouge shades-of-purple snazzy
solarized-dark-high-contrast solarized-dark solarized-light sourcerer
spacegrey tokyo-night tomorrow-day tomorrow-night vibrant wilmersdorf xcode
(defun make-jl-doom-theme--make-face (face &optional skip-attrs)
(let ((attrs
(if (string-prefix-p "ansi-color-" (symbol-name face))
'(:height :weight :slant :foreground :background
:underline :strike-through :inverse-video :inherit)))
(insert "Face(")
(dolist (attr attrs)
(let ((val (face-attribute face attr)))
(unless (memq val '(nil unspecified ()))
(if comma
(insert ", ")
(setq comma t))
(insert (pcase attr
(:strike-through "strikethrough")
(:inverse-video "inverse")
(_ (substring (symbol-name attr) 1)))
" = ")
(pcase attr
(insert (format "%s" val)))
((or :weight :slant)
(insert (replace-regexp-in-string
"-" "" (format ":%s" val))))
((or :strike-through :inverse-video)
(insert (if val "true" "false")))
((or :foreground :background)
(insert (apply 'format "0x%02x%02x%02x"
(mapcar (lambda (c) (ash c -8))
(color-values val)))))
(pcase val
('t "true")
('nil "false")
((or `(:color ,color :style ,style)
`(:style ,style :color ,color))
(format "(%s, :%s)"
(apply 'format "0x%02x%02x%02x"
(mapcar (lambda (c) (ash c -8))
(color-values color)))
(if (eq style 'wave) 'wavy style))))))
(lambda (v)
(format ":%s" (alist-get v make-jl-doom-theme--face-mapping)))
(ensure-list val)
", ")
(insert ")")
(defun make-jl-doom-theme (theme &optional no-restore-theme)
(let* ((theme-name (format "%s" theme))
(jl-theme-name (replace-regexp-in-string
"[^0-9A-Za-z_]" ""
(subst-char-in-string ?- ?_ theme-name)))
(jl-theme-upper (upcase jl-theme-name))
(prev-theme doom-theme))
(load-theme (intern (format "doom-%s" theme-name)) t)
(with-temp-file (format "themes/%s.jl" theme-name)
(insert (format "# Autogenerated from the doom-%s theme\n\n" theme-name)
(format "const _%s_FACES = [\n" jl-theme-upper))
(dolist (face make-jl-doom-theme--face-mapping)
(insert " :" (cdr face) " => "
(if (car face)
(make-jl-doom-theme--make-face (car face))
(insert "]\n\n"
(format "THEMES[%s] = _%s_FACES"
(if (string-match-p "^[0-9]" jl-theme-name)
(format "Symbol(%S)" jl-theme-name)
(concat ":" jl-theme-name))
(unless no-restore-theme
(load-theme prev-theme t))))))
(defun make-jl-doom-all-themes ()
(let ((prev-theme doom-theme))
(dolist (theme make-jl-doom-themes--all)
(make-jl-doom-theme theme))
(load-theme prev-theme t))))
(provide 'make-jl-doom-theme)
;;; make-theme.el ends here