Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
TEC 2023-10-29 21:56:26 +08:00
commit c268b3272f
Signed by: tec
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:eobz41Mnm0/iYWBvWThftS0ElEs1ftBr6jamutnXc/A
74 changed files with 6509 additions and 0 deletions

Project.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
name = "DoomThemes"
uuid = "37d595dd-de4a-4b34-ac59-dc4316728aaf"
authors = ["TEC <>"]
version = "0.1.0"
StyledStrings = "f489334b-da3d-4c2e-b8f0-e476e12c162b"

src/DoomThemes.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module DoomThemes
using StyledStrings: Face, getface, resetfaces!, loadface!,
withfaces, SimpleColor, RGBTuple, @styled_str
const THEMES = Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pair{Symbol, Face}}}()
function load(theme::Symbol, term::Bool=true)
faces = get(THEMES, theme, nothing)
isnothing(faces) && throw(ArgumentError("The doom theme $theme is not defined."))
foreach(loadface!, faces)
term || return
setcolor(id::String, ::Nothing) = print(stdout, "\e]", id, ";\a")
setcolor(id::String, color::SimpleColor) = if color.value isa RGBTuple
print(stdout, "\e]", id, ";rgb:", join(string.(values(color.value), base=16), '/'), "\a")
print(stdout, "\e]", id, ";", string(color.value), "\a")
(; foreground, background) = getface()
setcolor("10", if foreground.value isa RGBTuple foreground end)
setcolor("11", if background.value isa RGBTuple background end)
cursor = getface(:cursor)
setcolor("12", if cursor.background.value isa RGBTuple && cursor.background != background
cursor.background end)
function reset(term::Bool=true)
term || return
print(stdout, "\e]10;\a\e]11;\a\e]12;\a")
function list()
for theme in sort(keys(THEMES) |> collect)
withfaces(Dict(THEMES[theme])) do
println(styled" $(rpad(theme, 30)) \
{emphasis:■} {julia_funcall:■} {julia_symbol:■} {julia_type:■} {julia_string:■} \
{(fg=red):} {(fg=green):} {(fg=yellow):} {(fg=blue):} \
{(fg=magenta):} {(fg=cyan):} {(fg=white):} {(fg=black):}")
@eval for theme in readdir(joinpath(@__DIR__, "themes"))

src/make-theme.el Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
;;; make-theme.el --- Load a theme and write a def file -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(require 'doom-themes)
(require 'outline)
(require 'markdown-mode)
(require 'rainbow-delimiters)
(defvar make-jl-doom-theme--face-mapping
'((default . "default")
;; Extra
(cursor . "cursor")
;; Basic faces
(ansi-color-black . "black")
(ansi-color-red . "red")
(ansi-color-green . "green")
(ansi-color-yellow . "yellow")
(ansi-color-blue . "blue")
(ansi-color-magenta . "magenta")
(ansi-color-cyan . "cyan")
(ansi-color-white . "white")
(ansi-color-bright-black . "bright_black")
(ansi-color-bright-red . "bright_red")
(ansi-color-bright-green . "bright_green")
(ansi-color-bright-yellow . "bright_yellow")
(ansi-color-bright-blue . "bright_blue")
(ansi-color-bright-magenta . "bright_magenta")
(ansi-color-bright-cyan . "bright_cyan")
(ansi-color-bright-white . "bright_white")
(shadow . "shadow")
(region . "region")
(mode-line-emphasis . "emphasis")
(highlight . "highlight")
(font-lock-function-name-face . "code")
(error . "error")
(warning . "warning")
(success . "success")
(nil . "info")
(nil . "note")
(nil . "tip")
;; Syntax highlighting
(font-lock-function-name-face . "julia_funcall")
(nil . "julia_identifier")
(font-lock-preprocessor-face . "julia_macro")
(font-lock-constant-face . "julia_symbol")
(font-lock-constant-face . "julia_nothing")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_type")
(font-lock-comment-face . "julia_comment")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_string")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_string_delim")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_cmdstring")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_char")
(font-lock-string-face . "julia_char_delim")
(highlight-numbers-number . "julia_number")
(font-lock-constant-face . "julia_bool")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_operator")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_comparator")
(font-lock-type-face . "julia_assignment")
(font-lock-keyword-face . "julia_keyword")
(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face . "julia_error")
;; Syntax highlighting - delimiters
(rainbow-delimiters-base-face . "julia_parenthetical")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_1")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_2")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_3")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_4")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_5")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face . "julia_rainbow_paren_6")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_1")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_2")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_3")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_4")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_5")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face . "julia_rainbow_bracket_6")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_1")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_2")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_3")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_4")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_5")
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face . "julia_rainbow_curly_6")
;; Markdown
(nil . "markdown_header")
(outline-1 . "markdown_h1")
(outline-2 . "markdown_h2")
(outline-3 . "markdown_h3")
(outline-4 . "markdown_h4")
(outline-5 . "markdown_h5")
(outline-6 . "markdown_h6")
(bold . "markdown_admonition")
(markdown-code-face . "markdown_code")
(markdown-footnote-marker-face . "markdown_footnote")
(markdown-hr-face . "markdown_hrule")
(markdown-inline-code-face . "markdown_inlinecode")
(markdown-code-face . "markdown_latex")
(markdown-link-face . "markdown_link")
(markdown-list-face . "markdown_list")))
(defvar make-jl-doom-themes--all
'(1337 Iosvkem acario-dark acario-light ayu-dark ayu-light ayu-mirage badger
challenger-deep city-lights dark+ dracula earl-grey ephemeral fairy-floss
feather-dark feather-light flatwhite gruvbox-light gruvbox henna
homage-black homage-white horizon ir-black lantern laserwave manegarm
material-dark material meltbus miramare molokai monokai-classic
monokai-machine monokai-octagon monokai-pro monokai-ristretto
monokai-spectrum moonlight nord-aurora nord-light nord nova oceanic-next
old-hope one-light one opera-light opera outrun-electric palenight peacock
pine plain-dark plain rouge shades-of-purple snazzy
solarized-dark-high-contrast solarized-dark solarized-light sourcerer
spacegrey tokyo-night tomorrow-day tomorrow-night vibrant wilmersdorf xcode
(defun make-jl-doom-theme--make-face (face &optional skip-attrs)
(let ((attrs
(if (string-prefix-p "ansi-color-" (symbol-name face))
'(:height :weight :slant :foreground :background
:underline :strike-through :inverse-video :inherit)))
(insert "Face(")
(dolist (attr attrs)
(let ((val (face-attribute face attr)))
(unless (memq val '(nil unspecified ()))
(if comma
(insert ", ")
(setq comma t))
(insert (pcase attr
(:strike-through "strikethrough")
(:inverse-video "inverse")
(_ (substring (symbol-name attr) 1)))
" = ")
(pcase attr
(insert (format "%s" val)))
((or :weight :slant)
(insert (replace-regexp-in-string
"-" "" (format ":%s" val))))
((or :strike-through :inverse-video)
(insert (if val "true" "false")))
((or :foreground :background)
(insert (apply 'format "0x%02x%02x%02x"
(mapcar (lambda (c) (ash c -8))
(color-values val)))))
(pcase val
('t "true")
('nil "false")
((or `(:color ,color :style ,style)
`(:style ,style :color ,color))
(format "(%s, :%s)"
(apply 'format "0x%02x%02x%02x"
(mapcar (lambda (c) (ash c -8))
(color-values color)))
(if (eq style 'wave) 'wavy style))))))
(lambda (v)
(format ":%s" (alist-get v make-jl-doom-theme--face-mapping)))
(ensure-list val)
", ")
(insert ")")
(defun make-jl-doom-theme (theme &optional no-restore-theme)
(let* ((theme-name (format "%s" theme))
(jl-theme-name (replace-regexp-in-string
"[^0-9A-Za-z_]" ""
"^\\([0-9]\\)" "_\\1"
(subst-char-in-string ?- ?_ theme-name))))
(jl-theme-upper (upcase jl-theme-name))
(prev-theme doom-theme))
(load-theme (intern (format "doom-%s" theme-name)) t)
(with-temp-file (format "themes/%s.jl" theme-name)
(insert (format "# Autogenerated from the doom-%s theme\n\n" theme-name)
(format "const _%s_FACES = [\n" jl-theme-upper))
(dolist (face make-jl-doom-theme--face-mapping)
(insert " :" (cdr face) " => "
(if (car face)
(make-jl-doom-theme--make-face (car face))
(insert "]\n\n"
(format "THEMES[:%s] = _%s_FACES"
jl-theme-name jl-theme-upper)
(unless no-restore-theme
(load-theme prev-theme t))))))
(defun make-jl-doom-all-themes ()
(let ((prev-theme doom-theme))
(dolist (theme make-jl-doom-themes--all)
(make-jl-doom-theme theme))
(load-theme prev-theme t))))
(provide 'make-jl-doom-theme)
;;; make-theme.el ends here

src/themes/1337.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-1337 theme
const __1337_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xd4d4d4, background = 0x191919),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xffffff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x191919),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff5e5e),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x468800),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x8cdaff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xd4d4d4),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x171f24),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff7676),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x619926),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xecfdb8),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x9ddfff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcd98c9),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x97e2ff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xf4f4f4),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x515151),
:region => Face(background = 0x282828),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xf4f4f4, background = 0xffffff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x8cdaff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff5e5e),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x468800),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x8cdaff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff5e5e, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xfc9354),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xfc9354),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x6d6d6d),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xfbe3bf),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfbe3bf),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xfbe3bf),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xfbe3bf),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfbe3bf),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xfc9354, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xfc9354),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xff5e5e),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff5e5e, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfc9354),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x468800),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfc9354),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x468800),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfc9354),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x468800),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xe9fdac),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x8cdaff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc586c0),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa8e3ff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd3a4cf),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc5ecff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x3d3d3d),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x3d3d3d),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff5e5e),
THEMES[:_1337] = __1337_FACES

src/themes/Iosvkem.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-Iosvkem theme
const _IOSVKEM_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xdddddd, background = 0x1b1d1e),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xfc20bb),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1b1d1e),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xd02b61),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd08928),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb77fdb),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x00aa80),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xdddddd),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b1d1e),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd74a78),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x77b626),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd79a48),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x82acf9),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc192e0),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x26b693),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x505050),
:region => Face(background = 0x464849),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfc20bb),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b1d1e, background = 0xfc20bb),
:code => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb77fdb),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xd02b61),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd08928),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb77fdb),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x00aa80),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x808080),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xd08928),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xd08928),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xd08928),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xd08928),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xd08928),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x00aa80),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x00aa80),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x00aa80),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd02b61, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb77fdb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb77fdb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb77fdb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x60aa00),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb77fdb),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x5699af),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x90b6f9),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc99fe3),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x77adbf),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x3a3a3a),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x3a3a3a),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x6c9ef8),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xb77fdb),

src/themes/acario-dark.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-acario-dark theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xcedbe5, background = 0x0d0e16),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xd85f00),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x0d0e16),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xd83441),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd8b941),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x8041d8),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x36d8bd),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xcedbe5),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0f1019),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xdd525d),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x8ddd54),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xddc35d),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x548ddd),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x935ddd),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x54ddc6),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xd0d0d0),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x767676),
:region => Face(background = 0x1e1e33),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xd85f00),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0f1019, background = 0xd85f00),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xd8b941),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xd83441),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd85f00),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xd8b941),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x8041d8),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x8041d8),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x767676),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd85f00, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x8041d8),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xd83441),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd83441, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x8041d8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xab11d8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x2d9574),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x8041d8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xab11d8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x2d9574),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x8041d8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x79d836),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xab11d8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x2d9574),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3679d8),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x3679d8),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8041d8),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xab11d8),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x689ae1),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9f70e1),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9abceb),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x4f535e),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x4f535e),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xd85f00),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xd83441),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-acario-light theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x0f1019, background = 0xf5f5f9),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x009b7c),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xf5f5f9),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xd70000),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xaf8700),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xaf005f),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x007687),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x0f1019),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xd0d0e3),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xdd2626),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x267726),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xbb9926),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x406eae),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xbb2677),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x268a99),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x1e1e33),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x4e4e4e),
:region => Face(background = 0xc0ccd0),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x009b7c),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xd0d0e3, background = 0x009b7c),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xaf8700),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xd70000),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd75f00),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xaf8700),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xaf005f),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xaf005f),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x4e4e4e),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd75f00, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xaf005f),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xd70000),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd70000, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xaf005f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x8700af),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x009b7c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xaf005f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x8700af),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x009b7c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xaf005f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x005f00),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x8700af),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x009b7c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x1f55a0),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xaf005f),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8700af),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x577fb7),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc33f87),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x8faacf),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xa2aab3),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xa2aab3),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x009b7c),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xd70000),

src/themes/ayu-dark.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-ayu-dark theme
const _AYU_DARK_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xbfbdb6, background = 0x0d1017),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xe6b450),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x0d1017),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xf07178),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffb454),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x39bae6),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xbfbdb6),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x2f3238),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xf2868c),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x92de79),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffbf6d),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x71cbff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd8b3ff),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x56c4e9),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x07080c),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x373b42),
:region => Face(background = 0x213145),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xe6b450),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x2f3238, background = 0xe6b450),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xffb454),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xd95757),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffb454),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xffb454),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xf29668, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xe6b673),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x373b42),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xffb454, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xe6b673),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xe6b673),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xe6b673),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xff8f40),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf07178, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdbb7ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x95e6cb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdbb7ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x95e6cb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7fd962),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdbb7ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x95e6cb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x59c2ff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd2a6ff),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdbb7ff),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x82d1ff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xddbcff),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xace0ff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x191b22),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x191b22),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xe6b450),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xf07178),

src/themes/ayu-light.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-ayu-light theme
const _AYU_LIGHT_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x575f66, background = 0xfafafa),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xff9940),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xfafafa),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xf07171),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf2ae49),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x399ee6),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xa37acc),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x55b4d4),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x575f66),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xd9c2c6),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xf28686),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x98be26),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf3ba64),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x56ace9),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb08dd3),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x6ebfda),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfcfcfc),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xede3e5),
:region => Face(background = 0xbce1f3),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xff9940),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xd9c2c6, background = 0xff9940),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xf2ae49),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xf51818),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xf2ae49),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xf2ae49),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xed9366, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xa37acc),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xa37acc),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xe6ba7e),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0xc4c7c9),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_number => Face(weight = :normal, foreground = 0xf2ae49),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xa37acc),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xe6ba7e),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xe6ba7e),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xe6ba7e),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xfa8d3e),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf07171, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x399ee6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa37acc),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb594d6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4cbf99),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x399ee6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x399ee6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa37acc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb594d6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4cbf99),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x399ee6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x399ee6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa37acc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x86b300),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb594d6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4cbf99),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x399ee6),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x399ee6),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa37acc),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb594d6),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x6ab6ec),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xba9bd8),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9ccef2),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xfafafa),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xfafafa),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xff9940),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xf07171),

src/themes/ayu-mirage.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-ayu-mirage theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xcbccc6, background = 0x1f2430),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xffcc66),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1f2430),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xf28779),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffd580),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x5ccfe6),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xcbccc6),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x3d434d),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xf3998d),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xc4e991),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffdb93),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x88d7ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xdac8ff),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x74d6e9),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x11131a),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x484f5b),
:region => Face(background = 0x2f3b54),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xffcc66),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x3d434d, background = 0xffcc66),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xffd580),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff3333),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffd580),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xffd580),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xf29e74, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xffe6b3),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x484f5b),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xffd580, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xffe6b3),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xffe6b3),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xffe6b3),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xffa759),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf28779, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdccbff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x95e6cb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdccbff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x95e6cb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xbae67e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdccbff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x95e6cb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x73d0ff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd4bfff),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdccbff),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x96dbff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xdecfff),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb9e7ff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2a2e3a),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2a2e3a),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xffcc66),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xf28779),

src/themes/badger.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-badger theme
const _BADGER_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf6f3e8, background = 0x171717),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x8ac6f2),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x171717),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe2434c),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe0d063),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe18cbb),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x00ffff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf6f3e8),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1d1d1d),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe65f66),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x98bc99),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe4d77a),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x9bcef3),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe59dc5),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x00ffff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x635770),
:region => Face(background = 0x434343),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1d1d1d, background = 0x8ac6f2),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xea9847),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe2434c),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xe0d063),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xea9847),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xc7b299, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x635770),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x635770),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xc7b299),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x656868),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf6f3e8, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x635770),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xc7b299),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xc7b299),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xc7b299),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe2434c, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe18cbb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbf93c3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x65a399),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe18cbb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbf93c3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x65a399),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe18cbb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x86b187),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbf93c3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x65a399),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe18cbb),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbf93c3),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa7d4f5),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xe8a8cb),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc4e2f8),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x8ac6f2),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xe2434c),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-challenger-deep theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xcbe3e7, background = 0x1e1c31),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x906cff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1e1c31),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff8080),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x95ffa4),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffe9aa),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc991e1),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0xaaffe4),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xcbe3e7),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x100e23),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff9393),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa4ffb1),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffecb6),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0xa1e2ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd1a1e5),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xb6ffe8),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xbac9e4),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x858fa5),
:region => Face(background = 0x3d4551),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x906cff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x100e23, background = 0x906cff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xc991e1),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff8080),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffe9aa),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x95ffa4),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xc991e1),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x63f2f1, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xaaffe4),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xaaffe4),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x565575),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xffe9aa),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffe9aa),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xffe9aa),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xffe9aa),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffe9aa),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xffb378, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xaaffe4),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xff8080),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff8080, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc991e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x95ffa4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x906cff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x63f2f1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc991e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x95ffa4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x906cff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x63f2f1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc991e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x95ffa4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x906cff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x63f2f1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x91ddff),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x91ddff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc991e1),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x906cff),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xace5ff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd6ace8),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc8eeff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x54546f),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x54546f),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x906cff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff8080),

src/themes/city-lights.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-city-lights theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xa0b3c5, background = 0x1d252c),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x5ec4ff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1d252c),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xd95468),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x8bd49c),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xebbf83),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x70e1e8),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xa0b3c5),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x10151c),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xde6d7e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x9cdaaa),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xedc895),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x76ccff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe6919e),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x85e5eb),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x9caabb),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x56697a),
:region => Face(background = 0x28323b),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x10151c, background = 0x5ec4ff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x33ced8),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xd95468),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xebbf83),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x8bd49c),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x33ced8),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xebbf83),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x41505e),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x539afc),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x539afc),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x539afc),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x539afc),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x539afc),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xebbf83),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xebbf83),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xebbf83),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd95468, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8bd49c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb62d65),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x33ced8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8bd49c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb62d65),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x33ced8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8bd49c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb62d65),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x33ced8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8bd49c),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x33ced8),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x4b9ccc),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x6fa97c),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x28a4ac),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x28323b),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x28323b),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x5ec4ff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xd95468),

src/themes/dark+.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-dark+ theme
const _DARK_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xd4d4d4, background = 0x1e1e1e),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x237ad3),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1e1e1e),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xd16969),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x579c4c),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd7ba7d),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x339cdb),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xd4d4d4),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x171f24),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd77f7f),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x70aa66),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xddc490),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x51aae0),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcd98c9),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x97e2ff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xf4f4f4),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x37474f),
:region => Face(background = 0x113d69),
:emphasis => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd4d4d4),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x171f24, background = 0x237ad3),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xd9daa2),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xd16969),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd7ba7d),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x579c4c),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xd9daa2),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x339cdb),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x339cdb),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x35cdaf),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x579c4c),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xb5cea8, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x339cdb),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x35cdaf),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x35cdaf),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x35cdaf),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x339cdb),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd16969, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x579c4c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd7ba7d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x579c4c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd7ba7d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc586c0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xdb8e73),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x579c4c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85ddff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd7ba7d),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x339cdb),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc586c0),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x66b4e3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd3a4cf),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x99cded),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x313131),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x313131),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x237ad3),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xd16969),

src/themes/dracula.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-dracula theme
const _DRACULA_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf8f8f2, background = 0x282a36),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xbd93f9),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x282a36),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff5555),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x50fa7b),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x61bfff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff79c6),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8be9fd),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f2),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1e2029),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff6e6e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x6afa8e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf3fa9d),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x78c8ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff8dce),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9cecfd),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f2),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x6272a4),
:region => Face(background = 0x44475a),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1e2029, background = 0xbd93f9),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x50fa7b),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff5555),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x50fa7b),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x50fa7b),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x8be9fd),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x8be9fd),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x6272a4),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x8be9fd),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xff79c6),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff5555, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x61bfff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff79c6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x50fa7b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x0189cc),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x61bfff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x61bfff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff79c6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x50fa7b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x0189cc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x61bfff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x61bfff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff79c6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x50fa7b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x0189cc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x61bfff),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xff79c6),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbd93f9, inherit = [:markdown_h1]),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd4b8fb, inherit = [:markdown_h2]),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xffa7d9, inherit = [:markdown_h3]),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xe4d3fc, inherit = [:markdown_h4]),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xffc9e8, inherit = [:markdown_h5]),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x252631),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x252631),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff5555),

src/themes/earl-grey.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-earl-grey theme
const _EARL_GREY_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x605a52, background = 0xfcfbf9),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x7686a9),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xfcfbf9),
:red => Face(foreground = 0x8f5652),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x747b4d),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0x886a44),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x556995),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x83577d),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x477a7b),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x605a52),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xfcfbf9),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0x9f6f6b),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x888e67),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0x998060),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x6e7fa4),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x957090),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x628d8e),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x4c4741),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x9e9a95),
:region => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, background = 0xf4eaee),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x7686a9),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xfcfbf9, background = 0x7686a9),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:nil]),
:error => Face(foreground = 0x8f5652),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0x886a44),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x747b4d),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:nil]),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x886a44, inherit = [:default]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x477a7b),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x477a7b),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:nil]),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x9e9a95, inherit = [:nil]),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x747b4d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x747b4d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x747b4d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x747b4d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x747b4d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x477a7b),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x477a7b),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:nil]),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:nil]),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:nil]),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x83577d),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8f5652, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x98a3bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb399af),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xaaae92),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb6a48c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8faead),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x98a3bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x98a3bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb399af),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xaaae92),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb6a48c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8faead),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x98a3bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x98a3bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb399af),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xaaae92),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb6a48c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8faead),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x98a3bd),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x83577d),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8f5652),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x477a7b),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x886a44),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x83577d),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x8f5652),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(foreground = 0x886a44),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(foreground = 0x886a44),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x477a7b),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),

src/themes/ephemeral.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-ephemeral theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf8f8f2, background = 0x323f4e),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x87dfeb),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x323f4e),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xf48fb1),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x53e2ae),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xbd99ff),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x79e6f3),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f2),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x181e26),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xf59fbc),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x6ce6ba),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf3fa9d),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0xa2c0f5),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc6a8ff),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8de9f4),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xebedef),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x505d6f),
:region => Face(background = 0x1e262d),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x87dfeb),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x181e26, background = 0x87dfeb),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x87dfeb),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xf2a272),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x53e2ae),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x87dfeb),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x985eff),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x985eff),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x79e6f3),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x56687e, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xf48fb1),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf48fb1),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xf48fb1),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xf48fb1),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf48fb1),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x53e2ae, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x985eff),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x79e6f3),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x79e6f3),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x79e6f3),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xf1fa8c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf48fb1, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xbd99ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x53e2ae),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x8897f4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xa1efd3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xbd99ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x53e2ae),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x8897f4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xa1efd3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xbd99ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x53e2ae),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x8897f4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xa1efd3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x87dfeb),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8897f4),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x92b6f4),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xf48fb1),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc574dd),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x56687e),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(foreground = 0xa1efd3, background = 0x1e262d),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(foreground = 0xa1efd3, background = 0x1e262d),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xa1efd3),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xf48fb1),

src/themes/fairy-floss.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-fairy-floss theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf8f8f0, background = 0x5a5475),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xc5a3ff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x5a5475),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffea00),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x55b3cc),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xffb8d1),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f0),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x464258),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd37c7c),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xcbffe3),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffed26),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x6ebed3),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xffc2d7),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xa5d2fe),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x716799),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xb8a2ce),
:region => Face(background = 0x464258),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x464258, background = 0xc5a3ff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffea00),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xe6c000, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0xe6c000),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xffea00),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffea00),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xffea00),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xffea00),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffea00),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_keyword => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xcc6666, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x55b3cc),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xffb8d1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8295d6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x55b3cc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x55b3cc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xffb8d1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8295d6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x55b3cc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x55b3cc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xffb8d1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8295d6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x55b3cc),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xe6c000),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc2ffdf),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8295d6),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb89900),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9bccb2),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x6877ab),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x9673d3),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x9673d3),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xc5a3ff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-feather-dark theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc4b8d3, background = 0x251d2f),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x9783b1),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x251d2f),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x7a619a),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x7dcfff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc4b8d3),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0f0c13),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff8281),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa7c77c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeec78e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x6bbbf1),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x8d78a9),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x90d6ff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xd3cade),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x503f65),
:region => Face(background = 0x3c3842),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x9783b1),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0f0c13, background = 0x9783b1),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xda8548),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xda8548),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x503f65),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xda8548, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xda8548),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x9783b1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff6c6b, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xda8548),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xda8548),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xda8548),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x7a619a),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9783b1),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x7cc3f3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9b88b3),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa8d7f7),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x292330),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x292330),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x9783b1),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-feather-light theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x4a3b5e, background = 0xf0edf4),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x9783b1),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xf0edf4),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xa07000),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x008ea1),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x4a3b5e),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xe8e4ee),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe1504e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x779926),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xae8526),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x2690bb),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xf57baa),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x269eaf),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x15111b),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xb4a5c7),
:region => Face(background = 0xd0cdd6),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x9783b1),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xe8e4ee, background = 0x9783b1),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xa07000),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x008070),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x008070),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xb4a5c7),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x008070, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x008070),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x875faf),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdc322f, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd75f00),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd75f00),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf4649b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x007daf),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8700),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd75f00),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xf4649b),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x875faf),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x008070),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x654783),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x006054),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x432f57),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xe1dbe9),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xe1dbe9),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x9783b1),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),

src/themes/flatwhite.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-flatwhite theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x605a52, background = 0xf7f3ee),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x7382a0),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xf7f3ee),
:red => Face(foreground = 0x955f5f),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x81895d),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0x957f5f),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x7382a0),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x9c739c),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x5f8c7d),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x605a52),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xf1ece4),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xa47777),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x939a75),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xa49277),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x8894ae),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xaa88aa),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x779d90),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x605a52),
:region => Face(background = 0xd8d4cd),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x7382a0),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xf1ece4, background = 0x7382a0),
:code => Face(weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x605a52),
:error => Face(foreground = 0x955f5f),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0x957f5f),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x81895d),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x605a52),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x465953, background = 0xd2ebe3),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x465953, background = 0xd2ebe3),
:julia_type => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0xb9a992),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x525643, background = 0xe2e9c1),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x525643, background = 0xe2e9c1),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x525643, background = 0xe2e9c1),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x525643, background = 0xe2e9c1),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x525643, background = 0xe2e9c1),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x465953, background = 0xd2ebe3),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x465953, background = 0xd2ebe3),
:julia_operator => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_comparator => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_assignment => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x614c61, background = 0xf1ddf1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x955f5f, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x7382a0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x9c739c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x81895d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x957f5f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8c7d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x955f5f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x7382a0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x9c739c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x81895d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x957f5f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8c7d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x955f5f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x7382a0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x9c739c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x81895d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x957f5f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5f8c7d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x955f5f),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x955f5f),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x957f5f),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9c739c),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x96a1b7),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb496b4),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb9c0cf),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(foreground = 0x5b5143, background = 0xf7e0c3),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(foreground = 0x5b5143, background = 0xf7e0c3),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x4c5361, background = 0xdde4f2),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x605a52, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-gruvbox-light theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x282828, background = 0xfbf1c7),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xa89984),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xfbf1c7),
:red => Face(foreground = 0x9d0006),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x79740e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xb57614),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x076678),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb16286),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x427b58),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x282828),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xf0f0f0),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xab262b),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x8d8832),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xc08a37),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x2c7c8c),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xbc7998),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x5e8e71),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x1d2021),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x504945),
:region => Face(background = 0xd9cea9),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xa89984),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xf0f0f0, background = 0xa89984),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xb57614),
:error => Face(foreground = 0x9d0006),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xaf3a03),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x79740e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xb57614),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x076678, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0xa89984),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x79740e),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x79740e),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x79740e),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x79740e),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x79740e),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x9d0006),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9d0006, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x076678),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb16286),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xd65d0e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x076678),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x076678),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb16286),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xd65d0e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x076678),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x076678),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb16286),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xd65d0e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x076678),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x9d0006),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xaf3a03),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8f3f71),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x458c99),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc489a4),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x83b2bb),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xebdbb2),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xebdbb2),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xa89984),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x9d0006),

src/themes/gruvbox.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-gruvbox theme
const _GRUVBOX_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xebdbb2, background = 0x282828),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xffffff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x282828),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xfb4934),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfabd2f),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xebdbb2),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0d1011),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xfb6452),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xc2c546),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfac64e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x95b2a7),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd3443e),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9ec98f),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfbf1c7),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x7c6f64),
:region => Face(background = 0x504945),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfabd2f),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0d1011, background = 0xfabd2f),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xfb4934),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xfabd2f),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xebdbb2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xfabd2f),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x928374),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xfabd2f),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xfabd2f),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xfabd2f),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xfb4934),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xfb4934, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfe8019),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfe8019),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfe8019),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xd3869b),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb8bb26),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xdb9eaf),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x8db58f),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xe4b6c3),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x313131),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x313131),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x928374, inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x928374),

src/themes/henna.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-henna theme
const _HENNA_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf8f8f0, background = 0x21272e),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xe74c3c),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x21272e),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x56b5c2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xffb8d1),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x56b6c2),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f0),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x10151a),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xea6659),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x6ce395),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeec78e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x6fc0cb),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xffc2d7),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x6fc0cb),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x606f73),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x2c313a),
:region => Face(background = 0x2e4a54),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x10151a, background = 0xe74c3c),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x606f73),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x56b5c2),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe74c3c, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x56b5c2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x9cd230),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x56b5c2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x9cd230),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x56b5c2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x9cd230),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x53df83),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xed786c),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x7ee7a2),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xaadae0),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x30373f),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(foreground = 0x1abc9c),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x30373f),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x53df83),
:markdown_list => Face(),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-homage-black theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xbbc2cf, background = 0x000000),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x0170bf),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x000000),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x46d9ff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff8281),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa7c77c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeec78e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x2785c8),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xce8ce2),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x61deff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:region => Face(background = 0x00365a),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0x0170bf),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xbbc2cf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xb4916d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb4916d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xb4916d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xb4916d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb4916d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xb4916d, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff6c6b, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x1c1f24),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x1c1f24),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x0170bf),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-homage-white theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x383a42, background = 0xfafafa),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x014980),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xfafafa),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe45649),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x556b2f),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x0184bc),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x383a42),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xf0f0f0),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe86f64),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x6e814e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xa77e27),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x276493),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb346b1),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x2796c6),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x383a42),
:region => Face(background = 0xd8d8d8),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xf0f0f0, background = 0x014980),
:code => Face(inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe45649),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x556b2f),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x383a42, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x383a42),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x383a42),
:julia_type => Face(inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x556b2f),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x8a3b3c),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x8a3b3c),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x8a3b3c),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x8a3b3c),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x8a3b3c),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x8a3b3c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x383a42),
:julia_operator => Face(inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_comparator => Face(inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_assignment => Face(inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_keyword => Face(inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe45649, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x556b2f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x556b2f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x556b2f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x383a42),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x383a42),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x383a42),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x383a42),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x383a42),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x383a42),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xe7e7e7),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xe7e7e7),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x014980),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xe45649),

src/themes/horizon.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-horizon theme
const _HORIZON_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc7c9cb, background = 0x232530),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xe95678),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x232530),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe95678),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x09f7a0),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfab795),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x6c6f93),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x59e3e3),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc7c9cb),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x16161c),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xec6f8c),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x2df8ae),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfac1a4),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x42c8cb),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x8284a3),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x71e7e7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfdf0ed),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xf9cec3),
:region => Face(background = 0x2e2f3a),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xe95678),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x16161c, background = 0xe95678),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe95678),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0x27d797),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x09f7a0),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xf09383),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xf09383),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x4e5059),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xfab795),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfab795),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xfab795),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xfab795),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfab795),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf09383, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xf09383),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xb877db),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe95678, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x6c6f93),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x09f7a0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb877db),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x6c6f93),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x09f7a0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb877db),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x6c6f93),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x09f7a0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb877db),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x21bfc2),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x6c6f93),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb877db),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x58cfd1),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9093ae),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x90dfe0),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(foreground = 0xf09383, background = 0x1a1c23),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(foreground = 0xf09383, background = 0x1a1c23),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xf09383),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xe95678),

src/themes/ir-black.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-ir-black theme
const _IR_BLACK_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf6f3e8, background = 0x000000),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x96cbfe),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x000000),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff6c60),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffffb6),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff73fd),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0xc6c5fe),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf6f3e8),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff8277),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb5ff77),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffffc0),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0xa5d2fe),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff88fd),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xcecdfe),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:region => Face(background = 0x353535),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0x96cbfe),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xffd2a7),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff6c60),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffffb6),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xffd2a7),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xffffff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x99cc99),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x99cc99),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xffffb6),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xff73fd, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x99cc99),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xffffb6),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xffffb6),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xffffb6),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff6c60, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff73fd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x00a0a0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff73fd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x00a0a0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff73fd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa8ff60),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x00a0a0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff73fd),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb0d8fe),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xff96fd),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xcae4fe),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x96cbfe),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff6c60),

src/themes/lantern.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-lantern theme
const _LANTERN_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xe4cbb3, background = 0x261b17),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xaa6a1f),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x261b17),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd79921),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x46d9ff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xe4cbb3),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b110e),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd3443e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa7a63c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xdda842),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x7cb1b1),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd998aa),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x61deff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xc18e76),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x554541),
:region => Face(background = 0x532f28),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xaa6a1f),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b110e, background = 0xaa6a1f),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xe35b15),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd79921),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xe35b15),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x805b87),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x805b87),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xd79921),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0xc18e76),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd79921, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x805b87),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xd79921),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xd79921),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xd79921),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xcc241d, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x805b87),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x805b87),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98971a),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x805b87),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x66a4a4),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd3869b),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x805b87),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x8cbaba),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xdea4b3),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb2d1d1),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x372924),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x372924),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xaa6a1f),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),

src/themes/laserwave.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-laserwave theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xffffff, background = 0x27212e),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xeb64b9),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x27212e),
:red => Face(foreground = 0x964c7b),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x74dfc4),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffe261),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xeb64b9),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0xb4dce7),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x222228),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xa5668e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x88e3cc),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffe678),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x5cbfcc),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xed7bc3),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xbfe1ea),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xeceff4),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x544863),
:region => Face(background = 0x4e2e49),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x1b1720),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x222228, background = 0xeb64b9),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xeb64b9),
:error => Face(foreground = 0x964c7b),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffe261),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x74dfc4),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xeb64b9),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xb381c5),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xb381c5),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xffe261),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x91889b),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xb4dce7),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb4dce7),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xb4dce7),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xb4dce7),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb4dce7),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xffb85b, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xb381c5),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xffe261),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xffe261),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xffe261),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x964c7b, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xeb64b9),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x74dfc4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb381c5),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4d8079),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xeb64b9),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x74dfc4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb381c5),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4d8079),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xeb64b9),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x74dfc4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb381c5),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4d8079),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x40b4c4),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x74dfc4),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x4d8079),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x33909c),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x5cb29c),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x3d6660),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x3e3549),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x3e3549),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xb4dce7),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x91889b),

src/themes/manegarm.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-manegarm theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x5b8512, background = 0x1c1408),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xffbf00),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1c1408),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff4e00),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x0075c4),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd72638),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x898989),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x5b8512),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff6826),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x8fc03a),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffc826),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x2689cc),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xdd4655),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9a9a9a),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x95836f),
:region => Face(background = 0x172204),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0xffbf00),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff4e00),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x707a6a),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xc5ac6b),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc5ac6b),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xc5ac6b),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xc5ac6b),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc5ac6b),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xdbc077, inherit = [:nil]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xff4e00),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff4e00, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdbc077),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd72638),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x0075c4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdbc077),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd72638),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x0075c4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff7000),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7cb518),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdbc077),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd72638),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x0075c4),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x0075c4),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd72638),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x76597b),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x3f97d2),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xe15c69),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x7fbae1),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xffbf00),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff4e00),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-material-dark theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xeeffff, background = 0x212121),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xffcb6b),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x212121),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xf57373),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xeeffff),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x171f24),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xf68888),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xcbeb9e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffd281),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x94b6ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcfa2ed),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9ae2ff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xa8a8a8),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x585858),
:region => Face(foreground = 0x80cbc4, background = 0x406562),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x171f24, background = 0xc792ea),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xf57373),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x626262),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf57373, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x82aaff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc792ea),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa1bfff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd5adef),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc0d4ff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x3a3a3a),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x3a3a3a),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xf57373),

src/themes/material.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-material theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xeeffff, background = 0x263238),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xc792ea),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x263238),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff5370),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xeeffff),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x171f24),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff6c85),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xcbeb9e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffd281),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x94b6ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcfa2ed),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9ae2ff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x9ba3a7),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x37474f),
:region => Face(background = 0x171f24),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x171f24, background = 0xc792ea),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff5370),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x556369),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff5370, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x82aaff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc792ea),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa1bfff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd5adef),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc0d4ff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x171f24),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x171f24),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff5370),

src/themes/meltbus.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-meltbus theme
const _MELTBUS_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xdddddd, background = 0x000000),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xcecece),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x000000),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xf8b0b0),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x448844),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xcdad00),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x87afff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xdb7093),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x46d9ff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xdddddd),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x000000),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xf9bbbb),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x609960),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd4b926),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x99bbff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe085a3),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x61deff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xefefef),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x8a8a8a),
:region => Face(inverse = true),
:emphasis => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdddddd),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x000000, background = 0x87afff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xdddddd),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xf8b0b0),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xda8548),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x448844),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xdddddd),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x8a8a8a, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x8a8a8a),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x8a8a8a),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x686868),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xdddddd, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x8a8a8a),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xacacac),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xdddddd),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf8b0b0, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x448844),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb22222),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf8b0b0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_1]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_2]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_3]),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x448844),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb22222),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf8b0b0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_1]),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_2]),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_3]),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x448844),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb22222),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf8b0b0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_1]),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_2]),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(inherit = [:julia_rainbow_paren_3]),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, background = 0x111111),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, background = 0x111111),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, background = 0x111111),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, background = 0x111111),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, background = 0x111111),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, background = 0x111111),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xdddddd),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x8a8a8a),

src/themes/miramare.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-miramare theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xe6d6ac, background = 0x2a2426),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xffffff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2a2426),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x87af87),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x89beba),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xe6d6ac),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0d1011),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe99395),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x99bb99),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xdec593),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x9ac7c4),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe99395),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x99c9a4),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfbf1c7),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x7c6f64),
:region => Face(background = 0x504945),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0d1011, background = 0xd9bb80),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x87af87),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x87c095, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xd3a0bc),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xd3a0bc),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x5b5b5b),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x87af87),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x87af87),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x87af87),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x87af87),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x87af87),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd3a0bc, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xd3a0bc),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe68183, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x87c095),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xd9bb80),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x87c095),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x87c095),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa6cecb),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xeca0a2),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc3dedc),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x313131),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x313131),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x87c095, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xe68183),

src/themes/molokai.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-molokai theme
const _MOLOKAI_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xd6d6d4, background = 0x1c1e1f),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xfb2874),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1c1e1f),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xb6e63e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe2c770),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xd6d6d4),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xea6659),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xc0e95a),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe6cf85),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x469cd8),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xfb4888),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x7cdef1),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x555556),
:region => Face(background = 0x4e4e4e),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0xfd971f),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xb6e63e),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xe2c770),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xb6e63e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xb6e63e),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x9c91e4, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x555556),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xe2c770),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xe2c770),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xe2c770),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xe2c770),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xe2c770),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x9c91e4, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe74c3c, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xb6e63e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xb6e63e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xb6e63e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xfb2874),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xfd971f),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9c91e4),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x5ca8dd),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xfb5d96),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x92c4e8),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x27292a),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x27292a),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xfb2874),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-monokai-classic theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf8f8f2, background = 0x272822),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xf92660),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x272822),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa6e22e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe6db74),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f2),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xea6659),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb3e64d),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe9e088),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x469cd8),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xf94677),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x7cdef1),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x555556),
:region => Face(background = 0x4e4e4e),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0xfd971f),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xa6e22e),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe74c3c),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xe6db74),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa6e22e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xa6e22e),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xf92660, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x9c91e4),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x9c91e4),
:julia_type => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x555556),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xe6db74),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xe6db74),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xe6db74),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xe6db74),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xe6db74),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x9c91e4, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x9c91e4),
:julia_operator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_comparator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_assignment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe74c3c, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa6e22e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa6e22e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa6e22e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x66d9ef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd971f),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xf92660),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xfd971f),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9c91e4),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x5ca8dd),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xfa5c87),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x92c4e8),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x27292a),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x27292a),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xf92660),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-monokai-machine theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf2fffc, background = 0x273136),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xf2fffc),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x273136),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffed72),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf2fffc),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x131313),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff8291),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xafe88e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffef87),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x8fdbf3),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x8fdbf3),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8fdbf3),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xb4c1c0),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5a6568),
:region => Face(background = 0x3a4449),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xffed72),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x131313, background = 0xffed72),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffb270),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xbaa0f8),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xbaa0f8),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x6b7678),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xffed72),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffed72),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xffed72),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xffed72),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffed72),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xbaa0f8, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xbaa0f8),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff6d7e, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xffb270),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffb270),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xffb270),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffb270),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xffb270),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffb270),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xffed72),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x7cd5f1),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa2e57b),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xf2fffc),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h4]),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h5]),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x373f43),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x373f43),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x7cd5f1, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff6d7e),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-monokai-octagon theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xeaf2f1, background = 0x282a3a),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xeaf2f1),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x282a3a),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xbad761),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffd76d),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xeaf2f1),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x131313),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff7c8d),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xc4dd78),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffdd82),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0xaad7c5),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xaad7c5),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xaad7c5),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xafb5b9),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x595d68),
:region => Face(background = 0x3a3d4b),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xffd76d),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x131313, background = 0xffd76d),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xbad761),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xff95be),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xbad761),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xbad761),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff657a, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xc39ac9),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xc39ac9),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x696d77),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xffd76d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffd76d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xffd76d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xffd76d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffd76d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xc39ac9, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xc39ac9),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff657a, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff95be),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xbad761),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xff95be),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff95be),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xbad761),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xff95be),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff95be),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xbad761),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xff95be),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xffd76d),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9cd1bb),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbad761),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xeaf2f1),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb4dccb, inherit = [:markdown_h4]),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xcde8dd, inherit = [:markdown_h5]),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x373a45),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x373a45),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x9cd1bb, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff657a),

src/themes/monokai-pro.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-monokai-pro theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xfcfcfa, background = 0x2d2a2e),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xfcfcfa),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2d2a2e),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa9dc76),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff6188),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xfcfcfa),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x19181a),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd37c7c),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb5e18a),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffdd7c),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x8ce1eb),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff7899),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8ce1eb),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfcfcfa),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x4c4a4d),
:region => Face(background = 0x4c4a4d),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfcfcfa),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x19181a, background = 0xfcfcfa),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xa9dc76),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa9dc76),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xa9dc76),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff6188, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x727072),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xff6188),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xcc6666, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xfc9867),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9dc76),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xfc9867),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9dc76),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x78dce8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xfc9867),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9dc76),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xab9df2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffd866),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x78dce8),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff6188),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xab9df2),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x99e4ed),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xff88a5),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xbbedf3),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2b2b2b),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2b2b2b),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xfcfcfa),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-monokai-ristretto theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xfff1f3, background = 0x2c2525),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xfff1f3),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2c2525),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xadda78),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xfff1f3),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x131313),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xfd7e95),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb9df8c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf9d382),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x97dfd3),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x97dfd3),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x97dfd3),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xbfb3b5),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x615959),
:region => Face(background = 0x403838),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x131313, background = 0xf9cc6c),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xadda78),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xf38d70),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xadda78),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xadda78),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xa8a9eb),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xa8a9eb),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x72696a),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xa8a9eb, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xa8a9eb),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xfd6883, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf38d70),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xadda78),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xf38d70),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf38d70),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xadda78),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xf38d70),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf38d70),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xadda78),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xf38d70),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xf9cc6c),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x85dacc),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xadda78),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xfff1f3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa3e3d8, inherit = [:markdown_h4]),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc2ece5, inherit = [:markdown_h5]),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x3c3535),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x3c3535),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x85dacc, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xfd6883),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-monokai-spectrum theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf7f1ff, background = 0x222222),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xf7f1ff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x222222),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfce566),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf7f1ff),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x131313),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xfc789e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x8edd9f),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfce87c),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x72dae9),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x72dae9),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x72dae9),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xb6b2bc),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x585659),
:region => Face(background = 0x363537),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfce566),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x131313, background = 0xfce566),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xfd9353),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x948ae3),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x948ae3),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x69676c),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xfce566),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfce566),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xfce566),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xfce566),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfce566),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x948ae3, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x948ae3),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xfc618d, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd9353),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd9353),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd9353),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd9353),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xfd9353),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfd9353),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xfce566),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x5ad4e6),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x7bd88f),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xf7f1ff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x83deec, inherit = [:markdown_h4]),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xace9f2, inherit = [:markdown_h5]),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x353536),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x353536),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x5ad4e6, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xfc618d),

src/themes/moonlight.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-moonlight theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc8d3f5, background = 0x212337),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x82aaff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x212337),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff757f),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc099ff),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc8d3f5),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x161a2a),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff8992),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xcbeb9e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffcf8b),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x94b6ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc9a8ff),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xbff9f9),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xb4c2f0),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x444a73),
:region => Face(background = 0x383e5c),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x161a2a, background = 0x82aaff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff757f),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x86e1fc, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xff995e),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xff995e),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x7a88cf),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xff995e, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xff995e),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xc099ff),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff757f, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc099ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff995e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff98a4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf989d3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc099ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff995e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff98a4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf989d3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc099ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff995e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff98a4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf989d3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffc777),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x50c4fa),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x86e1fc),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff98a4),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x82aaff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc099ff),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xff757f),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x222436),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x222436),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff757f),

src/themes/nord-aurora.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-nord-aurora theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xeceff4, background = 0x2e3440),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x9099ab),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2e3440),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xebcb8b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x88c0d0),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xeceff4),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x191c25),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xc87880),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb0c79d),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xedd29c),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x93afca),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xbf9eb9),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x99c9d7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xf0f4fc),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x4c566a),
:region => Face(background = 0x434c5e),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x9099ab),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x191c25, background = 0x9099ab),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xebcb8b),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xebcb8b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xebcb8b),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x88c0d0, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x9099ab),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd08770, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbf616a, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb48ead),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa0b8d0),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc6aac1),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc0d0e0),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x414754),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x414754),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x9099ab),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),

src/themes/nord-light.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-nord-light theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x3b4252, background = 0xe5e9f0),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x5d86b6),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xe5e9f0),
:red => Face(foreground = 0x99324b),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x398eac),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x3b4252),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xf0f4fc),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xa85066),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x699a66),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xa98926),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x5883b5),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xa65473),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x569eb8),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x485163),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xaebacf),
:region => Face(background = 0xb8c5db),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x5d86b6),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xf0f4fc, background = 0x5d86b6),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:error => Face(foreground = 0x99324b),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x8b94a5),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x97365b, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x99324b, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x842879),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x842879),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x842879),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x97365b),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x842879),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x6c92bd),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb16883),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9db6d3),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xc5d2e8),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xc5d2e8),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x5d86b6),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x99324b),

src/themes/nord.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-nord theme
const _NORD_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xeceff4, background = 0x2e3440),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x81a1c1),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2e3440),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xebcb8b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x88c0d0),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xeceff4),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x191c25),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xc87880),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb0c79d),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xedd29c),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x93afca),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xbf9eb9),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x99c9d7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xf0f4fc),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x4c566a),
:region => Face(background = 0x434c5e),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x191c25, background = 0x81a1c1),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x88c0d0),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xebcb8b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x88c0d0),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x6f7787),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbf616a, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8fbcbb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb48ead),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa0b8d0),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc6aac1),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc0d0e0),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x414754),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x414754),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x81a1c1),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),

src/themes/nova.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-nova theme
const _NOVA_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc5d4dd, background = 0x3c4c55),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x7fc1ca),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x3c4c55),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xdf8c8c),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xdada93),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x83afe5),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd18ec2),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc5d4dd),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0d0f11),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe39d9d),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb5d5a3),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfa3),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x95bbe8),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd79ecb),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x92cad1),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xe6eef3),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x556873),
:region => Face(weight = :bold, background = 0x657781),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0d0f11, background = 0x7fc1ca),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x83afe5),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xdf8c8c),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xdada93),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x83afe5),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x899ba6),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x9a93e1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdf8c8c, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x9a93e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x83afe5),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf2c38f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd18ec2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xdada93),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x9a93e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x83afe5),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf2c38f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd18ec2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xdada93),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x9a93e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x83afe5),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xf2c38f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa8ce93),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd18ec2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xdada93),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x83afe5),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd18ec2),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9a93e1),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa2c3eb),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xdcaad1),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc1d7f2),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2f3f48),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2f3f48),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x7fc1ca),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xdf8c8c),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-oceanic-next theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xd8dee9, background = 0x1b2b34),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xfac863),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2b34),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xec5f67),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x5fb3b3),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xd8dee9),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2b34),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xee777d),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa8cfa4),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfad07a),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x7ca8d3),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe6919e),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x77bebe),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xd8dee9),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xc0c5ce),
:region => Face(background = 0x4f5b66),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2b34, background = 0xfac863),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xec5f67),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x5fb3b3, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xf99157),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xf99157),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x65737e),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf99157, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xf99157),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xc594c5),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xec5f67, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc594c5),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5fb3b3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc594c5),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5fb3b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x99c794),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc594c5),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x5fb3b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6699cc),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x6699cc),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe27e8d),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc594c5),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x8cb2d8),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xe99ea9),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb2cce5),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x26353e),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x26353e),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xfac863),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xec5f67),

src/themes/old-hope.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-old-hope theme
const _OLD_HOPE_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xcbccd1, background = 0x1c1d20),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xfedd38),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1c1d20),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xea3d54),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x78bd65),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb978ab),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xcbccd1),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xed5a6d),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x8cc67c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfee255),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x69bedd),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc38cb7),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x69bedd),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:region => Face(background = 0x38383b),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0xfedd38),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xea3d54),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x78bd65),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x78bd65, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xea3d54),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xea3d54, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xea3d54),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x78bd65),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xea3d54),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x78bd65),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xea3d54),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x78bd65),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfedd38),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xee7b29),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x78bd65),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb978ab),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x4fb3d8),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xee7b29),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xee7b29, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x78bd65),

src/themes/one-light.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-one-light theme
const _ONE_LIGHT_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x383a42, background = 0xfafafa),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x4078f2),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xfafafa),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe45649),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x0184bc),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x383a42),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xf0f0f0),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe86f64),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x6aaf69),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xa77e27),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x5c8cf3),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb346b1),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x2796c6),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x9ca0a4),
:region => Face(background = 0xd8d8d8),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xf0f0f0, background = 0x4078f2),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe45649),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x9ca0a4),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xda8548, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x986801),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xe45649),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe45649, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa626a4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x50a14f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb751b6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xe45649),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xda8548),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb751b6),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x6f99f5),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xbc5cba),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9fbbf8),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xe7e7e7),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xe7e7e7),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x4078f2),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xe45649),

src/themes/one.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-one theme
const _ONE_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xbbc2cf, background = 0x282c34),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x51afef),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x282c34),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x46d9ff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff8281),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa7c77c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeec78e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x6bbbf1),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xce8ce2),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x61deff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:region => Face(background = 0x42444a),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0x51afef),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x51afef, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xda8548, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff6c6b, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc678dd),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x7cc3f3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd499e5),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa8d7f7),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff6c6b),

src/themes/opera-light.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-opera-light theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x2a2a2a, background = 0xfafafa),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x3b6ea8),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xfafafa),
:red => Face(foreground = 0x99324b),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x398eac),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x2a2a2a),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xfafafa),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xa85066),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x699a66),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xa98926),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x5883b5),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xa65473),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x569eb8),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x424242),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x9e9e9e),
:region => Face(background = 0xbdbdbd),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xfafafa, background = 0x3b6ea8),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:error => Face(foreground = 0x99324b),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0xb1b1b1),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x97365b, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x9a7500),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x99324b, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x842879),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x842879),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x97365b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x4f894c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x842879),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x29838d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x97365b),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x842879),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x6c92bd),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb16883),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9db6d3),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xe0e0e0),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xe0e0e0),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x3b6ea8),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x99324b),

src/themes/opera.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-opera theme
const _OPERA_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xeceff4, background = 0x323334),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x80a0c2),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x323334),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xc16069),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeccc87),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x86c0d1),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xeceff4),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x000000),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xca777f),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xafc89b),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeed399),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x93aecb),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc09eba),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x98c9d7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x525252),
:region => Face(background = 0x3f3f3f),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x000000, background = 0x80a0c2),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x8ebcbb),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xc16069),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xeccc87),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x8ebcbb),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xeccc87),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x747474),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xeccc87),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xeccc87),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xeccc87),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc16069, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8ebcbb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8ebcbb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb58dae),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa2bf8a),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8ebcbb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb58dae),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9fb7d1),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc7a9c2),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xbfcfe0),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x262626),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x262626),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x80a0c2),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xc16069),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-outrun-electric theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf2f3f7, background = 0x0c0a20),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x1ea8fc),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x0c0a20),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe61f44),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa7da1e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffd400),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff2afc),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x42c6ff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf2f3f7),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x131033),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe94060),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb4df3f),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffda26),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x3fb5fc),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff49fc),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x5eceff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x919ad9),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xba45a3),
:region => Face(background = 0x1f1147),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x131033, background = 0x1ea8fc),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x42c6ff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe61f44),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffd400),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa7da1e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x42c6ff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff2afc, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdf85ff),
:julia_nothing => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdf85ff),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xffd400),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x546a90),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x7984d1),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7984d1),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x7984d1),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x7984d1),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7984d1),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xffd400, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdf85ff),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xffd400),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xffd400),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xffd400),
:julia_keyword => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff2afc),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe61f44, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff2afc),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa7da1e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdf85ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xa875ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff2afc),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa7da1e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdf85ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xa875ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff2afc),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa7da1e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xdf85ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xa875ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa7da1e),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa875ff),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x1886c9),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x85ae18),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x865dcc),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x3b4167),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x3b4167),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x1ea8fc),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xe61f44),

src/themes/palenight.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-palenight theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xeeffff, background = 0x292d3e),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xc792ea),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x292d3e),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff5370),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xeeffff),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1c1f2b),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff6c85),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xcbeb9e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xffd281),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x94b6ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcfa2ed),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9ae2ff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xa6accd),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x676e95),
:region => Face(background = 0x3c435e),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1c1f2b, background = 0xc792ea),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff5370),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x676e95),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff5370, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xf78c6c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xc3e88d),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x89ddff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xffcb6b),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x82aaff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc792ea),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbb80b3),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa1bfff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd5adef),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc0d4ff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x3c435e),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x3c435e),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xc792ea),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff5370),

src/themes/peacock.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-peacock theme
const _PEACOCK_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xede0ce, background = 0x2b2a27),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xff5d38),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2b2a27),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x46d9ff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xede0ce),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x2b2a27),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff7555),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa7c77c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xc6da49),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x6bbbf1),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xce8ce2),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x61deff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:region => Face(background = 0x403f3e),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x2b2a27, background = 0xff5d38),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f0),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x5b6268),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xbcd42a),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f0),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f0),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xf8f8f0),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x26a6a6),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff5d38, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x26a6a6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x26a6a6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x98be65),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x26a6a6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc678dd),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x7cc3f3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd499e5),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa8d7f7),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2e3138),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff5d38),

src/themes/pine.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-pine theme
const _PINE_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xd5c9b0, background = 0x0c1400),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x85897f),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x0c1400),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x86914e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x83a598),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcc241d),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xd5c9b0),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0d1011),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd5684a),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x98a168),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe8b64a),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x95b2a7),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd3443e),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9ec98f),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfbf1c7),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x49503d),
:region => Face(background = 0x222b14),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xd5c4a1),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0d1011, background = 0xd5c4a1),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x86914e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x49503d),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x86914e),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x86914e),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x86914e),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x86914e),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x86914e),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xd3869b),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xce4e2b, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xe5aa2b),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8ec07c),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa2bbb1),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd85a55),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc1d2cb),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x161e0b),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x161e0b),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x8ec07c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xce4e2b),

src/themes/plain-dark.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-plain-dark theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xd7d5d1, background = 0x222222),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xbbbbbb),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x222222),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x838083),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xdddbd7),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xdddbd7),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xdddbd7),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0xdddbd7),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xdddbd7),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xdddbd7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x050505),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x545053),
:region => Face(background = 0x0e0c0a),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xbbbbbb),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x838083, background = 0xbbbbbb),
:code => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_nothing => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_type => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x545053),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x838083, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x838083),
:julia_operator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_comparator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_assignment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd7d5d1, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, slant = :italic, foreground = 0xe7e5e3),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbbbbbb, inherit = [:markdown_h1]),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, inherit = [:markdown_h2]),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h3]),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h4]),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h5]),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x444444),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x444444),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xbbbbbb),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xd7d5d1),

src/themes/plain.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-plain theme
const _PLAIN_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x282a2e, background = 0xffffff),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x444444),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:red => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x969896),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0x48494d),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x48494d),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0x48494d),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x48494d),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x48494d),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x48494d),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfafafa),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xc5c8c6),
:region => Face(background = 0xe7e7e7),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x444444),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x969896, background = 0x444444),
:code => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x282a2e),
:error => Face(underline = (0xa91012, :wavy)),
:warning => Face(underline = (0x444444, :wavy)),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_nothing => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_type => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xc5c8c6),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x969896, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x969896),
:julia_operator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_comparator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_assignment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x282a2e, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, slant = :italic, foreground = 0x48494d),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x444444, inherit = [:markdown_h1]),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, inherit = [:markdown_h2]),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h3]),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h4]),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, inherit = [:markdown_h5]),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xcccccc),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xcccccc),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x444444),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0x282a2e),

src/themes/rouge.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-rouge theme
const _ROUGE_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xfafff6, background = 0x172030),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xb16e75),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x172030),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf7e3af),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb18bb1),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x88c0d0),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xfafff6),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x070a0e),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xce8d91),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb0bba9),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf8e7bb),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x83a4c3),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xbc9cbc),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x99c9d7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xf0f4fc),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x64727d),
:region => Face(background = 0x5d636e),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xb16e75),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x070a0e, background = 0xb16e75),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xf9b5ac),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xf7e3af),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xf9b5ac),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xb18bb1),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x64727d),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xeabe9a, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),
:julia_keyword => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xb18bb1),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc6797e, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb18bb1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x7ea9a9),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb18bb1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x7ea9a9),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xb18bb1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3b09a),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x7ea9a9),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x6e94b9),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb18bb1),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x5d80ae),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x92aeca),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc4a8c4),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xb6c9dc),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x2a3448),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x2a3448),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xb16e75),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xc6797e),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-shades-of-purple theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xe3e9fa, background = 0x2d2b55),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x82aaff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2d2b55),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff000d),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x3ad900),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfad000),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0xff628c),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xe3e9fa),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x161a2a),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff2631),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x57de26),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfad726),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x94b6ff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xffab26),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xff799d),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xb4c2f0),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x444a73),
:region => Face(background = 0xb362ff),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x161a2a, background = 0x82aaff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xfad726),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff000d),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xfad000),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x3ad900),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xfad726),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xfb94ff),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xfb94ff),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x3ad900),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0xb362ff),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xa5ff90),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa5ff90),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xa5ff90),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xa5ff90),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa5ff90),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xfb94ff),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x3ad900),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x3ad900),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x3ad900),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff000d, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff98a4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xff628c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf989d3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfad000),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff98a4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xff628c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf989d3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfad000),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff9d00),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff98a4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xff628c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf989d3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xfad000),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x50c4fa),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9effff),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff98a4),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x82aaff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xff9d00),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xff000d),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x222436),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x222436),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x82aaff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff000d),
THEMES[:shades_of_purple] = _SHADES_OF_PURPLE_FACES

src/themes/snazzy.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-snazzy theme
const _SNAZZY_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xf9f9f9, background = 0x282a36),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x57c7ff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x282a36),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff5c57),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff6ac1),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9aedfe),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xf9f9f9),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x282a36),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff7470),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x72f89e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf4f9ab),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x70cfff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xff80ca),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xa9effe),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xff5c57),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xe2e4e5),
:region => Face(background = 0x44464f),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x282a36, background = 0x57c7ff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff5c57),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xff6ac1, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x9aedfe),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x606580),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf3f99d, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x9aedfe),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x9aedfe),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x9aedfe),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xffb86c),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff5c57, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff6ac1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xaad4d3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff6ac1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xaad4d3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xff6ac1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x5af78e),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xbd93f9),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xaad4d3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff6ac1),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x459fcc),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x81d5ff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xff8fd0),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xabe3ff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x78787e),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x78787e),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x57c7ff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff5c57),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-solarized-dark-high-contrast theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x8d9fa1, background = 0x002732),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x3c98e0),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x002732),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xec423a),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xc49619),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe2468f),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x3cafa5),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x8d9fa1),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x01323d),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xee5e57),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xa3b33c),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xcca53b),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x59a7e4),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe6619f),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x59bbb2),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x626c6c),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x62787f),
:region => Face(background = 0x01323d),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x01323d, background = 0x3c98e0),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xec423a),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xc49619),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xdb5823, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:julia_nothing => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:julia_type => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xc49619),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x62787f),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x7a7ed2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:julia_operator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xc49619),
:julia_comparator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xc49619),
:julia_assignment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xc49619),
:julia_keyword => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xec423a, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc49619),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xdb5823),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x3cafa5),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x7a7ed2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc49619),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xdb5823),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x3cafa5),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x7a7ed2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc49619),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xdb5823),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x93a61a),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x3cafa5),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x7a7ed2),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x93a61a),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x35a69c),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x3079b3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x758414),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x2a847c),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x13383c),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x13383c),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x3c98e0),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xec423a),
THEMES[:solarized_dark_high_contrast] = _SOLARIZED_DARK_HIGH_CONTRAST_FACES

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-solarized-dark theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x839496, background = 0x002b36),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x268bd2),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x002b36),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x839496),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x073642),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe1504e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x97a826),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xc09a26),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x469cd8),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd95494),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x49afa7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x626c6c),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x405a61),
:region => Face(background = 0x073642),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x073642, background = 0x268bd2),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xcb4b16, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_nothing => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x405a61),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd33682, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_keyword => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdc322f, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x35a69c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x35a69c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x35a69c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x268bd2),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x859900),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x35a69c),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x1e6fa8),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x6a7a00),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x2a847c),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x13383c),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x13383c),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-solarized-light theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x556b72, background = 0xfdf6e3),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x268bd2),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xfdf6e3),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x556b72),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xfffbf0),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe1504e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x97a826),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xc09a26),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x469cd8),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd95494),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x49afa7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x626c6c),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xd6d6d6),
:region => Face(background = 0xd6d0bf),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xfffbf0, background = 0x268bd2),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_nothing => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_type => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_comment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0x96a7a9),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x2aa198),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0x6c71c4, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_operator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_comparator => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_assignment => Face(slant = :italic, foreground = 0xb58900),
:julia_keyword => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdc322f, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x35a69c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x35a69c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xd33682),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x859900),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x35a69c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x268bd2),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd33682),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x6c71c4),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x5ca8dd),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xde68a1),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x92c4e8),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xf2e7d0),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xf2e7d0),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x268bd2),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xdc322f),

src/themes/sourcerer.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-sourcerer theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc2c2b0, background = 0x171717),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x87afd7),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x171717),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xaa4450),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xcc8800),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x87afd7),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0x8787af),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc2c2b0),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1d2127),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xb6606a),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x999977),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd39926),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x99bbdd),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0x9999bb),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x99d5ed),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xfaf4c6),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x62686e),
:region => Face(background = 0x32353f),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1d2127, background = 0x87ceeb),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xfaf4c6),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xaa4450),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xff9800),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xfaf4c6),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x719611, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0x578f8f),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0x578f8f),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x8181a6),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x686858),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xcc8800, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0x578f8f),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x8181a6),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x8181a6),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x8181a6),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x87afd7),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xaa4450, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x528b8b),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x578f8f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x6688aa),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8181a6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x528b8b),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x578f8f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x6688aa),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8181a6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x528b8b),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x578f8f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x6688aa),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x8181a6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x87875f),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x87afd7),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8787af),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8181a6),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa5c3e1),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa5a5c3),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc3d7eb),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x32353f),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x32353f),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x87ceeb),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xaa4450),

src/themes/spacegrey.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-spacegrey theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc0c5ce, background = 0x2b303b),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xd08770),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x2b303b),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x46d9ff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc0c5ce),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xc87880),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xb0c79d),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeec78e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x9fafbe),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xce8ce2),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x61deff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x65737e),
:region => Face(background = 0x4f5b66),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xd08770),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1b2229, background = 0xd08770),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xc0c5ce, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xd08770),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xd08770),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x65737e),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd08770, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xd08770),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xecbe7b),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbf616a, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xa3be8c),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb48ead),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0xc0c5ce),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa0adbc),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb1bac5),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x8fa1b3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9a98bb),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa590c3),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x262b35),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x262b35),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xd08770),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xbf616a),

src/themes/tokyo-night.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-tokyo-night theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xa9b1d6, background = 0x1a1b26),
:cursor => Face(background = 0xb4f9f8),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1a1b26),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xf7768e),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x73daca),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe0af68),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x7aa2f7),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xbb9af7),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xa9b1d6),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x414868),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xf88a9e),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x88dfd1),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xe4bb7e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x8daff8),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc5a9f8),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xbff9f9),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xc0caf5),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x9099c0),
:region => Face(background = 0x414868),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x414868, background = 0xb4f9f8),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x7aa2f7),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xf7768e),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xe0af68),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x73daca),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x7aa2f7),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x7dcfff, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xff9e64),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xff9e64),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xc0caf5),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x51587a),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x9ece6a),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x9ece6a),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x9ece6a),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x9ece6a),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x9ece6a),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xff9e64, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xff9e64),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xc0caf5),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xc0caf5),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xc0caf5),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xbb9af7),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf7768e, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xa9b1d6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x7aa2f7),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff9e64),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x73daca),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xe0af68),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xa9b1d6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x7aa2f7),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff9e64),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x73daca),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xe0af68),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xa9b1d6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x7aa2f7),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xff9e64),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x73daca),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xe0af68),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x7aa2f7),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbb9af7),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x9aa5ce),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9bb9f9),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xcbb3f9),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xbcd0fb),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(foreground = 0x7dcfff, background = 0x23242e),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(foreground = 0x7dcfff, background = 0x23242e),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0xb4f9f8),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xf7768e),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-tomorrow-day theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0x4d4d4c, background = 0xffffff),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x4271ae),
:black => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xc82829),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xeab700),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8abeb7),
:white => Face(foreground = 0x4d4d4c),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0xf2f2f2),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd04849),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x869d26),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xedc126),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x5e86ba),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xce8ce2),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9bc7c1),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0x000000),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0xa3a1a1),
:region => Face(background = 0xe4e4e4),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0xf2f2f2, background = 0x4271ae),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xc82829),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xeab700),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x4d4d4c, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xf5871f),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xf5871f),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xbb9200),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x8e908c),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xf5871f, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xf5871f),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xbb9200),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xbb9200),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xbb9200),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x8959a8),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc82829, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8959a8),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf5871f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xeab700),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8959a8),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf5871f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xeab700),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8959a8),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x718c00),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xc678dd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xf5871f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xeab700),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x3e999f),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x4271ae),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x8959a8),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x4271ae),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x8959a8),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x4271ae),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0xd6d4d4),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0xd6d4d4),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x4271ae),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xc82829),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-tomorrow-night theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc5c8c6, background = 0x1d1f21),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x81a2be),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x1d1f21),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),
:green => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc9b4cf),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8abeb7),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc5c8c6),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0d0d0d),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd37c7c),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0xc0c67e),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf2ce88),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x93afc7),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd1bfd6),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9bc7c1),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5c5e5e),
:region => Face(background = 0x333537),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0d0d0d, background = 0x81a2be),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:success => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xc5c8c6, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xde935f),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xde935f),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x5a5b5a),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xde935f, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xde935f),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0xb294bb),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xcc6666, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xb294bb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xde935f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xc9b4cf),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xb294bb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xde935f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xc9b4cf),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xb294bb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xde935f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb5bd68),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xc9b4cf),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xf0c674),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x81a2be),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc9b4cf),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xb294bb),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa0b9ce),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd6c6db),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xc0d0de),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x292b2b),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x292b2b),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x81a2be),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xcc6666),

src/themes/vibrant.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-vibrant theme
const _VIBRANT_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xbbc2cf, background = 0x242730),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x51afef),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x242730),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xff665c),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfcce7b),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xc57bdb),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x5cefff),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xbbc2cf),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x1c1f24),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xff7c74),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x8ecb89),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xfcd58e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x6bbbf1),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xcd8ee0),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x74f1ff),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xdfdfdf),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x62686e),
:region => Face(background = 0x3d4451),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x1c1f24, background = 0x51afef),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x5cefff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xff665c),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xfcce7b),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x5cefff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xc57bdb, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xa991f1),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xa991f1),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xfcce7b),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x62686e),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xe69055, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xa991f1),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xfcce7b),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xfcce7b),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xfcce7b),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xff665c, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc57bdb),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa991f1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc57bdb),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa991f1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xc57bdb),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7bc275),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa991f1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xc57bdb),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa991f1),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x7cc3f3),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd39ce3),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xa8d7f7),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x23272e),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x23272e),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x51afef),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xff665c),

src/themes/wilmersdorf.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-wilmersdorf theme
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xc6c6c6, background = 0x282b33),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x819cd6),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x282b33),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xe1c1ee),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xcfcf9c),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x7289bc),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xc6c6c6),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x222228),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xe5caf0),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x73a4b7),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd6d6aa),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x93aadc),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xb3cae4),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x879ac6),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xeceff4),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x888395),
:region => Face(background = 0x41454b),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x222228, background = 0x819cd6),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x7ebebd),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xe1c1ee),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xcfcf9c),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x7ebebd),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0xb0a2e7),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x6e7899),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0xb0a2e7),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0xb0a2e7),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0xb0a2e7),
:julia_keyword => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xe1c1ee, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb0a2e7),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x7ebebd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb0a2e7),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x7ebebd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xa6c1e0),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xb0a2e7),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x7ebebd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x819cd6),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x5b94ab),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x7ebebd),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x677cab),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x487688),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x649897),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x41454b),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x41454b),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x819cd6),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xe1c1ee),

src/themes/xcode.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-xcode theme
const _XCODE_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xffffff, background = 0x292a30),
:cursor => Face(background = 0x5dd8ff),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x292a30),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x67b7a4),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd0bf68),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd0a8ff),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x8abeb7),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x0d0d0d),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xfc8075),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x7dc1b1),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xd7c87e),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x75ddff),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xd7b5ff),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0x9bc7c1),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xffffff),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x5c5e5e),
:region => Face(background = 0x3e3f44),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:highlight => Face(foreground = 0x0d0d0d, background = 0x5dd8ff),
:code => Face(foreground = 0xd0a8ff),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),
:warning => Face(foreground = 0xd0bf68),
:success => Face(foreground = 0x67b7a4),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0xd0a8ff),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0xfd8f3f, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_symbol => Face(foreground = 0xa167e6),
:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xa167e6),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x6c7986),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xd0bf68, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
:julia_bool => Face(foreground = 0xa167e6),
:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:julia_keyword => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xfc5fa3),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xfc6a5d, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0xd0bf68),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0xfd8f3f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0x67b7a4),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd0a8ff),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0xa167e6),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0xd0bf68),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0xfd8f3f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0x67b7a4),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd0a8ff),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0xa167e6),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0xd0bf68),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0xfd8f3f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0x67b7a4),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0xd0a8ff),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0xa167e6),
:markdown_header => Face(),
:markdown_h1 => Face(height = 1.25, weight = :extrabold, foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xd0a8ff),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xa167e6),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x85e1ff),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xdbbdff),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xaeebff),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x292b2b),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x292b2b),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x5dd8ff),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xfc6a5d),

src/themes/zenburn.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Autogenerated from the doom-zenburn theme
const _ZENBURN_FACES = [
:default => Face(height = 181, weight = :regular, slant = :normal, foreground = 0xdcdcdc, background = 0x3f3f3f),
:cursor => Face(foreground = 0xdcdcdc, background = 0xffffef),
:black => Face(foreground = 0x3f3f3f),
:red => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),
:green => Face(foreground = 0x7f9f7f),
:yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf0dfaf),
:blue => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:magenta => Face(foreground = 0xdc8cc3),
:cyan => Face(foreground = 0x93e0e3),
:white => Face(foreground = 0xdcdcdc),
:bright_black => Face(foreground = 0x000000),
:bright_red => Face(foreground = 0xd3a3a3),
:bright_green => Face(foreground = 0x92ad92),
:bright_yellow => Face(foreground = 0xf2e3bb),
:bright_blue => Face(foreground = 0x9dd7d9),
:bright_magenta => Face(foreground = 0xe19dcb),
:bright_cyan => Face(foreground = 0xa3e4e7),
:bright_white => Face(foreground = 0xffffef),
:shadow => Face(foreground = 0x4f4f4f),
:region => Face(background = 0x2b2b2b),
:emphasis => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:highlight => Face(background = 0x494949),
:code => Face(foreground = 0x93e0e3),
:error => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),
:warning => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xdfaf8f),
:success => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0x7f9f7f),
:info => Face(),
:note => Face(),
:tip => Face(),
:julia_funcall => Face(foreground = 0x93e0e3),
:julia_identifier => Face(),
:julia_macro => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
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:julia_nothing => Face(foreground = 0xbfebbf),
:julia_type => Face(foreground = 0x7cb8bb),
:julia_comment => Face(foreground = 0x7f9f7f),
:julia_string => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),
:julia_string_delim => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),
:julia_cmdstring => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),
:julia_char => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),
:julia_char_delim => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),
:julia_number => Face(foreground = 0xdcdcdc, inherit = [:markdown_admonition]),
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:julia_operator => Face(foreground = 0x7cb8bb),
:julia_comparator => Face(foreground = 0x7cb8bb),
:julia_assignment => Face(foreground = 0x7cb8bb),
:julia_keyword => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xf0dfaf),
:julia_error => Face(weight = :bold, foreground = 0xcc9393, inverse = true),
:julia_parenthetical => Face(inherit = [:default]),
:julia_rainbow_paren_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_2 => Face(foreground = 0xdc8cc3),
:julia_rainbow_paren_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7f9f7f),
:julia_rainbow_paren_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_paren_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_paren_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_2 => Face(foreground = 0xdc8cc3),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7f9f7f),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_bracket_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_1 => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_2 => Face(foreground = 0xdc8cc3),
:julia_rainbow_curly_3 => Face(foreground = 0x7f9f7f),
:julia_rainbow_curly_4 => Face(foreground = 0xa9a1e1),
:julia_rainbow_curly_5 => Face(foreground = 0x4db5bd),
:julia_rainbow_curly_6 => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:markdown_header => Face(),
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:markdown_h2 => Face(height = 1.15, weight = :bold, foreground = 0xbfebbf),
:markdown_h3 => Face(height = 1.12, weight = :bold, foreground = 0x7cb8bb),
:markdown_h4 => Face(height = 1.09, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0xd0bf8f),
:markdown_h5 => Face(height = 1.06, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x93e0e3),
:markdown_h6 => Face(height = 1.03, weight = :semibold, foreground = 0x9fc59f),
:markdown_admonition => Face(weight = :bold),
:markdown_code => Face(background = 0x414141),
:markdown_footnote => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_hrule => Face(inherit = [:nil]),
:markdown_inlinecode => Face(inherit = [:markdown_code, :nil]),
:markdown_latex => Face(background = 0x414141),
:markdown_link => Face(foreground = 0x8cd0d3),
:markdown_list => Face(foreground = 0xcc9393),